Infrared Heterodyne Detection. Teich's work at Lincoln Laboratory was principally directed toward using the then-new
carbon-dioxide laser to demonstrate that optical heterodyne detection could be achieved in the mid-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum.[1]
Using a Ge:Cu photoconductive infrared detector of quantum efficiency η ≈ ½ , he observed the detection of 2/η photons per resolution time of the receiver, which represents ideal quantum performance.
This work led to the development of an infraredheterodynelaser radar (lidar),[2]
as well as to instrumentation suitable for infrared laser Doppler velocimetry, aerosol-pollution measurements, and airspeed/windshear measurements.
Columbia University
Optical Heterodyne Detection. The high sensitivity of infrared heterodyne detection, and its suitability for use in laser radar,[3] led Teich to formulate a field-theoretical treatment of heterodyning to provide a deeper understanding of the process. This approach revealed that optical heterodyne detection could be understood in terms of the absorption of individual polychromatic photons, and that the double- and sum-frequency currents associated with classical electric-field heterodyning diminish as the photon-absorption regime is approached.[4]
He developed a three-frequency heterodyne-detection scheme that allowed some of the more stringent requirements of conventional optical heterodyning to be relaxed without loss of sensitivity; these include the availability of a priori knowledge of the Doppler shift of a moving target and the necessity of having a highly stable local oscillator.[5]
With his student Rainfield Yen, he showed that the three-frequency scheme was also useful for cancelling phase or frequency noise.[6]
He then considered several variations on the theme of nonlinear optical heterodyne detection,[7]
including heterodyne correlation radiometry.[8]
Photon Statistics and Point Processes. As a complement to studying optical heterodyne detection, Teich also investigated optical direct detection, particularly at the single-photon level. Working with his students and colleagues, he studied the photon statistics and point processes that characterize various sources of light, and examined how these descriptions are modified by intensity modulation,[9]
transmission through active and passive random media[10]
such as the turbulent atmosphere,[11]
random deletion,[12]
the imposition of detector dead time,[13]
and the presence of detector feedback.[14]
It turns out that the processes of refractoriness (dead time) and relative refractoriness (sick time) also play an important role in the process of action-potential generation, as is manifested in neural-counting statistics.[15]
Together with Paul Prucnal, he established that single-threshold detection represents optimal receiver processing under a wide range of conditions.[16]
Shortly thereafter, working with Bahaa Saleh, he examined the statistical properties of luminescence radiation and proposed a description based on clustered photon emissions.[17]
They went on to suggest that the noise arising from luminescence photon clusters generated at the glass faceplate of a photomultiplier tube could be mitigated by deliberately including dead time in the photodetector circuitry. They then incorporated that approach in the design of the star-scanner guidance system for the NASA/JPL Galileo spacecraft, which was subject to intense radioluminescence background radiation as a result of bombardment by copious Jovian gamma-ray and beta-ray emissions.[18]
Single-Photon Detection at the Retinal Rod. The human retinal rod serves as a highly sensitive detector of light that operates on the basis of optical direct detection. The classic sensitivity experiment carried out by Hecht, Shlaer, and Pirenne (HSP) in 1942, which made use of a Poisson source of photons emitted by a ribbon filament lamp and was conducted under the best possible viewing conditions, led to the conclusion that the absorption of seven photons at the retina was required to elicit the sensation of seeing.[19]
Forty years later, in 1982, Teich assembled a multidisciplinary team of physicists, psychologists, and engineers to remeasure the ultimate sensitivity of the human visual system using a photonics-based update of the HSP apparatus that incorporated a laser source.[20]
The first experiment carried out by his team, which used a Poisson source of laser photons, paralleled that of HSP. However, rather than finding that seven photons were required to elicit the sensation of seeing, the new experiment revealed that even the absorption of a single photon at the retina could be perceived, provided that the false-positive rate were permitted to be sufficiently high. Sensitivity and reliability were determined to be traded against each other over a broad range as the observer modified an internal decision criterion. Parameter estimates for each subject were determined by using the normalizing transform and probit analysis.[21]
Indeed, it was subsequently demonstrated by Teich and his student Tao Li that a single photon absorbed at the rod is converted into a macroscopic current pulse via a six-stage chemical amplification process with a gain of approximately 10 million — the retinal rod behaves as a chemical analog of the photomultiplier tube widely used in photonics.[22]
The second experiment carried out by his multidisciplinary team used an acousto-optic modulator to impose triangular intensity modulation on the laser light, thereby converting the bell-shaped Poisson photon-number distribution into a flat photon-number distribution, as had been established earlier.[23]
The resulting frequency-of-seeing curves were found to be substantially less steep than those obtained using Poisson light, and this enabled the effects of stimulus fluctuations on visual-system sensitivity to be determined.[24] The team concluded that the shapes of the traditional frequency-of-seeing curves observed by HSP could not be ascribed solely to the Poisson photon-number fluctuations of the stimulus flashes, as HSP had proposed, but also depended on the intrinsic noise of the visual system. They suggested that
nonclassical light, in the form of a photon-number-squeezed or heralded single-photon source, which is devoid of intrinsic noise, would be the optimal choice for determining visual-system noise at threshold. Although such sources did not exist at the time, various approaches for constructing them had begun to be considered.
Squeezed Franck–Hertz Experiment. In 1983, Teich and Saleh conceived of pump-fluctuation control as a mechanism for generating a single-photon source, which is a form of nonclassical light. They suggested using a space-charge-limited version of the classic
Franck–-Hertz experiment in mercury vapor to generate antibunched and photon-number squeezed (sub-Poisson) light. These two features of nonclassicality are related but not identical.[25] In 1985 they created the first source of unconditionally photon-number-squeezed light using this method.[26]
In this approach, photon-number squeezing follows from space-charge-induced electron-number squeezing, which in turn is the result of an orderly stream of evenly spaced electrons engendered by Coulomb repulsion. The individual photon emissions from the mercury atoms are characterized by the Bernoulli state, and the counting statistics thus follow those of the binomial state of the quantized radiation field.[27] The latter interpolates between the number state and the coherent state, and can be antibunched, photon-number squeezed, and/or quadrature squeezed over different parameter ranges. Photon-number-squeezed light from semiconductor sources has also been generated using pump-fluctuation control.[28] This is, however, but one of a number of mechanisms available for generating nonclassical light.[29]
It had earlier been demonstrated that squeezed light is fragile and readily diluted by the random loss of photons and by the addition of background photons, which, when sufficiently strong, cause the behavior of nonclassical light to approach that of classical light.[30]
Nonclassical Light and Optical Components. Traditional optical components, even the simple beam splitter, can behave in unexpected ways when used with nonclassical light. The matrix representation of the lossless beam splitter belongs to the SU(2) special unitary group of unimodular, second-order matrices. For a general joint quantum state at the beam-splitter input, Teich and his student Richard Campos demonstrated that the joint photon-number distribution at its output is expressible as a Fourier series in the relative phase shift imparted by the beam splitter, and confirmed that balanced heterodyne detection can be attained.[31] Similarly, the matrix representation of the degenerate four-wave mixer belongs to the SU(1,1) special unitary group of matrices.[32] For a sufficiently strong pump field, the generation of quadrature-squeezed light can be achieved for arbitrary input quantum states by making use of a suitable combination of the output beams. Moreover, when properly interpreted, the SU(1,1) formalism also characterizes the degenerate parametric amplifier. Both SU(2) and SU(1,1) are subgroups of the Lorentz group O(3,2), with three space-like coordinates and two time-like coordinates, so that the cascade of an SU(1,1) device and an SU(2) device can yield squeezing for arbitrary input states when the pump is strong.
Noise in Avalanche Photodiodes. The avalanche photodiode (APD), a semiconductor photodetector that relies on the internal amplification of charge carriers (electrons and holes), is useful as a photon detector for both classical and nonclassical light.[33] Its operation is analogous to that of the photomultiplier tube, which functions via the internal amplification of electrons; the retinal rod, which is governed by intrinsic chemical amplification; and the polymerase chain reaction, which uses the recombinase polymerase amplification of a particular DNA sequence. Teich and Saleh reasoned that the excess noise introduced by carrier clusters in the APD multiplication region could be mitigated by endowing the device with dead space, in analogy with the use of detector dead time to mitigate the noise introduced by luminescence photon clusters at the faceplate of a photomultiplier tube. In a series of papers coauthored with Majeed Hayat and Joe Campbell, they established the statistical properties of the APD multiplication processes and associated noise, and demonstrated that incorporating dead space in the device design yielded a class of ultralow-noise APDs suitable for use in fiber-optic communication systems, as well as a class of single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs) with optimal breakdown-probability characteristics.[34]
Noise in Fiber-Optic and Neural-Network Amplifiers. Using an analysis similar to that carried out for avalanche photodiodes, Teich, together with Li and Diament, derived the statistics of the photon amplification process and noise produced in fiber-optic amplifiers.[35]
This work contributed to the development of optical amplifiers with improved performance.[36] As an illustration of how an analysis in quantum photonics can be carried over to computational neuroscience, McGill and Teich co-opted the statistical treatment of optical amplification to describe the flow of neural events in human sensory systems.[37]
As an example, the visual-system neural network, fed by the rod, comprises multiple stages of amplification at its manifold waystations, beginning with the retinal ganglion cell. The concatenation of a large number of amplification stages, each with small gain, can be modeled as a birth-death-immigration (BDI) branching process comprising amplification (birth), loss (death), and the ingress of spontaneous events (immigration). The absorption of a single photon at the retina then gives rise to a large collection of action potentials at the various visual nuclei in the brain, much as a single photon presented at the input of an optical amplifier results in a vast collection of photons throughout its length.[38] In both cases, a Poisson number of events presented at the input yields a noncentral-negative-binomial number of events at the output. This quantitative result is more accurate for determining fiber-optic system performance than is the Gaussian approximation often used in photonics, and it also offers (yet another) neural-based rationale for the origin of the Weber–Fechner Law in sensory detection.
Hensen's-Cell Vibrations in the Cochlea. As an example of quantum photonics in the service of cellular neuroscience, over a period of several years Teich and his students Suzanne Keilson and Conor Heneghan, together with Shyam Khanna at the Columbia University Medical Center, and Mats Ulfendahl and Åke Flock at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, carried out optical heterodyne measurements of the vibratory motion of individual, μm-size cells in the Organ of Corti.[39]
In the course of these studies of auditory function, which made use of wavelet analysis,[40]Hensen's cells were observed to vibrate even in the absence of external acoustic stimulation. This suggested the possibility that spontaneous vibrations originating at the outer hair cells might be responsible for spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs).[41]
Fractal Character of the Auditory-Nerve-Fiber Spike Train. While assessing the manner in which information associated with cochlear cellular vibrations is transmitted to higher auditory centers via individual fibers of the auditory nerve, Teich and Khanna examined the connection between different acoustic stimuli and the signature action-potential sequences they generated.[42] The mathematical representation of a sequence of action-potential occurrences, like that of a sequence of photon registrations, is a stochastic point process. Indeed, the techniques developed for studying the statistical properties of various forms of light in photonics can be directly carried over to the study of how different acoustic stimuli give rise to particular action-potential sequences in the domain of computational neuroscience. Unexpectedly, neural-counting experiments conducted with significantly longer counting times than those conventionally used revealed the fingerprints of fractal fluctuations in the action-potential patterns.[43]
Working with his students and with his postdocs Stefan Thurner and Markus Feurstein at Columbia, and with Murray Sachs and his student Winston Woo at Johns Hopkins, Lowen and Teich made use of wavelet analysis[44]
to show that the fractal features became more prominent as the counting time increased, and that this behavior was present in cat auditory-nerve-fiber spike trains both in the presence and in the absence of acoustic stimuli.[45]
Other researchers subsequently recognized that fractal behavior was manifested not only in auditory nerve fibers of the cat, but also in auditory nerve fibers of the chinchilla, chicken, and rat.[46] Similar behavior was soon discovered at higher auditory centers as well, including the cochlear nucleus, lateral superior olive, and inferior colliculus.
Fractal Shot Noise. The rate process underlying the fractal behavior of the auditory-nerve-fiber spike train was determined to be a form of shot noise with a 1/f-type spectrum. In the course of studying this process, Lowen and Teich constructed a linearly filteredPoisson process with a power-law decaying impulse response function, which led to a new form of shot noise — fractal shot noise.[47]
Fractal shot noise exhibits several unusual properties, including power-law behavior in many of its features and convergence to a Lévy-stable (rather than Gaussian) amplitude probability density over certain parameter ranges. Together with Robert Turcott, Lowen and Teich then confirmed that a Poisson-transformed version of fractal shot noise, which is a special fractal doubly stochastic Poisson process (FDSPP), suitably characterized the auditory-nerve-fiber spike train.[48] This model also turns out to properly describe the photon statistics of Čerenkov radiation generated by a random stream of charged particles in a dielectric medium,[49] thereby providing an example of computational neuroscience in the service of quantum photonics. Fractal shot noise, along with its Poisson-transformed cousin, also find application in other arenas where self-similar phenomena play a role, such as computer network traffic and earthquake occurrences.[50] Certain other fractal-based processes also exhibit a 1/f-type spectrum; one example is the alternating fractal renewal process that is a generalization of Mandelbrot's fractal renewal point process.[51]
Boston University
Fractal-Based Point Processes in Computational Neuroscience. Teich and Lowen recognized that the fractal behavior observed in the spike trains transmitted via auditory nerve fibers in the early 1990s had a broader presence in neuroscience. Indeed, in the late 1990's, in experiments conducted with Ralph Siegel, and with Ehud Kaplan and his student Tsuyoshi Ozaki, similar behavior was observed in the cat visual system.[52]
Also in the late 1990s, studies carried out at Columbia with Mu-ming Poo and his student Sydney Cash revealed the presence of fractal behavior in neurotransmitter exocytosis at the synapse.[53]
Others subsequently discovered fractal behavior at the suprachiasmatic nucleus and in presympathetic- and sympathetic neural discharges,[54] as well as at other loci. In 2005, Lowen and Teich collected a substantial array of findings related to fractal-based point processes in the biological and physical sciences and incorporated them into a monograph.[55][56] A lecture summarizing the central role of fractal-based point processes in neural information transmission, heart rate variability, and computer network traffic was presented in 2009.[57]
Entangled Photon Pairs in Quantum Photonics. Teich’s research in physics and photonics at Boston University followed the trajectory he had begun at Columbia: investigating the characteristics of nonclassical light. In particular, he studied the unique features of (and technological opportunities offered by) entangledphoton pairs generated via spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC). This is a nonlinear optical process in which a small proportion of the photons incident on a nonlinear optical material spontaneously split into twin photons linked by the conservation of energy and conservation of momentum. In the domain of nonclassical light, the study of entangled photon pairs is a judicious choice since random deletion, scattering, and additive noise are less deleterious than for squeezed light. Together with a number of colleagues, principally Bahaa Saleh, Alexander Sergienko, Giovanni Di Giuseppe and Silvia Carrasco; and a talented collection of students; he examined a collection of properties, behaviors, and applications of entangled photon pairs, for which representative citations are provided:
Entangled-Photon Microscopy (EPM). Among the areas investigated in detail was the absorption of entangled photon pairs by atoms and solids. Those studies suggested that the unique features of quantum entanglement could be useful in implementing a quantum version of two-photon microscopy that would offer improved imaging, at least in theory.[72]
Classical two-photon microscopy makes use of laser light, so the photons arrive randomly in time. Hence, the absorption of a pair of photons within the intermediate-state lifetime of the absorber requires a large photon-flux density, which can damage the specimen. In contrast, entangled photon pairs arrive synchronously, so that the required photon-flux density for absorption is reduced and so too is the potential photodamage. Using entangled photons has the further advantage that, at sufficiently low photon-flux densities, the absorption is directly (rather than quadratically) related to the incident photon-flux density. It also has the merit that the sum of the photon energies is sharp, rather than broad. This work was carried forward in a collaboration with Michael Kempe and Ralf Wolleschensky at Carl Zeiss Jena.[73]
A lecture summarizing the features of entangled photon pairs and their application to entangled-photon microscopy and quantum optical coherence tomography was presented in 2013.[74] Many groups are currently involved in carrying out research along these lines, but implementing the process has turned out to be challenging.
Quantum Optical Coherence Tomography (QOCT). The studies of quantum entanglement detailed above led Teich, along with his colleagues and students Ayman Abouraddy and Magued Nasr, to develop an interferometric imaging technique known as quantum optical coherence tomography (QOCT).[75]
Together with its polarization-sensitive cousin (PS-QOCT), investigated by his student Mark Booth,[76]
and in contrast with its classical counterpart (OCT),
this imaging modality has the salutary property that it is not degraded by the presence of even-order sample dispersion.[77] QOCT has been used to axially image a biological specimen, and A, B, and C scans have been collected.[78] QOCT resolution can be substantially enhanced by making use of ultra-broadband light generated by specially fabricated chirped, quasi-phase-matched, lithium-tantalate structures. The use of broadband superconducting single-photon detectors further improves the resolution. A review article that details the development, advantages, and limitations of QOCT and QMOCT (quantum-mimetic OCT) in relation to OCT was published by Teich, Saleh, Franco Wong, and Jeffrey Shapiro.[79] Several research groups are actively involved in advancing this technique.
As Professor Emeritus
Teich continues to pursue his research interests as Professor Emeritus in Columbia University and Boston University. In the domain of photonics, he is investigating the origin of the inverse-square photon-countpower spectral density at baseband observed for a broad variety of light sources. These fluctuations extend to < 1 μHz and were first observed in his laboratory at the Boston University Photonics Center.[80] Working with Bahaa Saleh, the Third Edition of Fundamentals of Photonics (Wiley) was published in 2019.[81] He is working on a textbook titled LED Lighting: Devices and Colorimetry (2025). His efforts in computational neuroscience are directed toward elucidating the role of fractal stochastic processes in sensory-system action-potential sequences.[55] and toward assessing the diagnostic value of various heart rate variability (HRV) measures for patients with cardiac dysfunction.[82]
He is also studying the detection laws of audition and vision in the context of models that integrate physiological and psychophysical function, and also incorporate neural amplification, particularly those with antecedents in his work with Gerard Lachs and William J. McGill.[83]
Teich, M. C.; Keyes, R. J.; Kingston, R. H. (15 November 1966). "Optimum heterodyne detection at 10.6 μm in photoconductive Ge:Cu". Applied Physics Letters. 9 (10): 357–360. DOI:10.1063/1.1754611.
Teich, M. C. (January 1968). "Infrared heterodyne detection". Proceedings of the IEEE. 56 (1): 37–46. DOI:10.1109/PROC.1968.6137.
Teich, Malvin Carl (May 1969). "Homodyne detection of infrared radiation from a moving diffuse target". Proceedings of the IEEE. 57 (5): 786–792. DOI:10.1109/PROC.1969.7073.
Teich, M. C. (1970). "Coherent Detection in the Infrared"(PDF). In Willardson, R. K.; Beer, A. C. (eds.). Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol. 5, Infrared Detectors. New York: Academic Press. pp. 361–407.
ISBN:9780127521053. Retrieved 10 October 2021.
Teich, M. C. (15 December 1969). "Three‐frequency heterodyne system for acquisition and tracking of radar and communications signals". Applied Physics Letters. 15 (12): 420–423. DOI:10.1063/1.1652885.
US patent 3875399, Teich, Malvin Carl, "Multi-frequency optimum heterodyne system", issued 1975-04-01, assigned to Research Corporation.
^Three-frequency nonlinear heterodyne detection for canceling phase and frequency noise:
Teich, Malvin Carl; Yen, Rainfield Y. (March 1975). "Three-frequency nonlinear heterodyne detection. 1: cw radar and analog communications". Applied Optics. 14 (3): 666–679. DOI:10.1364/AO.14.000666.
Teich, Malvin Carl; Yen, Rainfield Y. (March 1975). "Three-frequency nonlinear heterodyne detection. 2: Digital communications and pulsed radar". Applied Optics. 14 (3): 680–688. DOI:10.1364/AO.14.000680.
^Variations on the theme of nonlinear optical heterodyne detection:
Teich, Malvin Carl (August 1975). "Multiphoton optical heterodyne detection". IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. QE-11 (8): 595–602. DOI:10.1109/JQE.1975.1068756.
Teich, M. C. (1980). "Nonlinear Heterodyne Detection"(PDF). In Keyes, R. J. (ed.). Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. 19, Optical and Infrared Detectors (Second ed.). Berlin: Springer. pp. 229–300. ISBN:9783540082095. Retrieved 10 October 2021.
^Photocounting statistics for intensity-modulated light:
Diament, Paul; Teich, M. C. (1 May 1970). "Photoelectron-Counting Distributions for Irradiance-Modulated Radiation". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 60 (5): 682–689. DOI:10.1364/JOSA.60.000682.
Prucnal, Paul R.; Teich, Malvin Carl (1 April 1979). "Statistical properties of counting distributions for intensity-modulated sources". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 69 (4): 539–544. DOI:10.1364/JOSA.69.000539.
^Photocounting statistics for light transmitted through active and passive random media:
^Photocounting statistics for light transmitted through the turbulent atmosphere:
Diament, Paul; Teich, M. C. (1 November 1970). "Photodetection of Low-Level Radiation through the Turbulent Atmosphere". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 60 (11): 1489–1494. DOI:10.1364/JOSA.60.001489.
Peřina, J.; Peřinová, V.; Teich, M. C.; Diament, Paul (1 May 1973). "Two Descriptions for the Photocounting Detection of Radiation Passed through a Random Medium: A Comparison for the Turbulent Atmosphere". Physical Review A. 7 (5): 1732–1737. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevA.7.1732.
^Photocounting statistics in the presence of Bernoulli random deletion:
Peřina, J.; Saleh, B. E. A.; Teich, M. C. (December 1983). "Independent Photon Deletions from Quantized Boson Fields: The Quantum Analog of the Burgess Variance Theorem". Optics Communications. 48 (3): 212–214. DOI:10.1016/0030-4018(83)90088-3.
^Photocounting statistics in the presence of detector dead time:
Cantor, B. I.; Teich, M. C. (1 July 1975). "Dead-Time-Corrected Photocounting Distributions for Laser Radiation". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 65 (7): 786–791. DOI:10.1364/JOSA.65.000786.
Teich, Malvin Carl; Vannucci, Giovanni (1 October 1978). "Observation of Dead-Time-Modified Photocounting Distributions for Modulated Laser Radiation". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 68 (10): 1338–1342. DOI:10.1364/JOSA.68.001338.
^Photocounting statistics in the presence of detector feedback:
Shapiro, J. H.; Teich, M. C.; Saleh, B. E. A.; Kumar, P.; Saplakoğlu, G. (17 March 1986). "Semiclassical theory of light detection in the presence of feedback". Physical Review Letters. 56 (11): 1136–1139. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.56.1136.
Shapiro, J. H.; Saplakoğlu, G.; Ho, S.-T.; Kumar, P.; Saleh, B. E. A.; Teich, M. C. (October 1987). "Theory of light detection in the presence of feedback". Journal of the Optical Society of America B. 4 (10): 1604–1620. DOI:10.1364/JOSAB.4.001604.
Teich, Malvin Carl; McGill, William J. (29 March 1976). "Neural Counting and Photon Counting in the Presence of Dead Time". Physical Review Letters. 36 (13): 754–758, 1473. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.36.754.
Teich, Malvin Carl; Matin, Leonard; Cantor, Barry I. (March 1978). "Refractoriness in the maintained discharge of the cat's retinal ganglion cell". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 68 (3): 386–402. DOI:10.1364/JOSA.68.000386.
Teich, Malvin Carl; Diament, Paul (November 1980). "Relative refractoriness in visual information processing". Biological Cybernetics. 38 (4): 187–191. DOI:10.1007/BF00337011.
Teich, Malvin Carl; Saleh, Bahaa E. A. (June 1981). "Interevent-time statistics for shot-noise-driven self-exciting point processes in photon detection". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 71 (6): 771–776. DOI:10.1364/JOSA.71.000771.
Prucnal, Paul R.; Teich, Malvin C. (September 1983). "Refractory effects in neural counting processes with exponentially decaying rates". IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. SMC-13 (5): 1028–1033. DOI:10.1109/TSMC.1983.6313102.
Saleh, B. E. A.; Teich, M. C. (June 1985). "Multiplication and refractoriness in the cat's retinal-ganglion-cell discharge at low light levels". Biological Cybernetics. 52 (2): 101–107. DOI:10.1007/BF00364000.
^Single-threshold detection and optimal receiver processing:
Prucnal, Paul R.; Teich, Malvin Carl (15 November 1978). "Single-threshold detection of a random signal in noise with multiple independent observations. 1: Discrete case with application to optical communications". Applied Optics. 17 (22): 3576–3583. DOI:10.1364/AO.17.003576.
Prucnal, Paul R.; Teich, Malvin Carl (March 1979). "Single-threshold detection of a random signal in noise with multiple independent observations. 2: Continuous case". IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. IT-25 (2): 213–218. DOI:10.1109/TIT.1979.1056020.
Teich, Malvin Carl (15 July 1981). "Role of the Doubly Stochastic Neyman Type-A and Thomas Counting Distributions in Photon Detection". Applied Optics. 20 (14): 2457–2467. DOI:10.1364/AO.20.002457.
Saleh, Bahaa E.A.; Teich, Malvin Carl (1982). "Multiplied-Poisson Noise in Pulse, Particle, and Photon Detection". Proceedings of the IEEE. 70 (3): 229–245. DOI:10.1109/PROC.1982.12284.
Saleh, Bahaa E. A.; Stoler, David; Teich, Malvin Carl (January 1983). "Coherence and photon statistics for optical fields generated by Poisson random emissions". Physical Review A. 27 (1): 360–374. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevA.27.360.
Teich, Malvin Carl; Saleh, Bahaa E. A. (November 2000). "Branching Processes in Quantum Electronics". IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 6 (6): 1450–1457. DOI:10.1109/2944.902200.
^Saleh, Bahaa E.A.; Tavolacci, Joseph T.; Teich, Malvin Carl (December 1981). "Discrimination of Shot-Noise-Driven Poisson Processes by External Dead Time: Application to Radioluminescence from Glass". IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 17 (12): 2341–2350. DOI:10.1109/JQE.1981.1070714.
Hecht, Selig; Shlaer, Simon; Pirenne, Maurice Henri (20 July 1942). "Energy, Quanta, and Vision"(PDF). Journal of General Physiology. 25 (6): 819–840. DOI:10.1085/jgp.25.6.819. Retrieved 10 October 2021.
McGill, William J. (6 June 1977). Optical Communications and Psychophysics(PDF) (Technical report). Report of the National Science Foundation Grantee-User Meeting held at Columbia University, New York, New York.
Archived(PDF) from the original on 4 January 2022. Retrieved 4 January 2022.
^Teich, Malvin Carl; Prucnal, Paul R.; Vannucci, Giovanni; Breton, Michael E.; McGill, William J. (1 April 1982). "Multiplication noise in the human visual system at threshold: 1. Quantum fluctuations and minimum detectable energy". Journal of the Optical Society of America. 72 (4): 419–431. DOI:10.1364/JOSA.72.000419.
^Prucnal, Paul R.; Teich, Malvin Carl (February 1982). "Multiplication noise in the human visual system at threshold: 2. Probit estimation of parameters". Biological Cybernetics. 43 (2): 87–96. DOI:10.1007/BF00336971.
Teich, M. C.; Diament, Paul (January 1970). "Observation of Flat Counting Distribution for Poisson Process with Linearly Swept Mean". Journal of Applied Physics. 41 (1): 415–416. DOI:10.1063/1.1658357.
^Teich, Malvin Carl; Saleh, Bahaa E. A.; Stoler, David (1 July 1983). "Antibunching in the Franck–Hertz experiment". Optics Communications. 46 (3–4): 244–248. DOI:10.1016/0030-4018(83)90287-0.
^Teich, M. C.; Saleh, B. E. A. (1 February 1985). "Observation of Sub-Poisson Franck–Hertz Light at 253.7 nm". Journal of the Optical Society of America B. 2 (2): 275–282. DOI:10.1364/JOSAB.2.000275.
Teich, M. C.; Saleh, B. E. A. (December 1989). "Squeezed States of Light"(PDF). Quantum Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B. 1 (2): 153–191. DOI:10.1088/0954-8998/1/2/006. Retrieved 10 October 2021.
^Teich, M. C.; Saleh, B. E. A. (1 August 1982). "Effects of Random Deletion and Additive Noise on Bunched and Antibunched Photon-Counting Statistics". Optics Letters. 7 (8): 365–367. DOI:10.1364/OL.7.000365.
^Campos, Richard A.; Saleh, Bahaa E. A.; Teich, Malvin C. (1 August 1989). "Quantum-mechanical lossless beam splitter: SU(2) symmetry and photon statistics". Physical Review A. 40 (3): 1371–1384. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevA.40.1371.
^Reduction of noise by the incorporation of dead space in avalanche photodiodes:
Hayat, Majeed M.; Saleh, Bahaa E. A.; Teich, Malvin C. (March 1992). "Effect of dead space on gain and noise of double-carrier-multiplication avalanche photodiodes". IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 39 (3): 546–552. DOI:10.1109/16.123476.
Hayat, Majeed M.; Kwon, Oh-Hyun; Wang, Shuling; Campbell, Joe C.; Saleh, Bahaa E. A.; Teich, Malvin C. (December 2002). "Boundary effects on multiplication noise in thin heterostructure avalanche photodiodes: Theory and experiment". IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 49 (12): 2114–2123. DOI:10.1109/TED.2002.805573.
Kwon, Oh-Hyun; Hayat, Majeed M.; Wang, Shuling; Campbell, Joe C.; Holmes, Archie; Pan, Yi; Saleh, Bahaa E. A.; Teich, Malvin C. (October 2003). "Optimal excess noise reduction in thin heterojunction Al0.6Ga0.4As–GaAs avalanche photodiodes". IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 39 (10): 1287–1296. DOI:10.1109/JQE.2003.817671.
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^Entangled-multiphoton absorption and spectroscopy:
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^Entangled-photon focusing and optics for microscopy:
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