Vision, Robotics, and Planning—Intelligent Machines

Prof. J. Baillieul
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Systems Engineering

ENG ME/SE740 Course Outline: (Spring 2018)


1. Foundations of intelligent mechatronics
2. Geometry and robot coordinate systems
3. Euclidean group theory and kinematic equations
4. Differential relationships
5. Specifying robot motions
6. Analytical dynamics of mechanical systems
7. Control: basic issues
8. Control: sampled data systems
9. Control: advanced topics
10. The control theory of micro-mechanical systems
11. Advanced topics: kinematic redundancy
12. Advanced topics: Super-articulated mechanical systems
13. Advanced topics: Information based control
14. Advanced topics: Networked control systems

Communication regarding this course will frequently involve this Web page.

Spring 2017 Mini Projects Page.

The TED Lectures on Robotics

Professor Theodore E. Djaferis co-taught the course in the Spring of 2017. These are course notes that he has provided on selected lectures.
Lecture 4.
Lecture 5.
Lecture 6.
Lecture 7.
Lecture 8.
Lecture 9.
Lecture 10.
Lecture 11.
Lecture 12.
Lecture 13.
Lecture 14.
Lecture 15.
Lecture 16.
Lecture 17.
Lecture 18.
Lecture 19.
Lecture 20.
Lecture 21.


1. Exercise Set 1.
2. Exercise Set 2.
3. Exercise Set 3.
4. Exercise Set 4.
5. Exercise Set 5.

Project proposal review form

Download here.

If you wish to pursue a masters degree with Robotics Specialization noted on your transcript, please visit

Course handouts 2018 (click to retrieve):

1. Course syllabus outline: [PDF] or [HTML].
2. Course project description [PDF].
    —Sample proposals from 2017.

3. Sample project report (too long but otherwise good)

Elbow manipulator solution here.

Course readings: See Syllabus.

Intelligent Mechatronics Lab in the news.

Grades will be given for homework assignments (one every week or so), exam (midterm on some date when I need to be traveling), and most importanly, for a term project which will be assigned during the first few weeks of the class.

Mini Projects Page .

Last Revised: January 11, 2018