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N. Mohan, S. B. Lowen, and M. C. Teich, "Photon-Count Fluctuations Exhibit Inverse-Square Baseband Spectral Behavior that Extends to <1 μHz," Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 013170 (2020). [PDF]


M. C. Teich, "Multi-Photon and Entangled-Photon Imaging, Lithography, and Spectroscopy," Keynote address presented at the International Workshop on New Science and Technologies Using Entangled Photons (NSTEP), Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (ISIR), Osaka University, Osaka, Japan (8 July 2013). [PDF]


A. F. Abouraddy, G. Di Giuseppe, T. M. Yarnall, M. C. Teich, and B. E. A. Saleh, "Implementing One-Photon Three-Qubit Quantum Gates Using Spatial Light Modulators," Phys. Rev. A 86, 050303(R) (2012). [PDF]

A. F. Abouraddy, T. M. Yarnall, G. Di Giuseppe, M. C. Teich, and B. E. A. Saleh, "Encoding Arbitrary Four-Qubit States in the Spatial Parity of a Photon Pair," Phys. Rev. A 85, 062317 (2012). [PDF]


M. F. Saleh, G. Di Giuseppe, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Modal and Polarization Qubits in Ti:LiNbO3 Photonic Circuits for a Universal Quantum Logic Gate," Opt. Express 18, 20475-20490 (2010). [PDF]

M. F. Saleh, G. Di Giuseppe, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Photonic Circuits for Generating Modal, Spectral, and Polarization Entanglement," IEEE Photonics J. 2, 736-752 (2010). [PDF]


M. F. Saleh, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Modal, Spectral, and Polarization Entanglement in Guided-Wave Parametric Down-conversion," Phys. Rev. A 79, 053842 (2009), co-published in Virtual Journal of Quantum Information. [PDF]


T. Yarnall, A. F. Abouraddy, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Spatial Coherence Effects in Second- and Fourth-Order Temporal Interference," Opt. Express 16, 7634-7640 (2008). [PDF]


T. Yarnall, A. F. Abouraddy, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Synthesis and Analysis of Entangled Photonic Qubits in Spatial-Parity Space," Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 250502 (2007), co-published in Virtual Journal of Quantum Information. [PDF]

T. Yarnall, A. F. Abouraddy, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Experimental Violation of Bell's Inequality in Spatial-Parity Space," Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 170408 (2007), co-published in Virtual Journal of Quantum Information. [PDF]

A. F. Abouraddy, T. Yarnall, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Violation of Bell's Inequality with Continuous Spatial Variables," Phys. Rev. A 75, 052114 (2007). [PDF]


Z. D. Walton, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Noise-Immune Quantum Key Distribution," in Quantum Communications and Cryptography, edited by A. V. Sergienko (CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2006), ch. 10, pp. 211-224 (invited). [PDF]


Z. Walton, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Generation of Polarization-Entangled Photon Pairs with Arbitrary Joint Spectrum," Phys. Rev. A 70, 052317 (2004). [PDF]

Z. Walton, A. V. Sergienko, L. B. Levitin, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Symmetric Autocompensating Quantum Key Distribution," Proc. SPIE 5436 (Quantum Information and Computation II), edited by E. Donkor, A. R. Pirich, and H. E. Brandt, 65-68 (2004) (invited paper). [PDF]

Z. Walton, A. F. Abouraddy, M. C. Booth, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "One-Way Autocompensating Quantum Cryptography via Auto-Phase-Matched Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion," Proc. SPIE 5161 (Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging), edited by R. E. Meyers and Y. Shih, 332-340 (2004) (invited paper). [PDF]

H. Guillet de Chatellus, G. Di Giuseppe, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Engineering Entangled-Photon States Using Two-Dimensional PPLN Crystals," Proc. SPIE 5456 (Photon Management), edited by F. Wyrowski, 75-80 (2004). [PDF]


G. Di Giuseppe, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "High-Fidelity Entangled-Photon Link for Quantum Key Distribution Testbed," Proc. SPIE 5105 (Quantum Information and Computation), edited by E. Donkor, A. R. Pirich, and H. E. Brandt, 39-50 (2003) (invited paper). [PDF]

Z. D. Walton, A. F. Abouraddy, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Decoherence-Free Subspaces in Quantum Key Distribution," Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 087901 (2003). [PDF]

Z. D. Walton, A. F. Abouraddy, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "One-Way Entangled-Photon Autocompensating Quantum Cryptography," Phys. Rev. A 67, 062309 (2003), co-published in Virtual Journal of Quantum Information. [PDF]

Z. D. Walton, M. C. Booth, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Controllable Frequency Entanglement via Auto-Phase-Matched Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion," Phys. Rev. A 67, 153810 (2003). [PDF]

B. E. A. Saleh, A. F. Abouraddy, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich, "Quantum Interferometry, Entanglement, and Holography," Proc. SPIE 4829 (19th Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Optics for the Quality of Life), edited by G. C. Righini and A. Consortini, 549-550 (2003) (invited paper). [PDF]

B. E. A. Saleh, A. F. Abouraddy, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich, "Role of Entanglement in Quantum Holography," in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC), edited by J. H. Shapiro and O. Hirota (Rinton, Princeton, 2003), pp. 211-216 (invited paper). [PDF]

A. V. Sergienko, G. S. Jaeger, G. Di Giuseppe, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Quantum Metrology and Quantum Information Processing with Hyper-Entangled Quantum States," in Quantum Communication and Information Technologies, (Springer-Science/Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2003), pp. 13-45 (invited paper). [PDF]

A. V. Sergienko, G. Di Giuseppe, M. Atatüre, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Entangled-Photon State Engineering," in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC), edited by J. H. Shapiro and O. Hirota (Rinton, Princeton, 2003), pp. 147-152 (invited paper). [PDF]

G. S. Jaeger, M. Teodorescu-Frumosu, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Invariants of Multiple-Qubit Systems Under Stochastic Local Operations," in Foundations of Probability and Physics-2, Series on Mathematical Modelling in Physics, Engineering and Cognitive Science, vol. 5, edited by A. Khrennikov (Växjö University Press, Växjö, Sweden, 2003), pp. 273-284. [PDF]

G. Jaeger, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Entanglement, Mixedness, and Spin-Flip Symmetry in Multiple-Qubit Systems," Phys. Rev. A 68, 022318 (2003), co-published in Virtual Journal of Quantum Information. [PDF]

G. Jaeger, M. Teodorescu-Frumosu, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Multiphoton Stokes-Parameter Invariant for Entangled States," Phys. Rev. A 67, 032307 (2003), co-published in Virtual Journal of Quantum Information and Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology. [PDF]


A. F. Abouraddy, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Quantum Entanglement and the Two-Photon Stokes Parameters," Opt. Commun. 201, 93-98 (2002). [PDF]

A. V. Sergienko, M. Atatüre, G. Di Giuseppe, G. Jaeger, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Hyper-Entangled States and Free-Space Quantum Cryptography," Proc. SPIE 4821 (Free-Space Laser Communication and Laser Imaging II), edited by J. C. Ricklin and D. G. Voelz, 352-363 (2002) (invited paper). [PDF]


A. F. Abouraddy, B. E. A. Saleh, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich, "Quantum Holography," Opt. Express 9, 498-505 (2001). [PDF]

A. F. Abouraddy, B. E. A. Saleh, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich, "Role of Entanglement in Two-Photon Imaging," Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 123602 (2001). [PDF]

A. F. Abouraddy, B. E. A. Saleh, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich, "Degree of Entanglement for Two Qubits," Phys. Rev. A 64, 050101(R) (2001). [PDF]

Z. Walton, A. V. Sergienko, M. Atatüre, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Performance of Photon-Pair Quantum Key Distribution Systems," Opt. Acta: Int. J. Opt. 48, 2055-2063 (2001). [PDF]


T. Tsegaye, G. Björk, M. Atatüre, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Complementarity and Quantum Erasure with Entangled-Photon States," Phys. Rev. A 62, 032106 (2000). [PDF]

A. V. Sergienko, M. Atatüre, B. M. Jost, J. Peřina, Jr., B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Quantum Cryptography with Femtosecond Parametric Down Conversion," in Quantum Communication, Computing, and Measurement 2, edited by P. Kumar, G. M. D'Ariano, and O. Hirota (Springer-Science/Kluwer/Plenum, New York, 2000), pp. 405-411 (invited paper). [PDF]


A. V. Sergienko, M. Atatüre, Z. Walton, G. Jaeger, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Quantum Cryptography Using Femtosecond-Pulsed Parametric Down-Conversion," Phys. Rev. A 60, R2622-R2625 (1999). [PDF]


B. E. A. Saleh and M. C. Teich, "Information Transmission with Photon-Number-Squeezed Light," Proc. IEEE 80, 451-460 (1992) [Special issue on quantum electronics] (invited paper). [PDF]


B. E. A. Saleh and M. C. Teich, "Can the Channel Capacity of a Lightwave Communication System be Increased by the Use of Photon-Number-Squeezed Light?," Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 2656-2659 (1987). [PDF]

Last Updated: 13 January 2025
All Contents Copyright © Malvin Carl Teich 1996-2025