portion of the tutorial will list software programs that will "read"
DAISY books.

EaseReader by Dolphin Computer
Access is the preferred reader in use by the Boston University Office
of Disability Services. We provide each student approved for the accommodation
of Alternate
Format Textbooks and who has a personal computer with a copy of this
program. It is important for you to learn how to use this program for
testing and quality control of the work you are performing. Know how to
use the program will also assist you in the creation of DAISY Talking
Books as outlined in this tutorial.
The hardcopy of the manual
is available as is a CD-Rom with Demonstration Programs and Videos. The
New Jersey Unit of Recordings for the Blind and Dyslexic maintains a comprehensive
site of EaseReader
training materials.

eClipse Reader by Innovative
Rehabilitation Technology (IRTI).

VictorReader software by HumanWare - for both PC and Mac.

AspireReader by Aequus (formerly
eReader by CAST).