Boston University Office of Disability Services
DAISY Production Training Module

Table of Contents [sitemap]

In this step you will load the .doc files saved as "Webpage Filtered"
into the DAISY Production Program.

1. After all files have been cleaned and saved as "Web Page, Filtered" in the correct folder, open EasePublisher. Ensure the usb hasp key is inserted in the workstations USB port.

Ensure the usb hasp key is inserted in the workstations USB port

2. Use Create a New Project "From document(s)"

Use Create a New Project and click "From document(s)"

3. In the Project Wizard - choose "Create From Documents"

In the Project Wizard - choose "Create From Documents"

4. In the Create New Project Wizard under Project Title name the new project “Book_Title_DTB” [replace "Book_Title" with the actual title of the book]

5. To determine the Destination Folder for the finished product
a. Click “Select Folder”
b. Navigate to the folder containing your current project
c. create “New Folder” and title it "Book_Title_DTB"
d. click “OK”
e. then click “Next”

To determine the Destination Folder for the finished product  follow steps [a] thru [e] in part 5

6. Add all the .txt files for your project into the Create New Project Wizard.
a. Open all files using the top right button “add one or more files to list”
b. Click "OK" until you see the file list again.
+ Ensure that are files are listed and in the correct order - move them up and down if necessary
c. Click "Next"

Add all the .txt files for your project into the Create New Project Wizard.

7. In the next screen you will select the files to process using Auto Markup
a. Make sure the lower check-box is marked “import metadata info from documents”
b. Make sure the radio button below that is marked “import all metadata”
c. Click Generate – allow program to run …

Add all the .txt files for your project into the Create New Project Wizard

From this point forward you will be Marking-Up documents for the final encoding into DAISY.

The program will take you to the next step automatically and should see before you the Book Text on the left of the screen and a work box titled “Table of Contents editor” [F4] on the right. You will be going back and forth between these two screens.

The program will take you to the next step automatically and should see before you the Book Text on the left of the screen and a work box titled “Table of Contents editor” on the right. You will be going back and forth between these two screens.

  • First thing to do when the documents open up in EasePublisher: make sure the textbook chapters [FM, 01, 02, …99] are in the correct order in the “Table of Contents editor”. Sometimes the appear out of order.
  • Within the “Table of Contents editor”, under the headings tab, highlight the heading that is out of order, then use the up & down arrows to place it in its proper order. The list will re-order automatically.

    Note: Leave the “Table of Contents editor” open for the duration of the DAISY-making process.
    It provides easy access to the various components you will be marking-up and generally makes the whole process easier.