Boston University Office of Disability Services
DAISY Production Training Module

Table of Contents [sitemap]

You will be editing and cleaning-up the formatting of Microsoft Word files directly using both the textbook and the .pdf files as necessary.

Unless informed otherwise, make use of the textbook and mark it up as necessary.

The purpose of "editing" as regards DAISY book production is to clean-up and properly format the digital files created when .pdf was transformed to .doc. As you will see, this transformation has a tendency to mess-up the visual layout of the textbooks in use. The OCR (Optical Character Recognition) system used by Abbyy PDF Transformer may also miss converting some words and letters and these need to be cleaned-up as well. You will also be adding text, such as page numbers, that are important for the final production.

  • Open the raw Word document files of the front matter, back matter and each chapter and compare them to the pages in the textbook or the .pdf document. This is one of the more labor-intensive parts of the process.
  • The purpose of editing is to clean up any words and page formatting that may have been mangled in the process of transforming the file from .pdf to .doc.
  • The purpose of this training module is familiarize you with basic editing and thus you will begin with basic texts (single column pages, simple graphics and footnotes, no side boxes, etc.)

1. In order to make the text files easier to use, we need to clear all of the formatting:

  • Select all of the text [Ctrl+A] and clear the document formatting as follows:
  • "Format" + "Styles and Formatting" + "Clear Format"
  • Be sure to "save" after each and every step!

    NOTE: Other methods for preparing documents + files are available in the Advanced Conversion portion of this site.

2. Edit for misspelled words, additional characters, missing words (or pages), and structure.

  • Sometimes paragraph order can be switched - keep an eye out for this.
  • If working with a textbook with two columns per page, the transformation process into MS Word should place the left column on top and the right column on the bottom of the page. Check for this before starting to edit. This is a good thing if done for you as it will make your job easier.

3. You are going to make certain that any headers on the pages as well as the page numbers are separated from the text.

  • Place a line / space between headers and the blocks of text on the page.
  • Mark all Page Number as "Page #X". Doing so is important for the process coming up next.
    • Page numbers must be placed in the upper-left corner of each page.
    • This is standard for Braille and DAISY formatting.
  • Place an extra line / space between the page numbers and the blocks of text on the page.

4. The on-screen page must start and finish on the same word(s) as the hardcopy textbook.

  • Hyphenated words that go from one page to the next must be reunited on either of the two pages.
  • If sentences are split between pages they should remain split.
  • This is especially important as end-users may use these textbooks as resources in writing papers and references must be properly cited.

5. Pictures and Graphics:

  • Maintain all pictures/graphics and captions. Especially any number indicators (for example, "fig. 1")
  • For pictures/graphics without number indicators, create them in a logical manner (based upon chapter #)
  • Regardless of how you choose to label the pictures/graphics - be clear and consistent.
  • Later in this process you will be marking-up the pictures and adding text much like adding pictures to a webpage with "alt-tags".
  • Leave a line / space between "pictures" and the blocks of text on the page.
    • Sometimes the pictures/graphics may not survive the transformation process. Should this happen replace them with the following information in [block] parenthesis -
      • [Picture/graphic titled “place title here” has been removed. Please refer to page #X in the textbook]
      • [Caption “blar, blar, blar”]

6. Provide appropriate spacing [typically single space] between headings, page numbers, and other distinguishable text features [for example, to denote new paragraphs on a page, insert a line / space instead of indenting].

7. Save the completed files as "Web Page, Filtered"

  • As you complete the editing and cleaning up each .doc file (00_Front_Matter, #X_Chapters, 99_End_Matter) save them as "Web Page, Filtered" files in the same folder.

As you complete the editing and cleaning up each .doc file, save each as "Web Page, Filtered"

    • NOTE – In this section we have only working with the primary text portions of the textbooks.
      Unless directed otherwise, do not edit bibliographies, endnotes, footnotes, indexes.

    Refer to the following graphic for assistance

    Refer to this graphic during editing for  a visual example of editing necessities.

Move on now to Section Three (3):
Part I - Creating a New Project in EasePublisher