Boston University Office of Disability Services
DAISY Production Training Module

Table of Contents [sitemap]

The BUILD PROJECT will take the text synched with audio, and make a fully navigable DAISY Talking Book. This is where it all comes together.

When Text-to-Speech Encoding [previous step] is complete, press F9 to open the “Build Options” menu. This is where you’ll set the Final Recording options, Quality Settings and Project Location for your computer.

When Text-to-Speech Encoding [previous step] is complete, press F9 to open the “Build Options” menu. This is where you’ll set the Final Recording options, Quality Settings and Project Location for your computer.

1. Do not touch the "Validation", "Clean Up", "Protect", "Lock", or "Document" tabs. These have been preset and are not part of this training module.

2. Under the “Encoding” Tab, make sure the build distribution is selected at the bottom as a “Daisy 2.02 (audioFullText)”
+ Here you will also be able to select the recording quality.
+ The higher the MP3 quality, the larger the file size.
+ Set this at 16 kbps unless otherwise directed

Under the “Encoding” Tab, make sure the build distribution is selected at the bottom as a “DAISY AUDIO FULLTEXT

3. In the “Folders” tab, make sure the “put distribution books in subfolder of:” is marked as the current project.

  • Be certain to rename the subfolder Daisy_202_audioFullText to "Book_Title_DTB"

In the “Folders” tab, make sure the “put distribution books in subfolder of:” is marked as CURRENT PROJECT

4. PRESS START. The project will begin building and you will see the following screens as the work progresses automatically:

  1. Validate Project
  2. Cleanup
  3. Removing audio marker
  4. Encode mp3
  5. Modify documents

The project will begin building and you will see the following screens as the work progresses automatically

5. When you see the Build Report and all is said and done – press “Exit”

When you see the Build Report and all is said and done – press “Exit”

Now it is time to move on to Section Four (4): Saving and Testing