Volume 3

Issue 3.1-My Crazy Trip to Philly
Issue 3.2-Bobbleheads are Creepy
Issue 3.3-All Right! I've got nothing
Issue 3.4-Why I Like Ties
Issue 3.5-Bravo!
Issue 3.6-Connect Four: It's Like Tic, Tac, Toe, but More Hardcore!
Issue 3.7-I'm Rick James' Skelleton, Biatch!-Yeah, as I'm sure you can all ready tell from the title, this one's quite wrong. :-p
Issue 3.8-It's not that good, so I'm not putting it online. Sorry, folks . . .
Issue 3.9-Foul Carnage-Thanksgiving Special

Issue 3.10-Everybody Loves Wiener-Except Me-A look into the growing trend of people on tv, who most likely have rusty bedsprings .