Why I Like Ties

Hello again and welcome to Frankly Speaking, my column about stuff. The other day, I was sitting at my computer at home, and I started thinking about how ridiculous ties are. I mean, look at them! They're a floppy piece of fabric that you wear around your neck. Who in their right mind would wear something like that? Really, what was the inventor of the tie thinking? "Hey, I'm going to invent something completely ridiculous and people will not only wear it, they'll wear it to events where they want to look their best. Sucker."

However, being a lover of all things ridiculous, I cannot help but be enamored with the tie. The sheer stupidity of it makes it endearing to me. I love wearing it because it makes me look ridiculous, even if no one else thinks so. This is only made sweeter by the fact that everyone else looks ridiculous and THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW IT! It's like I'm the only one who gets the joke that it's creator was trying to make.

No matter what you say, I will always be convinced that the tie was some kind of joke that somehow caught on as a fashion staple, but in spite of what I think, people will be wearing ties for ages to come, and isn't that all that really matters?