Everybody Loves Wiener-Except Me

Hello again and welcome to "Frankly Speaking," my column about stuff. Today, I would like to talk about a growing epidemic on TV in this age. No, it's not reality TV (that's nothing more than a pesky annoyance right now, anyway). I'm talking about the worst thing that could happen to mankind-the glorification of the wiener!

Yes, the wiener. You know him well, he's the whiny, annoying guy, who usually has all the signs of a classic bed-wetter. One of the most infamous wieners, being David Schwimmer. Yes, Ross from Friends is a huge wiener, and I don't think I've ever seen him play a role, where he's not a wiener. He's always whining, or having his sister tell some embarrassing story about their childhood, only to have him dig himself even deeper be responding with a typical wiener response.

Of course, if I had to pick one wiener from TV to be crowned king of all Wienerdom, I would have to select Ray Romano. He is undisputedly the biggest wiener on TV. He plays a whiny little nancyboy, who lives across the street with his mommy, which his wife isn't too happy about, but since he's got no backbone, he won't stand up to his mommy, or at least move away.

So, I ask you, ladies and gentlemen, is this the type of TV that you want your children to watch? Do you want them to be bed-wetters? Do you want them to be constantly whining? Of course not. It's time we taught our kids to degrade and belittle these annoying pests, and isn't that all that really matters?