

Research Synopsis

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M. C. Teich, "Multi-Photon and Entangled-Photon Imaging, Lithography, and Spectroscopy," Keynote address presented at the International Workshop on New Science and Technologies Using Entangled Photons (NSTEP), Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (ISIR), Osaka University, Osaka, Japan (8 July 2013). [PDF]


M. C. Teich, B. E. A. Saleh, F. N. C. Wong, and J. H. Shapiro, "Variations on the Theme of Quantum Optical Coherence Tomography: A Review," Quant. Inf. Process. 11, 903-923 (2012) [Special issue on quantum imaging] (invited paper). [PDF]


M. C. Booth, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Polarization-Sensitive Quantum Optical Coherence Tomography: Experiment," Opt. Commun. 284, 2542-2549 (2011). [PDF]


N. Mohan, I. Stojanovic, W. C. Karl, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Compressed Sensing in Optical Coherence Tomography," Proc. SPIE 7570 (Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XVII), edited by J.-A. Conchello, C. J. Cogswell, T. Wilson, and T. G. Brown, 75700L (2010). [PDF]


M. B. Nasr, D. P. Goode, N. Nguyen, G. Rong, L. Yang, B. M. Reinhard, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Quantum Optical Coherence Tomography of a Biological Sample," Opt. Commun. 282, 1154-1159 (2009). [PDF]

N. Mohan, O. Minaeva, G. N. Gol'tsman, M. F. Saleh, M. B. Nasr, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Ultra-Broadband Coherence-Domain Imaging Using Parametric Downvonversion and Superconducting Single-Photon Detectors at 1064 nm," Appl. Opt. 48, 4009-4017 (2009), co-published in Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics. [PDF]


B. E. A. Saleh and M. C. Teich, "Noise in Classical and Quantum Photon-Correlation Imaging," in Advances in Information Optics and Photonics, Vol. PM183, edited by A. T. Friberg and R. Dändliker (SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, 2008), ch. 21 (invited). [PDF]

N. Mohan, O. Minaeva, G. N. Gol'tsman, M. B. Nasr, B. E. A. Saleh, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich, "Photon-Counting Optical Coherence-Domain Reflectometry Using Superconducting Single-Photon Detectors," Opt. Express 16, 18118-18130 (2008), co-published in Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics. [PDF]

M. B. Nasr, O. Minaeva, G. N. Goltsman, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Submicron Axial Resolution in an Ultrabroadband Two-Photon Interferometer Using Superconducting Single-Photon Detectors," Opt. Express 16, 15104-15108 (2008), co-published in Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics. [PDF]

M. B. Nasr, S. Carrasco, B. E. A. Saleh, A. V. Sergienko, M. C. Teich, J. P. Torres, L. Torner, D. S. Hum, and M. M. Fejer, "Ultrabroadband Biphotons Generated via Chirped Quasi-Phase-Matched Optical Parametric Down-Conversion," Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 183601 (2008), co-published in Virtual Journal of Quantum Information and Virtual Journal of Ultrafast Science. [PDF] -- Highlighted in "Optics in 2008," Opt. Photonics News 19 (12), 36 (2008) [PDF] and Magazine Cover [PDF].


S. Carrasco, M. B. Nasr, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, M. C. Teich, J. P. Torres, and L. Torner, "Broadband Light Generation by Noncollinear Parametric Downconversion," Opt. Lett. 31, 253-255 (2006). [PDF]


D. J. Cornforth, H. F. Jelinek, M. C. Teich, and S. B. Lowen, "Automated Processing of Post-Mortem Cortex Images Reveals Physiological Changes Associated with Dementia Sub-Types," in Proc. International Conf. on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation (CIMCA'04), edited by M. Mohammadian (University of Canberra, Australia, July 2004), pp. 646-656. [PDF]

D. J. Cornforth, H. F. Jelinek, M. C. Teich, and S. B. Lowen, "Wrapper Subset Evaluation Facilitates the Automated Detection of Diabetes from Heart Rate Variability Measures," in Proc. International Conf. on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation (CIMCA'04), edited by M. Mohammadian (University of Canberra, Australia, July 2004), pp. 446-455. [PDF]

J. B. Stewart, B. E. A. Saleh, M. C. Teich, and J. T. Fourkas, "Experimental Demonstration of Polarization-Assisted Transverse and Axial Optical Superresolution," Opt. Commun. 241, 315-319 (2004). [PDF]

A. F. Abouraddy, P. R. Stone, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Entangled-Photon Imaging of a Pure Phase Object," Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 213903 (2004), co-published in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology. [PDF]

S. Carrasco, J. P. Torres, L. Torner, A. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Spatial-to-Spectral Mapping in Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion," Phys. Rev. A 70, 043817 (2004), co-published in Virtual Journal of Quantum Information. [PDF]

S. Carrasco, J. P. Torres, L. Torner, A. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, "Enhancing the Axial Resolution of Quantum Optical Coherence Tomography by Chirped Quasi-Phase-Matching," Opt. Lett. 29, 2429-2431 (2004). [PDF]

M. C. Booth, G. Di Giuseppe, B. E. A. Saleh, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich, "Polarization-Sensitive Quantum-Optical Coherence Tomography," Phys. Rev. A 69, 043815 (2004). [PDF]

M. B. Nasr, B. E. A. Saleh, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich, "Dispersion-Cancelled and Dispersion-Sensitive Quantum Optical Coherence Tomography," Opt. Express 12, 1353-1362 (2004). [PDF]


M. B. Nasr, B. E. A. Saleh, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich, "Demonstration of Dispersion-Cancelled Quantum-Optical Coherence Tomography," Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 083601 (2003). [PDF]

B. E. A. Saleh, A. F. Abouraddy, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich, "Quantum Interferometry, Entanglement, and Holography," Proc. SPIE 4829 (19th Congress of the International Commission for Optics: Optics for the Quality of Life), edited by G. C. Righini and A. Consortini, 549-550 (2003) (invited paper). [PDF]

B. E. A. Saleh, A. F. Abouraddy, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich, "Role of Entanglement in Quantum Holography," in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing (QCMC), edited by J. H. Shapiro and O. Hirota (Rinton, Princeton, 2003), pp. 211-216 (invited paper). [PDF]

A. I. Whiting, A. F. Abouraddy, B. E. A. Saleh, M. C. Teich, and J. T. Fourkas, "Polarization-Assisted Transverse and Axial Superresolution," Opt. Express 11, 1714-1723 (2003). [PDF]


A. F. Abouraddy, M. B. Nasr, B. E. A. Saleh, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich, "Quantum-Optical Coherence Tomography with Dispersion Cancellation," Phys. Rev. A 65, 053817 (2002). [PDF]

M. B. Nasr, A. F. Abouraddy, M. C. Booth, B. E. A. Saleh, A. V. Sergienko, M. C. Teich, M. Kempe, and R. Wolleschensky, "Biphoton Focusing for Two-Photon Excitation," Phys. Rev. A 65, 023816 (2002). [PDF]

A. F. Abouraddy, B. E. A. Saleh, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich, "Entangled-Photon Fourier Optics," J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 19, 1174-1184 (2002). [PDF]


A. F. Abouraddy, B. E. A. Saleh, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich, "Quantum Holography," Opt. Express 9, 498-505 (2001). [PDF]


B. E. A. Saleh, A. F. Abouraddy, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich, "Duality Between Partial Coherence and Partial Entanglement," Phys. Rev. A 62, 043816 (2000). [PDF]


M. C. Teich and B. E. A. Saleh, "Entangled-Photon Microscopy, Spectroscopy, and Display," U.S. Patent Number 5,796,477 (40 claims), issued 8/18/98. [PDF]

M. C. Teich and B. E. A. Saleh, "Mikroskopie s kvantově provázanými fotony (Entangled-Photon Microscopy)," Československý časopis pro fyziku 47, 3-8 (1997) (invited paper). [PDF-Czech] [PDF-English]


T. S. Larchuk, M. C. Teich, and B. E. A. Saleh, "Nonlocal Cancellation of Dispersive Broadening in Mach-Zehnder Interferometers," Phys. Rev. A 52, 4145-4154 (1995). [PDF]


M. C. Teich and B. I. Cantor, "Information, Error, and Imaging in Deadtime-Perturbed Doubly Stochastic Poisson Counting Systems," IEEE J. Quant. Electron. QE-14, 993-1003 (1978). [PDF]

Last Updated: 13 January 2025
All Contents Copyright © Malvin Carl Teich 1996-2025