BU Manufacturing Engineering

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Environmental degredation of materials


Coalesence if silicon dioxide islands below a chromium oxide scale during high temperature oxidation of a fine grained stainless steel alloy.

Hot corrosion of SiC exposed to molten sodium sulfate at 1100°C for 300 hours.

Although stainless steels rely on the formation of a protective chromium oxide scale, additional oxidation resistance can be achieved if silicon is added to the alloy to form a continuous silicon dioxide scale. Typically, the concentration of silicon required for this to occur is high enough to form brittle, low melting temperature phases that are detrimental to its mechanical properties. Our research involves investigation of processes by which a silica scale can be formed rapidly without degradation of alloy mechanical properties, leading to the development of highly corrosion resistant alloys with lower concentrations of chromium, which is both expensive and strategic.

Another area of interest is the study of diffusion mechanisms in thermally grown protective oxide scales by the 'tracer oxidation' process. Our research involves modeling the diffusion process such that the grain boundary and bulk diffusivities of cations and anions can be estimated from the tracer concentration profile in the oxide.



T. Ando, Northeastern University


Please click on any active link to read pdf versions of the articles.

S.N. Basu, Arun K. Pattanaik, and V.K. Sarin, "Oxidation and Corrosion Resistant CVD Mullite Coatings", Proceedings of Emerging Trends in Corrosion Control, Volume 2, A.S. Khanna, K.S. Sharma and A.K. Singha, Eds., NACE International, Academia Books International, New Delhi, India, 1999, pp 1016-1025.

S.N. Basu and V.K. Sarin, "On the Oxidation Behavior of WC-Co", Materials Science and Engineering, A209, 206 (1996).

S. McDowell, S.N. Basu and T. Ando, "Processing and Oxidation of Nitride Stabilized 18Cr-20Ni Stainless Steel", Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 362, 111 (1995).

C.S. McDowell and S.N. Basu, "Alloy-Grain-Size Dependence of the Effectiveness of Silica Coatings as Oxidation Barriers on Stainless Steel", Oxid. Metals 44 (3/4), 263 (1995).

N. Appannagaari and S.N. Basu, "Modeling of O-18 Tracer Distribution During 'Double Oxidation' Experiments for Inward Growing Scales", Journal of Applied Physics, 78 (3), 2060 (1995).

C.S. McDowell and S. N. Basu, "Effect of Alloy Grain Size on Oxidation Resistance of Silica- Coated Stainless Steel", Proceedings of the Microscopy Society of America, G. W. Bailey and A. J. Garratt-Reed eds., MSA, pp 676 (1994).

S. N. Basu, D. Nath and J. Tebbets, "Microstructural Evolution of Multilayered Oxide Scales on Stainless Steels", Mat. Res. Soc. Sym. Proc. 280, 541 (1993).



NSF - Processing of Fine-Grained Stainless Steels for Improved Oxidation Resistance (with T. Ando).

DOE - Corrosion Protection of SiC Based Ceramics (with V.K. Sarin).

UTC - Study of the ‘Rare Earth Effect’.

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