ENG EK 306: Materials Science
Prereq: CAS PY 212; PY 313 recommended. Structure
and properties of solids; crystalline structure; defect
structures; atom movement and diffusion; nucleation
and growth; deformation; phase diagrams; strengthening
mechanisms; heat treatment; ferrous/nonferrous alloys;
ceramics; polymers; composites.
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ENG MN 531: Phase Transformations
Prereq: ENG EK 306 or graduate standing. Graduate-level
introduction to phase transformations; solution thermodynamics;
phase diagrams; kinetics of mass transport and chemical
reactions; atomistic models of diffusion; nucleation
and growth; spinodal decomposition; martensitic transformations;
order-disorder reactions; point defects and their
relation to transport kinetics.
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ENG MN 532: Mechanical Behavior of
Prereq: ENG EK 305 and 306 or graduate standing. Relates
mechanical behavior of crystalline materials to processes
occurring at microscopic and/or atomic levels. Topics
covered include structure of materials and their determination
by X-ray diffraction; dislocations and their relationship
to plastic deformation and strength of materials;
fracture and creep.
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