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Bibliography in Ecological Ethics and Eco-Theology: U-Z

This list of resources in ecological ethics and eco-theology has been compiled by my research assistant Charles Demm as of October 1, 2003, with thanks to a number of other existing sources, especially John Cobb's "Ecotheology Book list" found on his web page and in the revised edition of Is It Too Late? A Theology of Ecology; and Joseph K. Sheldon's Rediscovery of Creation: A Bibliographical Study of the Church's Response to the Environmental Crisis.

WARNING: This is a long file.

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Umphrey, L. (1971). Pitfalls and Promises of Biblical Texts as a Basis for a Theology of Nature.” In G. C. Stone (Ed.), A New Ethic for a New Earth. New York: Friendship Press.

Underwood, Richard A. (1969). Ecological and Psychedelic Approaches to Theology.” Soundings, 52(Winter), pp. 365-393.

United Methodist Church (General Conference) (1984). Faithful Witness on Today’s Issues: Environmental Stewardship. Nashville, TN: Discipleship Resources for Church and Society.

United Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. (1982nd General Assembly) (1970). Environmental Tragedy.” Church and Society, 61(Sept/Oct), pp. 21-29.

-----. (183rd General Assembly) (1971). Statement on Environmental Renewal.” Church and Society, 61(July/Aug), pp. 21-23.

-----. (185th General Assembly) (1973). The Global Population Crisis.” Church and Society, 64(Nov/Dec), pp. 31-35.

-----. (186th General Assembly) (1974). Christian Responsibility in the Energy Crunch.” Church and Society, 65(Sept/Oct), pp. 47-55.

-----. (188th General Assembly) (1976). Economic Justice Within Environmental Limits: The Need for a New Economic Ethic.” Church and Society, 67(Sept/Oct), pp. 5-56.

-----. (1982). The Theology of Stewardship (17 pp.); and A Study Guide: The Theology of Stewardship (18 pp.). New York: Advisory Council on Discipleship and Worship.

USCC. (1991). Renewing the Earth: An Invitation to Reflection and Action on Environment in Light of Catholic Social Teaching.” Nov 14:7.

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Vanackere, H. (Ed.) (1990). Christians and the Ecological Consciousness.” Pro Mundi Vita Studies, 13(Feb), pp. 6-43.

Vander Zee, D. (1985). The Environmental Impact of Being Busy in the Creation.” Pro Rege, 13(Feb), pp. 6-43.

-----. (1987). Gift or Grasp.” Christian Educators Journal, 27(2), pp. 15-17.

-----, and R. Vos. (1990). Trends in Agriculture: Sustainability.” Pro Rege, 18(3), pp. 19-28.

Van Donkersgoed, E. (1986). Erosion: Economic or Ethical Challenge.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 2(2), p. 16.

-----. (1989). Decoupling: A Family Farm and Stewardship Approach.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 5(4/5), pp. 12-15.

-----. (1990). A Vision to Be Ignored: A Faith Based Agenda for the 1990’s for Christian Farmers in Canada.” Faithkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 6(1), pp. 13-15.

Van Drimmelen, R. (1990). A Prayer and a Task.” One World, 161(Dec), pp. 18-19.

Van Dyke, Fred G. (1985). Beyond Sand County: A Biblical Perspective on Environmental Ethics.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 37(1), pp. 40-48.

-----. (1986). Annotated Bibliography on Planetheonomics.” In 1986 Au Sable Forum on Planetheonomics. Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies, 7526 Sunset Trail N.E., Mancelona, MI 49659.

-----. (1988). Planetary Economics and Ecologies: The Christian World View and Recent Literature.” Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 40(2), pp. 66-71.

-----. (1991, Summer). Ecology and the Christian Mind.” Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, pp. 266-282.

Van Eeden, I. J. (1987). Ethical Questions Pertaining to the ‘Soft Explosion’.” In W. S. Vorster (Ed.), Are We Killing God’s Earth? (pp. 80-88). Pretoria, South Africa: University of South Africa.

Van Elderen, M. J. (1987). Taking Another Look at Our Relationship to Nature.” One World, 122, p. 24.

Van Geest, W. (1990). The Whole Plan of Salvation.” Faith Today, 8(Mar/April), p. 37.

Van Gerwen, J. (1990). Ecology and Christian Vision: Some Conclusions.” Pro Mundi Vita Studies, 13(Feb), pp. 42-43.

Van Hoeven, J. W. (Ed.) (1989a). The Church and the Drugging of Creation.” Perspectives: A Journal of Reformed Thought, 4(2), p. 3.

-----. (Ed.) (1989b). Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation. WARC ( World Alliance of Reformed Churches Assembly, Seoul, Korea, August 1989). Available at WARC Office, 150 Route de Ferney, 1211 Geneva 2.

Van Leeuwen, Raymond C. Enjoying Creation—Within Limits.” Christianity Today, 33(8), pp. 34-37.

-----. (1989, May 12). Enjoying Creation: Within Limits.” Christianity Today, pp. 34-37.

-----. (1991). Resurrection and the Vindication of Creation.” In C. B. DeWitt (Ed.), The Environment and the Christian: What Does the New Testament Say About the Environment? Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House.

Van Til, C. (1946). Nature and Scripture.” In N. B. Stonehouse and P. Wooley (Eds.), The Infallible Word. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House.

Vander Schaaf, J. (1987). Holistic Action Required for Prarie Agriculture.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 3(5), pp. 4-6.

Vanstone, W. H. (1977). On the Being of Nature.” Theology, 80(July), pp. 279-283.

Vatja, Vilmos. (Ed.) (1971). The Gospel and Human Destiny. Minneapolis: Augsburg.

Vaux, Kenneth. (1970). Subduing the Cosmos: Cybernetics and Man’s Future. Richmond, VA: John Knox Press.

-----. (1989). Birth Ethics: Religious and Cultural Values in the Genesis of Life. New York: Crossroad.

Vescey, Christopher, and Robert Venables. (1983). American Indian Environments: Ecological Issues in Native American History. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.

Veeraraj, A. (1990). God is Green.” International Review of Mission, 79(April), pp. 187-192.

Verghese, P. (1974). Mastery and Mystery.” Religion and Society, 21(Dec), pp. 29-38.

Verhey, A. (1985). The Morality of Genetic Engineering.” Christian Scholar’s Review, 14(2), pp. 124-139.

Vickery, J. (1979). God in America’s Wilderness Consciousness.” Spiritual Life, 25, pp. 47-54.

Vischer, Lukas. (Ed.) (1990). Rights of Future Generations, Rights of Nature. Geneva: World Council of Churches.

Visick, V. (1991). Creation’s Care and Keeping in the Life of Jesus.” In C. B. DeWitt (Ed.), The Environment and the Christian: What Does the New Testament Say About the Environment? Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House.

Visser, C. (1989). Recognizing Environmental Threats and Security.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 5(1), pp. 21-22.

Vitousek, Peter M., et al. (1986). Human Appropriation of the Products of Photosynthesis.” BioScience 34:6.

Vizenor, Gerald. (1994). Manifest Manners: Postindian Warriors of Survivance. Hanover, NH: Wesleyan University Press.

von Rad, G. (1962). Old Testament Theology, Vol. I (Stalker, D. M. G., Trans.). New York: Harper and Row, Publishers.

-----. (1965). Old Testament Theology, Vol. 2(Stalker, D. M. G., Trans.). New York: Harper and Row, Publishers.

-----. (1966). The Problem of the Hexateuch and Other Essays (Trueman Dicken, E. W., Trans.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

-----. (1972). Genesis. Philadelphia: Westminster Press.

von Rohr Sauer, Alfred. (1974). Ecological Notes From the Old Testament.” In H. N. Bream (Ed.), A Light Unto My Path (pp. 421-434). Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

Vorspan, A. (1970). The Crisis of Ecology: Judaism and the Environment.” In A. Vorspan (Ed.), Jewish Values and Social Crisis (pp. 179-198). New York: Union of American Hebrew Congregations.

Vorster, W. S. (Ed.) (1987). Are We Killing God’s Earth? Pretoria: University of South Africa.

Voth, E. H. (1982). Time in a Christian Environmental Ethic.” In E. R. Squiers (Ed.), The Environmental Crisis: The Ethical Dilemma (pp. 57-66). Mancelona, MI: Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies.

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Waal, Victor de. (1974, Winter). Towards a New Sacramental Theology.” Sobornost, pp. 697-707.

Wade, C. R. (1990). Good, but Broken.” Southwestern Journal of Theology, 32(Spring), pp. 6-9.

Walker, L. C. (180). Ecologic Concepts in Forest Management.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 32(4), pp. 207-214.

-----. (1986). Resource Managers and the Environmental Ethic.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 38(2), pp. 96-102.

Wallace, Howard N. (1985). The Eden Narrative. Dissertation, Harvard University; Atlanta: Scholars Press.

Wallace-Hadrill, David S. (1968). The Greek Patristic View of Nature. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Walsh, B. J. (1987). Theology of Hope and the Doctrine of Creation: An Appraisal of Jurgen Moltmann.” The Evangelical Quarterly, 59, pp. 53-76.

-----, and J. R. Middleton. (1984). The Transforming Vision: Shaping a Christian World View. Downers Grove, IL: Inter-Varsity Press.

Walther, E. G. (1978). Stewardship and the Food, Energy, Environment Triangle.” In M.E. Jegen and B.V. Manno (Eds.), The Earth is the Lord’s: Essays on Stewardship (pp. 139-147). New York: Paulist Press.

Wang, B. C. (1980). Demographic Theories and Policy Positions on Population and Food.” Christian Scholar’s Review, 9(3), pp. 241-255.

Ward, Barbara. (1972, July). Only One Earth.” Anticipation, pp. 31ff.

-----. (1973). A New Creation? Reflections on the Environmental Issue. Vatican City: Pontifical Commission on Justice and Peace.

Ward, L. (1974). A Six-Letter Obscenity.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 26(1), pp. 1-3.

Ward, Miriam. (Ed.) (1975). Biblical Studies in Contemporary Thought. Somerville, Ma: Greeno, Hadden & Co.

Warren, Karen, J. (1990). The Power and Promise of Ecological Feminism.” Environmental Ethics 12: 142-43.

-----. (1994). Ecological Feminism. Colorado: Westview Press.

Waskow, Arthur. (1990). Ecology and Social Meaning: From Compassion to Jubilee.” Tikkun, 5(2), pp. 78-81.

Watson, A. G. (1986). An International Storm Over Acid Rain.” Christian Century, 103(16), pp. 452-253.

Wattenberg, Benjamin J. (1987). The Birth Dearth. New York: Pharos Books.

Watty, W. W. (1981). Man and Healing: A Biblical and Theological View.” Point: Forum for Melanesian Affairs, 10(2), pp. 147-160.

Weaver, H. D., Jr. (1962). Introduction of Symposium on the Christian’s Responsibility Toward the Increasing Population.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 14(1), p. 2.

-----. (1966). The Moral Issue of an Expanding Population.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 18(4), p. 120.

-----. Weber, L. (1987). Land Use Ethics: The Social Responsibility of Ownership.” In B. F. Evans and G. D. Cusack (Eds.), Theology of the Land (pp. 13-39). Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press.

Weigand, Paul. (1984). Escape from the Birdbath: A Reinterpretation of St. Francis as a Model for the Ecological Movement.” In Philip N. Joranson and Ken Butigan (Eds.) Cry of the Environment: Rebuilding the Creation Tradition. Sante Fe: Bear & Co.

Weil, Zoe. (1993). Ecofeminist Education: Adolescence, Activism, and Spirituality.” In Carol J. Adams, Ecofeminism and the Sacred. New York: Continuum.

Weiskel, Timothy C. (1990). The Need for Miracles in the Age of Science.” Harvard Divinity Bulletin 20 (Summer): 6, 11, 17.

-----. (1992). In Dust and Ashes: The Environmental Crisis in Religious Perspective.” Harvard Divinity Bulletin, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 11, 19, 23.

-----, and Harvey G. Cox. (1992). The Secular City and the Sacred Earth.” Harvard Divinity Bulletin Supplement.

Weiss, D. W. (1983). The Forces on Nature, The Forces of Spirit: A Perspecitve on Judaism.” Judaism, 32(Fall), p. 477-487.

Welbourn, F. B. (1975). Man’s Dominion.” Theology, 78(Nov), pp. 561-568.

Wendell, B. (1984). Two Economies.” Review and Expositor: A Baptist Theological Journal, 81, pp. 209-223.

Wenz, Peter. (1988). Environmental Justice. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press.

West, Charles C. (1970). Theological Guidelines for the Future.” Theology Today, 27(3), pp. 277-291.

-----. (1975). Justice Within the Limits of the Created World.” The Ecumenical Review, 27(Jan), pp. 57-64.

-----. (1978). Blessing in the Bible and the Life of the Church. Trans. Keith Crim. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.

-----. (1981). God-Women/Man-Creation: Some Comments on the Ethics of the Relationship.” The Ecumenical Review, 33(Jan), pp. 13-28.

Westermann, Claus. (1963). God and His Creation.” Union Seminary Quarterly Review 18 (March): 197:209.

-----. (1971). Creation and History in the Old Testament.” In V. Vajita (Ed.), The Gospel and Human Destiny (pp. 11-38). Minneapolis: Augsburg.

-----. (1974). Creation. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.

-----. (1982). Elements of Old Testament Theology. Atlanta: John Knox Press.

-----. (1984a). Biblical Reflections on Creator-Creation.” In B. W. Anderson (Ed.), Creation in the Old Testament (pp. 90-101). London: SPCK.

-----. (1984b). Genesis 1-11: A Commentary. (Scullion, J. J., Trans.). Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House.

Westermarck, E. (1939). Christianity and Morals. New York: MacMillan.

Westhelle, V. (1986). Labor: A Suggestion for Rethinking the Way of the Christian. Word and World: Theology for Christian Ministry, 6(2), pp. 194-206.

Westphal, M. (1982). Existentialism and Environmental Ethics.” In E. R. Squiers (Ed.), The Environmental Crisis: The Ethical Dilemma (pp. 77-90). Mancelona, MI: Au Sable Institute of Environmental Crisis.

Westwood, M. N. (1974). Limiting Factors in World Food Supply and Distribution.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 26(3), pp. 115-118.

Wharton, R. (1987). Wilderness Retreats: Part One: Wilderness Manna.” In F. W. Krueger (Ed.), Christian Ecology: Building an Environmental Ethic for the Twenty-First Century (p. 55). North Webster, Indiana: The North American Conference on Christianity and Ecology.

White, H. (Ed.) (1964). Christians in a Technological Era. New York: Seabury Press.

White, Lynn, Jr. (1967). The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis.” Science, 155, pp. 1203-1207.

-----. (1973). Continuing the Conversation.” In I. Barbour (Ed.), Western Man and Environmental Ethics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

-----. (1978, April). The Future of Compassion.” Ecumenical Review, pp. 99-109.

Whitehead, Alfred North. (1925). Science and the Modern World. New York: MacMillan Free Press.

Whitehouse, W. A. (1964). Towards a Theology of Nature.” Scottish Journal of Theology, 17, pp. 129-145.

Whitney, Elspeth. (1993, Summer). Lynn White, Ecotheology and History.” Environmental Ethics, pp. 151-169.

Wiant, H. V., Jr. (1980). Is Clearcutting a Responsible Forestry Practice? Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 32(4), pp. 204-206.

Wicker, B. (1974). Ecology and the Angels.” New Blackfriars, 55, pp. 4-15.

Widman, R. (1970). When You’ve Seen One Beer You’ve Seen Them All.” Eternity, 21(5), pp. 13-14.

Wilder, A. N. (1959). Eschatological Imagery and Earthly Circumstance.” New Testament Studies, 5(4), pp. 229-245.

Wilhelm, G. (1987). Youth’s Role in Christian Earth Stewardship.” In F. W. Krueger (Ed.), Christian Ecology: Building an Environmental Ethic for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 104-105). North Webster, Indiana: The North American Conference on Christianity and Ecology.

Wilkinson, Loren. (1975). Christian Ecology of Death: Biblical Imagery and the Ecologic Crisis.” Christian Scholar’s Review, 5(4), pp. 319-338.

-----. (Ed.) (1980a). Earthkeeping: Christian Stewardship of Natural Resources. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing Co.

-----. (1980b). Global Housekeeping: Lords or Servants: We Reflect the Duality of the Incarnation on our Relationship to the Earth.” Christianity Today, 24(12), pp. 752-756.

-----. (1981). Cosmic Christology and the Christian’s Role in Creation.” Christian Scholar’s Review, 11(1), pp. 18-41.

-----. (1982). Redeemers of the Earth.” In E. R. Squiers (Ed.), The Environmental Crisis: The Ethical Dilemma (pp. 39-56). Mancelona, MI: Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies.

-----. (1987a). New Age, New Consciousness, and the New Creation.” In W. Granberg-Michaelson (Ed.), Tending the Garden: Essays on the Gospel and the Earth (pp. 6-29). Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.

-----. (1987b). A Response to Stewardship of the Environment.” In K. S. Kantzer (Ed.), Applying to Scriptures: Papers from ICBI Summit III (pp. 497-502). Grand Rapids, MI: Academie Books, Zondervan Publishing House.

-----. (1990). A Theology of the Beasts.” Christianity Today, 34(9), p. 21.

-----. (1991). Christ as Creator and Redeemer: Scriptural Teachings on Cosmic Christology.” In C. B. DeWitt (Ed.), The Environment and the Christian: What Does the New Testament Say About the Environment? Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House.

-----. (1993, Jan 11). How Christian is the Green Agenda? Christianity Today, pp. 16-20.

-----. (1993, Oct). Christianity and the Environment: Reflections on Rio and Au Sable.” Science and Christian Belief, pp. 139-145.

Williams, D. L. (1970). Our Environment: A Challenge to Reason.” Church and Society, 60(Jan/Feb), pp. 19-26.

Williams, Delores. (1993). Sin, Nature, and Black Women’s Bodies.” In Carol J. Adams Ecofeminism and the New Sacred. New York: Continuum.

Williams, George H. (1962). Wilderness and Paradise in Christian Thought: The Biblical Experience of the Desert in the History of Christianity and the Paradise Theme in the Theological Idea of the University. New York: Harper and Brothers Publishers.

-----. (1970). The Background in Scripture and Tradition for Reassessment of a Christian Role in Wildlife Conservation and the Stewardship of Natural Resources.” Colloquy, 3(4), pp. 12-15.

-----. (1971). Christian Attitudes Toward Nature.” Christian Scholar’s Review, 2(19), pp. 3-35.

-----. (1972). Christian Attitudes Towards Toward Nature.” Christian Scholar’s Review, 2(2), pp. 112-126.

Williams, J. (1989-90). Recycling in Houston: The Churches Lead.” The Egg: A Journal of Eco-Justice, 9(4), pp. 9-10.

Willis, D. (1983). Priests of Creation: Who Will Represent God to the Trees? The Other Side, 142(July), pp. 24-25.

Willis, D. L. (1980). Nukes or No Nukes? Absolute Thinking in a Relative World.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 32(June), pp. 102-108.

Willis, E. D. (1985). Proclaiming Liberation for the Earth’s Sake.” In D. Hessel (Ed.), For Creation’s Sake: Preaching, Ecology and Justice (pp. 55-70). Philadelphia: Geneva Press.

Wilson, Edward O. (Ed.) (1988). Biodiversity. Washington: National Academy Press.

Wingren, G. (1961). Creation and Law. Philadelphia: Muhlenberg Press.

-----. The Doctrine of Creation: Not an Appendix but the First Article.” Word and World, 4(4), pp. 353-371.

Wink, Walter. (1978). The ‘Elements of the Universe’ in Biblical and Scientific Perspective.” Zygon, 13(3), pp. 225-248.

-----. (1993, Jan). Ecobible: The Bible and Ecojustice.” Theology Today, pp. 465-477.

Winn, A. C. (1985). Holding the Earth in Trust.” In N. C. Murphy (Ed.), Teaching and Preaching Stewardship: An Anthology (pp. 210-216). New York: Commission on Stewardship, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.

Winter, Gibson. (1981). Liberating Creation: Foundations of Religious Social Ethics. New York: Crossroad.

Wise, D. S. (1989). Environmental Stewardship Literature and the New Testament: A Review.” In C. B. DeWitt (Ed.), The Environment and the Christian: What Does the New Testament Say About the Environment? Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Book House.

Witchel, Alex. (1994). Where Starlings Greet the Stars.” New York Times (22 Sept).

Wogaman, Philip. (Ed.) (1973). The Population Crisis and Moral Responsibility. Washington, DC: Public Affairs Press.

Wolters, A. (1984). Nature and Grace in the Interpretation of Proverbs 31: 10-31.” Calvin Theological Journal, 19(Nov), pp. 153-166.

-----. (1985). Creation Regained: Biblical Basics for a Reformational Worldview. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Company.

Wolterstorff, N. (1983). Until Justice and Peace Embrace. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.

Wood, A. (1964). Intimacy of Jesus With Nature.” London Quarterly and Holborn Review, 189(Jan), pp. 44-51.

Wood, B. (1986). Our World, God’s World: Reflections for Advent and the Christian Season on the Environment. Cincinnati, OH: Forward Movement Publications.

Woods, Richard J. (1984). Environment as Spiritual Horizon: The Legacy of Celtic Monasticism.” In Philip N. Joranson and Ken Butigan (Eds.), Cry of the Environment: Rebuilding the Creation Tradition. Sante Fe: Bear & Co.

World Commission on Environment and Development. (1987). Our Common Future. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.

World Council of Churches (1971). Global Environment, Responsible Choice and Social Justice.” The Ecumenical Review, 23(Oct), pp. 438-442.

-----. (1974a). The Churches in International Affairs: Reports 1970-1973. World Council of Churches.

-----. (1974b). Threats to Survival.” Study Encounter, 10(4).

-----. (1984). Theological Aspects.” The Ecumenical Review, 36, pp. 33-42.

-----. (1989). Peace With Justice. Final Document of the European Assembly, Basel, Switzerland, 15-21 May 1989.

-----. (1990). Now is the Time: Final Document and Other Texts. World Convocation on Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation.

World Evangelical Fellowship. (1992). ‘Evangelical Christianity and the Environment’: Summarizing Committee Report.” Transformation, pp. 27-30.

World Resources Institute and International Institute for Environment and Development, with United Nations Environmental Programme. (1988). World Resources 1988-89. New York: Basic Books (annual).

Worster, David. (1977). Nature’s Economy: The Roots of Ecology. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books.

Wren, Brian. (1982). Education for Justice: Pedegogical Principles. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.

Wright, C. J. H. (1990). God’s People in God’s Land: Family, Land, and Property in the Old Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.

Wright, Nancy G. and Donald G. Kill. (1993). Ecological Healing: A Christian View. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Press.

Wright, R. T. (1970). Responsibility for the Ecological Crisis.” BioScience, 20(15), pp. 851-853.

Wrightsman, B. (1970). Man: Manager or Manipulator of the Earth.” Dialog, 9(Summer), pp. 200-214.

Wyatt, S. P. (1983). Jesus Christ and Creation in the Theology of John Calvin. Th.D., Toronto School of Theology.

Wylie, H. G. (1988). The Farmer’s Dilemmas.” Touchstone, 6(May), pp. 41-43.

Wyshogrod, Michael. (1992). Judaism and the Sanctification of Nature.” The Melton Journal (Spring):6, 7.

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INDEX  |  A-B  |  C-E  |  F-H  |  I-L  |  M-O  |  P-R  |  S-T  |  U-Z

Yamauchi, E. M. (1974). Exaggerated, Radical and Unrealistic.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 26(1), p. 21.

-----. (1980). Ancient Ecologies and the Biblical Perspective.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 32(4), pp. 193-203.

Yancey, Philip. (1991). A Voice Crying in the Rainforest.” Christianity Today, 35(8), pp. 26-28.

Yandell, K. (1982). Fundamentals of Environmental Ethics: East and West.” In E. R. Squiers (Ed.) The Environmental Crisis: The Ethical Dilemma (pp. 91-108). Mancelona, MI: Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies.

Yasuda, Haruo. (1991). Environmental Issues.” In Yoshinobu Kumazawa and David L. Swimme (Eds.), Christianity in Japan, 1971-1990. Tokyo: Kyo Bun Kwan, pp. 114-129.

Yoder, J. H. (1979). Response to Scott Paradise Paper: Vision of a Good Society.” Anglican Theological Review, 61(1), pp. 118-126.

Yoder, J. L. (1978). The Ethics of Eco-Justice: A Christian Response to the Ecological Crisis. Ph.D., Duke University.

Yoder, R. A. (1983). Seeking First the Kingdom, Called to Faithful Stewardship. Scottdale, Pennsylvania: Herald Press.

Young, John. (1990). Sustaining the Earth: A Post-Environmentalist View. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Young, Iris Marion. (1990). Justice and Politics of Difference. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Young, N.  (1976). Creator, Creation and Faith. Philadelphia: Westminster Press.

Young, R. V. (1974). Christianity and Ecology.” National Review, 26, pp. 1454-1458.

Young, R. V., Jr. (1979). A Conservative View of Environmental Affairs.” Environmental Ethics, 1(3), pp. 241-254.

Yutzy, V. (1991). Cooperating with Creation.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 6(3), pp. 10-12.

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Zaidi, I. H. (1981). On the Ethics of Man’s Interaction With the Environment: An Islamic Approach.” Environmental Ethics, 3(1), pp. 33-47.

Zelesnik, P. (19817). Eco-Feminism and the Church: Part Two: Feminism as Human Liberation.” In F. W. Krueger (Ed.), Christian Ecology: Building an Environmental Ethic for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 99). North Webster, Indiana: The North American Conference on Christianity and Ecology.

Zerbe, G. (1991). The Meaning of the Kingdom of God for the Stewardship of Creation.” In C. B. DeWitt (Ed.), The Environment and the Christian: What Does the New Testament Say About the Environment? Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books House.

-----. (1992). Ecology According to the New Testament.” Direction 21 (Fall): 15-26.

Zimmerman, Michael E. (1993). Rethinking the Heidegger-Deep Ecology Relationship.” Environmental Ethics 13:205.

Zinkand, D. (1986). Colleagues, not Competitors in Agriculture.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 2(4), p. 15.

Zizioulas, J. (1989). Preserving God’s Creation: Three Lectures on Theology and Ecology: Part I and II. King’s Theological Review, 12(Spring), 1-5; 12(Autumn), pp. 41-45.

-----. (1990). Preserving God’s Creation: Three Lectures on Theology and Ecology; Part III.” King’s Theological Review, 13(Spring), pp. 1-5.

Zohary, M. (1982). Plants of the Bible: A Complete Handbook. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Zygon (1970). Conference on Ethics and Ecology of the Institute on Religion in the Age of Science.” Zygon, 5(4), pp. 270-351.

Zylstra. U. (1978, July). Tending God’s Garden: The Christian in Agriculture Today.” Reformed Journal, pp. 9-11.

-----. (1982). Ecological Aspects of Good Production: Biblical Directives for Agriculture.” In E. R. Squiers (Ed.), The Environmental Crisis: The Ethical Dilemma (pp. 135-150). Mancelona, MI: Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies.

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