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Bibliography in Ecological Ethics and Eco-Theology: C-E

This list of resources in ecological ethics and eco-theology has been compiled by my research assistant Charles Demm as of October 1, 2003, with thanks to a number of other existing sources, especially John Cobb's "Ecotheology Book list" found on his web page and in the revised edition of Is It Too Late? A Theology of Ecology; and Joseph K. Sheldon's Rediscovery of Creation: A Bibliographical Study of the Church's Response to the Environmental Crisis.

WARNING: This is a long file.

INDEX  |  A-B  |  C-E  |  F-H  |  I-L  |  M-O  |  P-R  |  S-T  |  U-Z

Cable, T. (1987). “Environmental Education at Christian Colleges.” Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 39(3), pp. 165-168.

Cahn, Robert. (1978). Footprints on the Planet: A Search for an Environmental Ethic. New York: Universe Books.

Caldecott, Leonie, and Stephanie Leland. (1982). Reclaiming the Earth: Women Speak Out for Life on Earth. London: Women’s Press.

Calhoun, R. (1972). Ecology and Christian Responsibility: A Study of the Theological and Ethical Bases for Christian Ecological Concern. Th.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Callahan, Daniel. (1976). “Ethics and Population Limitation.” In Michael D. Bayles (Ed.), Ethics and Population. Cambridge: Schenkman Publishing Co.

Callicott, J. Baird. (1989). In Defense of the Land Ethic. Albany: SUNY Press.

-----. (1990). “Genesis and John Muir.” ReVision, 12(Winter): 31-46.

-----. (1994). Earth’s Insights: A Survey of Ecological Ethics from the Mediterranean Basin to the Australian Outback. Berkeley: University of California Press.

-----, and Roger Ames. (1989). Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought: Essays in Environmental Philosophy. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Camara, Helder. (1990). Sister Earth: Ecology and the Spirit. New City.

Campbell, J. B. (1990). “Our Common Future.” Church and Society, 81(Sept/Oct), pp. 31-40.

Campbell, N. (1972). “Start Where You Can.” Frontier, 15(8), p.154.

Canadian National Round Table. (1991-92). The 1991-92 Annual Review.

Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation (Guelph Chapter) (1984). “Christian Guidelines for Biotechnology.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 36(1), 39.

Cane, Bill. (1992). Circles of Hope: Breathing Life and Spirit into a Wounded World. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Press.

Carmody, John. (1980). Theology for the 1980’s. Philadelphia: Westminster Press.

-----. (1983). Ecology and Religion: Toward a New Christian Theology of Nature. New York: Paulist Press.

Carney, V. (1976). “Response to James Donaldson.” Foundations: A Baptist Journal of History and Theology, 19(3), pp. 252-253.

Carothers, J. Edward, Margaret Mead, Daniel D. McCracken, and Roger L. Shinn (Eds.) (1972). To Love or to Perish: The Technological Crisis of the Churches. New York: Friendship Press, Inc.

Carpenter, D. K. (1974). “Go Slow.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 26(1), p.16.

Carpenter, Edward. (1980). Animals and Ethics. London: Watkins.

Carpenter, James A. (1988). Nature and Grace. New York: Crossroads.

Carrick, I. (1970). “Right Involvement With Nature.” Frontier, 13, 31-33.

Carroll, Dennis. (1987). Toward a Story of the Earth: Essays in the Theology of Creation. Dublin: Dominican Publications.

Carson, Gerald. (1972). Men, Beasts, and Gods: A History of Cruelty and Kindness to Animals. New York: Charles Scribner’s.

Carson, Rachel. (1962). Silent Spring. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Carter, N. C. (1990). “A Mother/Sister Earth Pilgrimage.” Daughters of Sarah, 16(3), 14-17.

Case, R. (1980). “Human Responsibility and Human Liberation. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 32(2), pp.79-83.

Cassel, J. F. (1971a). “The Christian’s Role in the Problems of Contemporary Human Ecology.” In D. R. Scoby (Ed.), Environmental Ethics (pp. 225-227). Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Co.

Castro, E. (Ed.) (1990). “Come Holy Spirit—Renew the Whole Creation; Giver of Life—Sustain your Creation. The Ecumenical Review, 42(April), pp. 89-174.

Catherwood, F. (1983). “The New Technology: The Human Debate.” In J. R. W. Stott (Ed.), The Year 2000. Downers Grove, Il.: Inter-Varsity Press.

Catholic Bishops (Philippines) (1988a). “Think Globally, Act Locally, Be Spiritually.” The Amicus Journal: A Publication of the Natural Resources Defense Council, 10(4), pp. 8-10.

-----. (1988b). “What is Happening to Our Beautiful Land?” SEDOS Bulletin, pp. 112-115.

Cauthen, Kenneth. (1969). “The Case for the Christian Biopolitics.” The Christian Century, 86(47), pp. 1481-1483).

-----. (1971). Christian Biopolitics: A Credo and Strategy for the Future. Nashville: Abingdon Press.

-----. (1973). “Ecojustice: A Future-Oriented Strategy of Ministry and Mission.” Foundations, 16, pp. 156-170.

-----. (1975). The Ethics of Enjoyment. Atlanta: John Knox Press.

-----. (1985a). “Imaging the Future: New Visions and New Responsibilities.” Zygon, 20(3), pp. 321-339.

-----. (1985b). “Process Theology and Eco-Justice.” In D. Hessel (Ed.), For Creation’s Sake: Preaching, Ecology, and Justice (pp. 84-85). Philadelphia: Geneva Press.

Cawley, M. (1985). “A Monastic Experience and Theology of Waste Material Recycling.” Cistercian Studies, 20, pp. 237-248.

Cesaretti, C. A. and Stephen Commins, (Eds.) (1981). Let the Earth Bless the Lord: A Christian Perpective on Land Use. New York: The Seabury Press.

Chamberland, D. (1986). “Genetic Engineering: Promise and Threat.” Christianity Today, 30(2), pp. 22-28.

Chandler, D. H. (1982). “Energy: Toward More Ethical Alternatives.” Christian Scholar’s Review, 11(2), pp. 112-123.

Chappell, David. (Ed.) (1992). “Ecological Crisis.” Buddhist Christian Studies, pp 161-178.

Chavis, Benjamin F. Jr., and Charles Lee (Eds.) (1987). Toxic Wastes and Race in the United States: A National Report on the Racial and Socio-Economic Characteristics of Communities with Hazaardous Waste Sites. New York: Commission for Racial Justice, United Church of Christ.

Chopp, Rebecca, and Gabriel Fackre. (1994, January). “Recent Works in Christian Systematic Theology.” Religious Studies Review, 20:1.

Christ, Carol, and Judith Plaskow (Eds.) (1989). Weaving the Vision: New Patterns in Feminist Spirituality. San Francisco: Harper & Row.

Christian Century (The) (1970). “The Struggle for an Ecological Theology.” The Christian Century, 87(9), pp.275-277.

Christian Ecology Group (1983). God’s Green World (A Symposium). The Christian Ecology Group, 58 Quest Hills Road, Malvern, Wores. WR14 1RW United Kingdom.

Christian Medical Society (The) (1970). “A Protestant Affirmation on the Control of Human Reproduction.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation. 22(2), pp. 46-49.

Christianity Today (editorial). (1970a). “Ecologism: A New Paganism.” Christianity Today, 14(14), pp. 637-638.

-----. (1970b). “Fulfilling God’s Cultural Mandate.” Christianity Today, 14(11), 488-489.

-----. (1971). “Terracide.” Christianity Today, 15(15), 706-707.

-----. (interview). (1988). “Protecting the Lord’s Canvas.” Christianity Today, 32(17), 74,76. Interview of Calvin B. DeWitt by Randy Frame.

-----. (1990). “Environment: Religious Leaders Join Scientists in Ecological Concerns.” Christianity Today, 35(9), p.49.

Christiansen, Andrew. (1990). “Notes on Moral Theology, 1989: Ecology, Justice, and Development.” Theological Studies, 15(1):64-81.

Church, F. F. (1983). “Beyond Nemesis.” Religious Humanism, 17, pp. 134-138.

Church of England (Board of Social Responsibility) (1970). Man in His Living Environment: An Ethical Assessment. Westminster: Church House Publishing.

-----. (Report of the General Synod). (1986). Our Responsibility for the Living Environment. London: Church House Publishing.

Church of Scotland (Society, Religion and Technology Project) (1986). While Earth Endures. SRT Project/Quorum Press.

Churchill, Ward. (1992). “Naming Our Destiny: Towards a Language of Indian Liberation.” Global Justice, 3, pp. 23-33.

-----. (1993). Struggle for the Land: Indigenous Resistance to Genocide, Ecocide and Expropriation in Contemporary North America. Monroe, Me.: Common Courage Press.

Cizik, R. (1990). “D.C. Dateline: Concern and Caution.” United Evangelical Action, 49(May), 17.

Clampit, M. K. (1972). “The Ecological covenant and Nature as a Sacred Symbol.” Religious Education, 67(3), pp. 194-198.

Clapp, R. (1987). “The Fate of the Soil.” Christianity Today, 31(14), pp.14-15.

Clark, J. Michael. (1994). Beyond Our Ghettos: Gay Theology in Ecological Perspective. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press.

Clark, K. C. (1977). “An Analysis of Isaiah 40-44:23 Utilizing the creation-Redemption Model of the Creator-King and Process Theology.” D.Min., School of Theology at Claremont.

Clark, Susan J. (1992). Celebrating Earth Holy Days: A Resource Guide for Faith Communities. New York: Crossroads.

Clark, W. N. (1968). “Technology and Man: A Christian Vision.” In Ian G. Barbour (Ed.), Science and Religion: New Perspectives on the Dialogue. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers.

Clarke, A. (1989). “Urban-Rural Gardens.” The Egg: A Journal of Eco-Justice, 9(1), pp. 10-11.

Clarke, L. R. (1985). “The Quaker Background of William Bartram’s View of Nature.” Journal of the History of Ideas, 46(2), pp. 435-448.

Clarke, Mary E. (1989). Ariadne’s Thread: The Search for New Modes of Thinking. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Clifford, Anne. (1992). “Perspectives on Science: Implications for an Ecological Theology of Creation.” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, 8, pp. 65-90.

Clifford, Richard J. (1972). The Cosmic Mountain in Canaan and the Old Testament. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

-----. (1984). Fair Spoken and Persuading: An Interpretation of Second Isaiah. New York: Paulist Press.

-----. (1985). “The Hebrew Scriptures and the Theology of Creation.” Theological Studies, 46, pp. 507-523.

Clinebell, Howard J. “Enhancing Your Well-Being by Helping Heal a Wounded Planet.” In Well-Being: A Personal Plan for Exploring and Enriching the Seven Dimensions of Life: Mind, Body, Spirit, Love, Work, Play, Earth. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco.

-----. (1992, Fall). “Looking Back, Looking Ahead: Toward an Ecological-Systems Model for Pastoral Care and Counseling.” The Journal of Pastoral Care 46, no. 3, pp. 263-272.

Clobus, R. (1991). “Ecofarming and Land Ownership in Ghana.” In G. T. Prance and C. B. DeWitt (Eds.), Missionary Earthkeeping. Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press.

Cobb, Clifford W. (Spring 1980). “Food and the Christian Faith.” Religion in Life, pp. 65-71.

Cobb John B. (1965) A Christian Natural Theology. Philadelphia: Westminster Press.

-----. (1966). A Christian Natural Theology. London: Lutterworth Press.

-----. (1970a). “Ecological Disaster and the Church.” Christian Century, 87, pp. 1185-1187.

-----. (1970b, Sept. 12). “The Population Explosion and the Rights of the Subhuman World.” IDOC, pp. 41-62.

-----. (1971). “Christian Theism and the Ecological Crisis.” Religious Education, 66(1), pp.23-30.

-----. (1972). Is It Too Late? A Theology of Ecology. Beverly Hills, Ca: Bruce.

-----. (1973). “Ecology, Ethics and Theology.” In H. E. Daly (Ed), Toward a Steady State Economy. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company.

-----. (1974a). “The Christian, the Future, and Paolo Soleri.” The Christian Century, 91(37), pp. 1008-1011.

-----. (1974b). “The Local Church and the Environmental Crisis.” Foundations, 17(2), pp. 164-172.

-----. (1978). “Beyond Anthropocentrism in Ethics and Religion.” In Richard Knowles Morris and Michael W. Fox (Eds.) On the Fifth Day. Acropolis Books, pp. 137-153.

-----. (1979). “Christian Existence in a World of Limits.” Environmental Ethics, 1(2), pp. 149-158.

-----. (1980). “Process Theology and Environmental Issues.” The Journal of Religion, 60(4), pp. 440-458.

-----. (1982). Process Theology as Political Theology. Philadelphia: Westminster Press.

-----. (1984). “Envisioning a Just and Peaceful World.” Religious Education, 79(4), pp. 483-494.

-----. (1988). “A Christian View of Biodiversity.” In E. O. Wilson (Ed.), Biodiversity (pp. 481-485). Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

-----. (1989). “the Earth and Humanity: A Christian View.” In John Hick and Edmund S. Meltzer (Eds.), Three Faiths: One God. London: MacMillan, pp. 113-128.

-----. (1991a). Can Christ Become Good News Again? St. Louis: Chalice Press.

-----. (1991b). “‘The Right to Kill’.” In Matters of Life and Death. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox.

-----. (1992a). Sustainability: Economics, Ecology and Justice. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.

-----. (1992b). “Sustainability and Community.” The Egg: An Eco-Justice Quarterly, 12:3.

-----. (1992c, Oct). “Biblical Responsibility for the Ecological Crisis.” Second Opinion, pp. 11-22.

-----. (1993, May). “Theology and Ecology.” Colloquium, pp. 2-9.

-----. (1994). Sustaining the Common Good: A Christian Perspective on the Global Economy. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press.

-----, and D. R. Griffin. (1976). Process Theology: an Introductory Exposition. Philadelphia: Westminster Press.

-----, and Herman Daly. (1989). For the Common Good. Boston: Beacon Press.

Cobourn, C. (1990). “The Struggle to Save the Philippines [Damaged Ecosystem].” The Witness, 73(Oct.), pp. 6-9.

Cochrane, C. C. (1984). The Gospel According to Genesis: A Guide to Understanding Genesis 1-11. Grand Rapids, Mi: Eerdmans.

Cohen, B. L. (1980). “Far Greater Dangers than Nuclear.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 32(2), pp. 89-92.

Cohen, Jeremy. (1985). “The Bible, Man and Nature in the History of Western Thought: A Call for Reassessment.” The Journal of Religion. 65(2), pp. 155-172.

-----. (April 1989). ‘Be Fertile and Increase, Fill the Earth and Master It’: The Ancient and Medieval Career of a Biblical Text. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.

-----. (1990). “Ecology and Social Meaning: On Classical Judaism and Environmental Crisis.” Tikkun, 5(2), pp. 74-77.

Cohn, Robert L. (1981). The Shape of Sacred Space: Four Biblical Studies. Chico, Ca: Scholars Press.

Coleman, W. (1976). “Providence, Capitalism, and Environmental Degradation: English Apologetics in an Era of Economic Revolution.” Journal of the History of Ideas, 37, pp. 27-44.

Collins, John Joseph. (1977). The Apocalyptic Vision of the Book of Daniel. Harvard Monographs, no. 16. Missoula, MT: Scholars Press (for Harvard Semitic Museum).

Commission on Jewish Education in North America. (1991). A Time to Act: The Report of the Commission on Jewish Education in North America. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America.

Commoner, Barry. (1971). The Closing Circle: Nature, Man, and Technology. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.

Comp, T. Allan. (1989). Blueprint for the Environment: A Plan for Federal Action. Salt Lake City: Howe Brothers.

Compton, Edward. (1978/9). “A Plea for a Theology of Nature.” The Modern Churchman, ns 22(1), pp. 3-11.

Compton, T. L. (1982). “Natural Resources Stewardship: The Earth is the Lord’s.” In E. R. Squiers (Ed.), The Environmental Crisis: The Ethical Dilemma (pp. 109-114). Mancelona, Mi: Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies.

Cone, James. (1970). A Black Theology of Liberation. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company.

-----. (1984). For My People: Black Theology and the Black Church. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.

Conrad, A. C. (1954). The Divine Economy: A Study in Stewardship. Grand Rapids, Mi: Eerdmans.

Conroy, D. B. (1987a). “The Christian Family: Foundation for Environmental Renewal: Part One: Family and Community.” In F. W. Krueger (Ed.), Christian Ecology: Building an Environmental Ethic for the Twenty-First Century. (pp. 87-88). North Webster, Indiana: The North American Conference on Christianity and Ecology.

Conroy, D. B. (1987b). “Regenerative Agriculture: An Integrated Approach to Farming and Life.” In F. W. Krueger (Ed.), Christian Ecology: Building an Environmental Ethic for the Twenty-First Century. (p.37). North Webster, Indiana: The North American Conference on Christianity and Ecology.

-----. (1990, February 17). “The Church Awakens to the Global Environmental Crisis.” America. Pp. 149-152.

Cook. H. (1988). “Laboratory Animals in Agriculture.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 4(1), pp. 13-14.

-----. (1989). “GEMs in the Strawberry Patch.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 5(3), pp. 20-21.

Cooper, R. (1990). “Through the Soles of My Feet: A Personal View of Creation.” International Review of Mission, 79(314), pp. 179-185.

Cooper, Tim. (1990). Green Christianity: Caring for the Whole Creation. London: Hodder and Stoughton.

-----, and D. Demball-Cook. (Eds) (1983). God’s Green World. Malvern, Worcs: Christian Ecology Group. (Out of Print).

Copeland, Warren R., and Roger D. Hatch. (Eds.) (1988). Issues of Justice: Social and Religious Meaning. Macon, Ga: Mercer University Press.

Cormack, P. (1989, January-March). “What is the Land Saying to You?” Together, A Publication of World Vision, p. 13.

Cousineau, Phil. (1993). The Soul of the World: A Modern Book of Hours. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco.

Cowap, Chris. (1986). “Energy Production and Use: Ethical Implications. Engage/Social Action,14(4), pp. 11-16.

Coward, Harold. (Ed.) (1995). Population, Consumption, and the Environment: Religious and Secular Responses. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Cowdin, Daniel M. (1994). “Toward an Environmental Ethic.” In Kevin W. Irwin and Edmund D. Pelligrino (Eds.) Preserving the Creation: Environmental Theology and Ethics. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.

Cox, Harvey. (1965). The Secular City. New York: Macmillan.

-----. (1966). “The Responsibility of the Christian in a World of Technology.” In D. Munby (Ed.), Economic Growth in World Perspective. New York: Association Press.

Cox, K. M. (1979). A Comparison of the Biblical and Native American Views of the Human Relationship with Nature. Ph.D. Graduate Theological Union.

Crabtree, A. (1977). “To Be or Not to Be” Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 14(1), pp.92-96.

Crabtree, A. B. (1972). “The Urgency of Ecological Ecumenism.” Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 9, pp.94-97.

-----. (1973). “Ecological Crisis and Cultural Change.” Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 10, pp. 576-580.

Craine, R. (1987). “Hildegard of Bingen: A Sign for Our Times.” In F. W. Krueger (Ed.), Christian Ecology: Building an Environmental Ethic for the Twenty-First Century. (pp. 25-26). North Webster, Indiana: The North American Conference on Christianity and Ecology.

Creator’s Mandate (The), 150-207 Castlegreen Dr., Thunder Bay, Ont. P7A 7LA, Canada.

Crenshaw, James L. (1981). Old Testament Wisdom: An Introduction. Atlanta: John Knox Press.

Croatto, J. Severino. (1981). Exodus: A Hermenuetics of Freedom. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.

Cross, Frank Moore, Jr. (1973). Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

-----. (1989). “The Redemption of Nature.” Princeton Seminary Bulletin n.s. 10(2), pp. 94-104.

Crotty, N. (1971). “Catholic Moral Theology and Ecological Responsibility.” Religious Education, 66(1), pp. 44-49.

Crowley, M. (1985). “The Virtues: Commitment, Spiritual Practice and Transfiguration.” Epiphany, 6(1), pp. 52-59.

Crumbey, C. (1983). The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism. Shreveport, La.: Huntington House.

Cubbage, R. (1988, Oct.). “Miriam Therese MacGillis: To Love and Save the Earth.” St. Anthony Messenger, pp. 28-35.

Cumbey, C. (1983). The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow: The New Age Movement and Our Coming Age of Barbarism. Shreveport, La: Huntington House.

Cummings, Charles. (1989). “Exploring Eco-Spirituality.” Spirituality Today, 41, pp. 30-41.

-----. (1991). Eco-Spirituality: Toward a Reverent Life. Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press.

Cundy, I. (1977). “The Church as Community.” In I. Cundy (Ed.), Obeying Christ in a Changing World, Vol.2, The People of God. Glasgow: Collins.

Cupitt, D. (1990). “The Value of Life.” The Modern Churchman, 32(2), pp. 39-45.

Curley, E. (1972, Feb.). “A Short Theology of Ecology.” Religion Teacher’s Journal, pp. 18-19.

Curran, Charles E. (1978). Issues in Sexual and Medical Ethics. Notre Dame, In: University of Notre Dame Press.

-----. (1985). “Population Control: Methods and Morality.” Directions in Catholic Social Ethics. Notre Dame, In: University of Notre Dame Press.

Curry-Roper, J. M. (1990). “Contemporary Christian Eschatologies and Their Relation to Environmental Stewardship.” The Professional Geographer, p. 161.

INDEX  |  A-B  |  C-E  |  F-H  |  I-L  |  M-O  |  P-R  |  S-T  |  U-Z

Daetz, Douglas. (1970a). “Heading off Eco-Catatrophe: A Job for New Adam.” Lutheran Quarterly, 22, pp. 271-278.

-----. (1970b). “No More Business as Usual.” Dialog, 9(3), pp. 171-175.

Dahl, N. A. (1952). “The Parables of Growth.” Studia Theologica, 5, pp. 132-166.

Daily, Gretchen C., and Paul R. Ehrlich. (1992). “Population, Sustainability, and Earth’s Carrying Capacity.” BioScience 42:10.

Dalai Lama, the (1987). “An Ethical Approach to Environmental Protecton.” In S. Davies (Ed.), Tree of Life: Buddhism and Protection of Nature with a Declaration on Environmental Ethics from His Holiness the Dalai Lama and an Introduction by Sir Peter Scott 9p.5). Buddhist Perception of Nature.

Dalton, Mary. A. (1976). “Theology of Ecology: An Interdisciplinary Concept.” Religious Education, 71, pp. 17-26.

Dalton, A. M. (1990). “Befriending an Estranged Home.” Religious Education, 85(1), pp. 15-24.

Daly, Herman E. (1973). Toward A Steady State Economy. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Co.

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-----. (1980b). Economics, Ecology, Ethics: Essays Towards a Steady-State Economy. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman & Co.

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Davis, M. (1987). “War, Conflict and Environmental Degradation: Part Three: The Effects of Militarism.” In F. W. Krueger (Ed.), Christian Ecology: Building an Environmental Ethic for the Twenty-First Century (p.76). North Webster, Indiana: The North American Conference on Christianity and Ecology.

Davis, W. H. (1972). “The Ecological Crisis.” Review and Expositer, 69(1), pp. 5-9.

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De la Cruz, A. “Scriptural Basis for Ecology: A Mandate for Environmental Stewardship.” Taiwan Journal of Theology, 10, pp. 211-223.

De Roo, R. (1986). “Agri-Culture, Agri-Business, Agri-Power: A Look to the Future. Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 2(4), pp. 4-8.

Deane-Drummond, C. (2004). The ethics of nature. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub.

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Denig, N. W. (1985). “ ‘On Values’ Revisited: A Judeo-Christian Theology of Man and Nature.” Landscape Journal, 4(2), pp. 96-105.

Denisenko, F., Met. of Kiev and Galich (1985). “Global Threat to Mankind—Global Strategy of Peace.” The Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate, 10, pp. 29-40.

Derr, Thomas Sieger. (1970). “Man Against Nature.” Cross Currents, 20, pp. 263-275.

-----. (1973). Ecology and Human Liberation: A Theological Critique of the Use and Abuse of Our Birthright. Vol. III, no.1, serial no.7.  Geneva: World Student Christian Federation.

-----. (1975a). Ecology and Human Need. Philadelphia: Westminster.

-----. (1975b). “Religion’s Responsibility for the Ecological Crisis: An Argument Run Amok.” Worldview, 18(1), pp. 39-45.

-----. (April 1976). “Science and Technology.” Ecumenical Review, pp. 131-140.

-----. (1977). “Conversations About Ultimate Matters: Theological Motifs in Ecumenical Studies of the Technological Future.” International Review of Missions, 66, pp. 123-134.

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-----. (1983). Barriers to Ecumenism: the Holy See and the World Council of Churches on Social Questions. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books.

Derrick, Christopher. (1972). The Delicate Creation: Towards a Theology of the Environment. Old Greenwich, Conn.: Devin-Adair Company.

Devadas, David. (1986). “Work, Technology and the Environment.” One World, pp. 11-15.

Devall, Bill and George Sessions. (1985). Deep Ecology: Living as if Nature Mattered. Salt Lake City: Peregrine Smith Books.

De Vries, G., Jr. (1989). “The Heavens Again.” The Reformed Journal, 39(10), p.9.

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