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Bibliography in Ecological Ethics and Eco-Theology: P-R

This list of resources in ecological ethics and eco-theology has been compiled by my research assistant Charles Demm as of October 1, 2003, with thanks to a number of other existing sources, especially John Cobb's "Ecotheology Book list" found on his web page and in the revised edition of Is It Too Late? A Theology of Ecology; and Joseph K. Sheldon's Rediscovery of Creation: A Bibliographical Study of the Church's Response to the Environmental Crisis.

WARNING: This is a long file.

INDEX  |  A-B  |  C-E  |  F-H  |  I-L  |  M-O  |  P-R  |  S-T  |  U-Z

Paddock, Joe, Nancy Paddock, and Carol Bly. (1986). Soil and Survival: Land Stewardship and the Future of American Agriculture. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books.

Paetkau, P., G. Harder, and D. Sawatzky. (1978). God, Man, Land, Interrelationship Programs for Camps. Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press.

Palmer, M., A. Nash, and I. Hottingh. (1987). Faith and Nature. London; Rider Books.

Palmer, Martin. (1991). The Ecological Crisis and Creation Theology.” In Vincent Bruemmer (Ed.), Interpreting the Universe as Creation. Kampen, Netherlands: Kok Pharaos, pp. 132-146.

Pang, C. C. (1983). The Significance of Luther’s Thought on Nature in the Christian Witness of Asia Today.” East Asia Journal of Theology, 1(1), pp. 1-14.

Pannenberg Wolfhart. (1993). Towards a Theology of Nature: Essays on Science and Faith. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press.

Paradise, S. (1979). Visions of the Good Society and the Energy Debate.” Anglican Theological Review, 61(1), pp. 106-117.

Park, B. (1987). Tilling and Keeping.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 3(3), 17-18.

Parmar, Samuel L. (1974, Jan). The Limits-to-Growth Debate in Asian Perspective.” Ecumenical Review, pp. 33-52.

Parmenov, A. J. (1989). Christian Responsibility for the Environment.” The Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate, 3, pp. 38-39.

Partridge, Ernest (Ed.) (1981). Responsibilities to Future Generations: Environmental Ethics. Buffalo: Prometheus Books.

Passmore, John. (1974). Man’s Responsibility for Nature. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

-----. (1975). Attitudes to Nature.” In R. S. Peters (Ed.), Nature and Conduct, Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures (pp. 251-264).  London: MacMillan.

-----. (1977). Ecological Problems and Persuasion.” In G. Dorsey (Ed.), Equality and Freedom. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana Publications.

Pater, C. (1989). The Battle of the Bulk.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 5(4/5), p. 25.

Paternoster, M. (1976). Man: The World’s High Priest: An Ecological Approach. Oxford: SLG (Sisters of the Love of God) Press.

Paternoster, M. C. (1971). Thy Humbler Creation.” Church Quarterly, 3(January), pp. 204-214.

Patey, E. H. (1976). Christian Lifestyle. London: Mowbrays.

Pattison, E. M. (1974). Will Means Destroy Ends? Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 26(1), p. 20.

Pattison, John. (1993). Pastoral Care and Liberation Theology. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Patton, John. (1993). Pastoral Care in Context. Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press.

Peacocke, A. R. (1961). The Christian Faith in a Scientific Age.” Religion in Education, 28, pp. 53-58.

-----. (1979). Creation and the World of Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

-----. (1987). Rethinking Religious Faith in a World of Science.” In F. T. Birtel (Ed.), Religion, Science and Public Policy (pp. 3-29). New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company.

Pearson, F. (1974). How the Energy Crisis Can Keep Us in Moral Fighting Trim.” Christian Century, 91(9), pp. 256-259.

Peerman, Dean. (1985, Dec 11). Gertrude Blom: Prophet Crying for a Wilderness.” Christian Century, pp. 1146-1150.

Peeters, Denise. (1993). Towards an Ecologically Informed Theology.” Theology Digest 40:2.

Pelcovitz, R. (1970). Ecology and Jewish Theology.” Jewish Life, 37, pp. 23-32.

Perdue, Leo G. (1987). Job’s Assault on Creation.” Hebrew Annual Review, 10, pp. 295-315.

-----. (1992). Wisdom and Creation: The Theology of Wisdom Literature. Nashville: Abingdon Press.

Peters, K. E. (1977). Realities and Ideals in the World System.” Zygon, 12(2), pp. 169-174.

-----. (1987). Toward a Physics, Metaphysics, and Theology of Creation: A Trinitarian View.” In F. T. Birtel (Ed.), Religion, Science, and Public Policy (pp. 96-112). New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company.

Peters, T. (1987). A Hole in the Heavens.” Dialog, 26, 8.

Pfrimmer, D. (1988). The Future of Farming and Farming the Future.” Consensus, 14(2), pp. 49-59.

Philibert, P. J. (1982). Becoming Human in the World for the Sake of the World.” Epiphany, 2(3), pp. 20-27.

Phillips, R. (1973). The Tree Managers.” Church and Society, 64(2), pp. 44-61.

Phipps, W. E. (1988). Asa Gray’s Theology of Nature.” American Presbyterians: Journal of Presbyterian History, 66, pp. 167-175.

Pignone, M. M. (1978). Concentrated Ownership of Land.” In M.E. Jegen and B.V. Manno (Eds.), The Earth is the Lord’s: Essays on Stewardship (pp. 112-129). New York: Paulist Press.

Pinches, Charles and Jay B. McDaniel. (Eds.) (1993). Good News for Animals? Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Press.

Pippert, W. G. (1971). What’s Your EQ? Christian Life, 33(July), p. 20ff.

Pitcher, W. Alvin. (1993). Listen to the Crying Earth: Cultivating Creation Communites. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press.

Pitchford, J. (1989, Jan-Mar). In Tune with God and His Environment.” Together, A Publication of World Vision, p.11.

Plant, Judith. (1989). Healing the Wounds: The Promise of Ecofeminism. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers.

Plantinga, C., Jr. (189). Signals from Seoul.” The Reformed Journal, 39(10), pp. 10-13.

Plaskow, Judith. (1990). Standing Again at Sinai: Judaism from a Feminist Perspective. San Francisco: Harper & Row.

Platman, R. H. (1971). Theology and Ecology: A Problem for Religious Education.” Religious Education, 66(1), pp. 14-23.

Platt, D. R. (1982). Stewardship of Natural Ecosystems: A Case Study in the Tallgrass Prairie.” In E. R. Squiers (Ed.), The Environmental Crisis: The Ethical Dilemma (pp. 115-134). Mancelona, MI: Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies.

Plumewood, Val. (1993). Feminism and the Mastery of Nature. London: Routledge.

Pobee, John S. (1977). Towards a Theology and Ethics of Population Dynamics.” In J. S. Bebee (Ed.), Religion, Morality, Population Dynamics. Chapel Hill: Popular Center.

-----. (1985). Creation Faith and Responsibility for the World.” Journal of Theology for Southern Africa, 50(March), pp. 16-26.

-----. (1990). Lord, Creator-Spirit, Renew and Sustain the Whole Creation: Some Missiological Perspectives.” International Review of Mission, 79(314), pp. 151-158.

Points, G. P. (1975). Nature-Man-God: A Post-Modern View.” Lexington Theological Quarterly, 10, pp. 11-22.

Pois, Robert A. (1986). National Socialism and the Religion of Nature. London: Croon Helm.

Polkinghorne, John. (1989). Science and Providence: God’s Interaction with the World. Boston: New Science Library.

Pollard, N. (1984). The Israelites and Their Environment.” The Ecologist, 14(3), pp. 125-133.

Pollard, W. G. (1969). Man on a Spaceship.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 21(2), pp. 34-39.

-----. (1970). God and His Creation.” In M. Hamilton (Ed.), This Little Planet (pp. 43-76). New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

-----. (1980a). Not an Avoidable Problem.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 32(2), p. 88.

-----. (1980b). A Theological View of Nuclear Energy.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 32(2), pp. 70-74.

Polman, G. (1987a). CFFA Convention Report: An Encounter With Change.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 3(1), pp. 16-17.

-----. (1987b). Close Encounters of a Powerful Kind.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 3(2), pp. 5-9.

-----. (1988). Of Mice and Men and Rights.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 4(1), p.3.

-----. (1989). Have a Heart.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 5(2), p. 3.

Pope John Paul II. (1990). Peace with God the Creator: Peace with All of Creation. Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vatican.

Pope, R. M. (1972). South Elkhorn: The Church and a Theology of Nature.” Lexington Theological Quarterly, 7, pp. 113-120.

Porter, H. B. (1986). A Song of Creation. Cambridge, MA: Cowley Publications.

Potter, P. (1985). Development as an Ecumenical Challenge.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 1(2), pp. 16-18.

Prance, Ghillean T. (19190). Giver of Life—Sustain Your Creation.” International Review of Mission, 79(April), pp. 159-166.

-----. (1991). The Ecological Awareness of the Amazon Indians.” In G. T. Prance and C. B. DeWitt (Eds.), Missionary Earthkeeping. Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press.

-----, and C. B. DeWitt (Eds.) (1991). Missionary Earthkeeping. Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press.

-----. (1993, April). “Appropriate Technology and Christian Belief: A Case Study of Amazonia.” Scinece and Christian Belief, pp. 5-17.

Presbyterian Church (USA) (1989). Keeping and Healing the Creation. Louisville: Eco-Justice Task Force, Committee on Social Witness Policy, Presbyterian Church (USA).

Preston, R. H. (1980). “The Question of a Just, Participatory and Sustainable Society.” Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 63(1), pp. 95-117.

Primavesi, Anne. (1990). “The Part for the Whole? An Ecofeminist Enquiry.” Theology, 93(Sept/Oct), pp. 355-362.

-----. (1991). From Apocalypse to Genesis: Ecology, Feminism and Christianity. Kent, Great Britain: Burnes and Oates.

-----. (1993). “A Post-Rio Perspective on Militarism.” Theology in Green, 8, pp. 20-26.

Prime, Ranchor. (Ed.) (1992). Hinduism and Ecology. London and New York: Cassell Publishers Limited/ World Wide Fund for Nature.

Pritchard, Colin. (1977, Sept). “Science, Faith and the Vision of a New Society.” Theology, pp. 331-340.

Propp, William Henry. (1987). Water in the Wilderness: A Biblical Motif and Its Mythological Background. Atlanta: Scholars Press.

Przewozny, Bernard. (1987). “Elements of a Catholic Doctrine of Humankind’s Relation to the Environment.” Miscellanea Francescana 87.

-----. (1988). “Integrity of Creation: A Missionary Imperative.” SEDOS Bulletin, 11(Dec.15), pp. 363-374.

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Quinn, Frederick. (1994). That We May Heal the Earth: A Theology of Ecology. Nashville: Upper Room Books.

INDEX  |  A-B  |  C-E  |  F-H  |  I-L  |  M-O  |  P-R  |  S-T  |  U-Z

Rae, E.  (1987). The Feminine Image of God and Its Implications for Women, Men and the Earth.” In F. W. Krueger (Ed.), Christian Ecology: Building an Environmental Ethic for the Twenty-First Century (p. 98). North Webster, Indiana: The North American Conference on Christianity and Ecology.

-----. (1994). Women, the Earth, the Divine. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Press.

Raffensperger, C. (1990). All God’s Critters Got a Place in the Choir.” Daughters of Sarah, 16(3), pp. 4-6.

Rajotte, F. (1988, Sept/Oct). Creation Theology at the W.C.C.” Ecumenist, p. 85-90.

-----. (1990). Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation.” Religious Education, 85(1), pp. 5-14.

Rakestraw, Robert. (1986). The Contribution of John Wesley Toward an Ethics of Nature.” Drew Gateway, 56(3), pp. 14-25.

Ramm, B. (1971). Evangelical Theology and Technological Shock.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 23(2), pp. 52-56.

Ramon, J., and R. H. Bube. (1985). Appropriate Technology for the Third World.” Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 37(2), pp. 66-71.

Ranck, L. (Ed.) (1990). [Methodist Response to Environmental Crisis]. Christian Social Action, 3(Sept),

4-16, 25-32, 35-36, 39.

Rands, B. (1989, Jan-Mar). Beyond Timbuktu, Oases of Hope.” Together, A Publication of World Vision, pp 4-5.

Rappaport, Roy A. (1979). Ecology, Meaning, and Religion. Richmond, Calif.: North Atlantic Books.

Rasmussen, Larry. (1975). The Future Isn’t What it Used to Be: ‘Limits to Growth’ and Christian Ethics.” Luteran Quarterly, 27(2), pp. 101-111.

-----. (1985). The Bishops and the Economy: Three Appraisals; III. On Creation, On Growth.” Christianity and Crisis, 45(19), pp. 473-476.

-----. (1987). Creation, Church and Christian Responsibility.” In W. Granberg-Michaelson (Ed.), Tending the Garden: Essays on the Gospel and the Earth (pp. 114-131). Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Company.

-----. (1990). The Planetary Environment: Challenge on Every Front.” Theology and Public Policy, 2(Summer), pp. 3-14.

-----. (1991a, Oct 22). Toward an Earth Charter.” Christian Century, pp. 964-967.

-----. (1991b, Nov 18). Honoring Creation’s Integrity: The Ecocrisis.” Christianity and Crisis, pp. 354-358.

-----. (1992, Mar 16). Ecocrisis and Theology’s Quest: Today’s Theologies Must Include a Cosmology and Ethic Worthy of the Name.” Christianity and Crisis, pp. 83-87.

-----. (1993). Moral Fragments and Moral Community: A Proposal for Church in Society. Minneapolis: Augsburg Press.

Raven, C. E. (1940). The Gospel and the Church: A Study of Distortion and Its Remedy. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

-----. (1953). Science and Religion. Cambridge: Cambridge University.

-----. (1955). Christianity and Science. London: Lutterworth Press.

Ravid, F. (1987). Kebash: The Marital Commandment to Subdue the Earth.” Epiphany, 7, pp. 66-70.

Redekop, C. (1986). Toward a Mennonite Theology and Ethic of Creation.” Mennonite Quarterly Review, 60(3), pp. 387-403.

Regan, R. (1989). A River Too Good to Waste.” Christian Social Action, 2, pp. 14-15.

Regan, Tom (Ed.) (1980). Matters of Life and Death: New Introductory Essays in Moral Philosophy. New York: Random House.

-----. (1982). All That Dwell Therein: Animal Rights and Environmental Ethics. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

-----. (1983). The Case for Animal Rights. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press.

-----, and Peter Singer (Eds.) (1976).

Regenstein, L. G. (1991). Replenish the Earth: A History of Organized Religion’s Treatment of Animals and Nature—Including the Bible’s Message of Conservation and Kindness Toward Animals. New York: Crossroads.

Rehwaldt, A. C. (1969). The Christian World View and the New Era in Science.” Concordia Theological Monthly, 40(1), pp. 13-23.

Reid, L. (1975). Towards a Religion of the Environment.” The Teilhard Review, 10, pp. 16-19.

Reidel, C. H. (1971). Christianity and the Environmental Crisis.” Christianity Today, 15,(15), pp. 684-688.

Reinhart, P. (1983). The Bridge.” Epiphany, 3(3), 21.

-----. (1985a). Editorial.” Epiphany, 6(1), pp. 1-2.

-----. (1985b). Eternal Festival: Folk Culture, Celebrations, and Earth Stewardship.” Epiphany, 6(1), pp 46-50.

-----. (1985c). The Ten Talents of Stewardship and the Angelic Dimension.” Epiphany, 6(1), pp. 36-43.

Reinhart, S. (1987). The Christian Family: Foundation for Environmental Renewal: Part Two: Family and the Formation of a Christian Ecologist.” In F. W. Krueger (Ed.), Christian Ecology: Building an Environmental Ethic for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 89-90). North Webster, Indiana: The North American Conference on Christianity and Ecology.

Rendtorff, R. (1979). ‘Subdue the Earth’: Man and Nature in the Old Testament.” Theology Digest, 27(3), pp. 213-216.

Reese, W. L. (1980). Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press.

Religious Consultation on Population, Reproductive Health, and Ethics. (1993). Religious and Ethical Perspectives of Population Issues. Washington, D.C.

Ress, Mary. (1993, Nov/Dec).  Cosmic Theology: Ecofeminism and Panentheism: Interview of Ivone Gebara.” Creation Spirituality, pp. 9-11.

Reumann, J. (1973). Creation and New Creation: The Past, Present, and Future of God’s Creative Activity. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House.

Reuss, Carl F. (1979, April). Towards More Justice: A Review of the WCC Program Emphasis.” Ecumenical Review, pp. 163-168.

Review and Expositor (1972). Ecology and the Church.” Review and Expositor: A Baptist Theological Journal, 69(1), pp. 3-76.

Reynolds, S. (1987, April-June). Too Many People, Not Enough Land.” Together: A Publication of World Vision, p. 3.

Rhoads, David. (1991, Dec). The Role of the Church in the Care of the Earth.” Currents in Theology and Mission, pp. 406-414.

Richard, L. (1986). Toward a Renewed Theology of Creation: Implications of Human Rights.” Eglise et Theologie, 17(2), pp. 149-170.

Richardson, Boyce. (1991). Strangers Devour the Land: The Cree Hunters of the James Bay Area Vs. Premier Bourassa and the James Bay Development Corporation. Post Mills, Vt: Chelsea Green.

Richardson, C. C. (1972). A Christian Approach to Ecology.” Religion in Life, 41(4), pp. 462-479.

Rifkin, Jeremy. (1987). Rethinking Our World View: Alternative Futures for the 21st Century.” In F. W. Krueger (Ed.), Christian Ecology: Building an Environmental Ethic for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 60-63). North Webster, Indiana: The North American Conference on Christianity and Ecology.

-----, and T. Howard. (1979). The Emerging Order: God in the Age of Scarcity. New York: Putnam’s Sons.

-----. (1980). Entropy: A New World View. New York: Viking Press.

-----. (1991). Biosphere Politics. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco.

-----, and Carol Grunewald. (1992, May). The Greening of Economics.” Sojourners, pp. 6-8.

Riga, P. J. (1970). Ecology and Theology.” The Priest, 26, pp. 16-21.

Rigdon, V. B. (1983). Creation Within the Love of God.” Journal of Presbyterian History, 61(Spring), pp. 43-54.

Riggs, D. (1987). Wilderness Retreats: Part Two: Wilderness and Prayer.” In F. W. Krueger (Ed.), Christian Ecology: Building an Environmental Ethic for the Twenty-First Century (p. 56). North Webster, Indiana: The North American Conference on Christianity and Ecology.

Riley, Shamara Shantu. (1993). Ecology is a Sistah’s Issue Too: The Politics of Emergent Afrocentric Ecowomanism.” In Carol J. Adams, Ecofeminism and the Sacred. New York: Continuum, pp. 191-204.

Rimbach, J. A. (1987). All Creation Groans: Theology/Ecology in St. Paul.” Asia Journal of Theology, 1(2), pp. 379-391.

Riverson, J. J. (1986, July-Sept). Water and Children’s Health: The View from Ghana.” Together: A Journal of World Vision International, pp. 10-13.

Robb, Carol S.and Carl J. Casebolt (Eds.) (1991). Covenant for a New Creation: Ethics, Religion, and Public Policy. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Press

Robb, J. W. (1981). The Christian and the New Biology.” Encounter, 42, pp. 197-205.

Robbins, J. K. (1987). The Environment and Thinking About God.” Encounter, 48(4), pp. 401-415.

Robbins, J. W. (1972). Ecology: The Abolition of Man.” Creation Research Society Quarterly, 8(4), pp. 280-284.

Robbins, W. W. (1970). The Theological Values of Life and Nonbeing.” Zygon, 5(4), pp. 339-352.

Robertson, J. (1989). A New Economics for the 21st Century.” The Egg: A Journal of Eco-Justice, 9(1), pp. 4-5.

Robinson, H. W. (1946). God and Nature.” Part In Inspiration and Revelation in the New Testament. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Robinson, W. D. (1973). Theology of Only One Earth.” The Expository Times, 84(Sept), pp. 355-358.

Rockefeller, Steven C. and John C. Elder. (1992). Spirit and Nature: Why the Environment Is a Religious Issue. Boston: Beacon Press.

Rockefeller, Steven C. (1994). Religion and the Ecological Conscience.” In Steven Karakasian and Jon Collett (Eds.), Learning to Think About Conservation: A Multidisciplinary Guide for College Teachers. Washington, D.C.: Island Press.

Rogers, D. B. (1990). Coyotes and Sheep: What the Exile Teaches the Church About Ecological Education.” Journal of Theology (United Theological Seminary), 94, pp. 7-19.

Rolston, Holmes III. (1986). Philosophy Gone Wild: Essays in Environmental Ethics. Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Press.

-----. (1988). Environmental Ethics: Duties to and Values in the Natural World. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

-----. (1991, Spring). Respect for Life: Christians, Creation, and Environmental Ethics.” CTNS Bulletin, pp. 1-8.

-----. (1992). Does Nature Need to Be Redeemed? Horizons in Biblical Theology 14, pp. 143-72.

Rondeel, P. (1989, Jan-Mar). Those Who Destroy the Earth.” Together: A Publication of World Vision, p. 3.

Root, M. J. (1979). Creation and Redemption: A Study of Their Interrelationship, With Special Reference to the Theology of Regin Prenter. Ph.D., Yale University.

Rose, Aubrey. (Ed.) (1992). Judaism and Ecology. London & New York: Cassell Publishers Limited/World Wide Fund for Nature.

Rosenak, Michael. (1992, Spring). On Ways and Visions: The Theological and Educational Thought of Irving Greenberg.” The Melton Journal.

Ross, E. M. (1987). Humans’ Creation in God’s Image: Richard of St. Victor, Walter Hilton, and Contemporary Theology. Ph.D., The University of Chicago.

Rossi, A. (1989). Hearing the Word of God in Creation.” Firmament: The Quarterly of Christian Ecology, 1(3), pp. 2-3.

-----. (Ed.) (1990). For the Transformation of Nature: Papers from the Symposium on Orthodoxy and Ecology.” Epiphany, 10(Spring), pp. 7-74.

-----. (1981a). An Open Letter to the Editors of ‘The Next Whole Earth Catalogue’.” Epiphany, 2(19), pp. 16-31.

-----. (1981b). The Eleventh Commandment: Toward an Ethic of Ecology.” Epiphany, 1(4), pp. 3-19.

-----. (1985a). The Earth is the Lord’s: Excerpts From ‘The Eleventh Commandment: Toward an Ethic of Ecology’.” Epiphany, 6(1), pp. 3-6.

-----. (1985b). Theocentrism: The Cornerstone of Christian Ecology.” Epiphany, 6(1), pp. 8-14.

-----. (1987). Theocentrism: The Cornerstone of Christian Ecology.” In F. W. Krueger (Ed.), Christian Ecology: Building an Environmental Ethic for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 27-29). North Webster, Indiana: The North American Conference on Christianity and Ecology.

-----. (1988). Christian Ecology is Cosmic Christology.” Epiphany, 8(Winter), pp. 52-62.

Rounder, L. S. (Ed.) (1984). On Nature. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press.

Rowald, H. L. (1977). The Theology of Creation in the Yahweh Speeches of the Book of Job as a Solution to the Problem Posed by the Book of Job. Th.D., Concordia Seminary in Exile, St. Louis.

Royer, W. (1987). Nature Mysticism in St. Seraphim of Sarov and St. John of Kronstadt.” In F. W. Krueger (Ed.), Christian Ecology: Building an Environmental Ethic for the Twenty-First Century (pp. 52-53). North Webster, Indiana: The North American Conference on Christianity and Ecology.

Rubenstein, Richard L. (1966). After Auschwitz: Radical Theology and Contemporary Judaism. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill.

Rudin, A. (1986). A Very Northern Church.” Engage/Social Action, 14(4), pp. 29-31.

Rudisell, R. T. (1973). Contemporary Representative American Approaches to a Theology of Environment. Th.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Ruether, R. R. (1972). Liberation Theology: Human Hope Confronts Christian History and American Power. New York: Paulist Press.

-----. (1974). Rich Nations/Poor Nations and the Exploitation of the Earth.” Dialog (St. Paul, Minn.), 13(Summer), pp. 201-207.

-----. (1975). New Woman, New Earth: Sexist Ideologies and Human Liberation. New York: The Seabury Press.

-----. (1978). The Biblical Vision of the Ecological Crisis.” Christian Century, 95(38), pp. 1129-1132.

-----. (1981). Ecology and Human Liberation: A Conflict Between the Theology of History and the Theology of Nature.” In R. R. Ruether (Ed.), To Change the World: Christology and Cultural Criticism. New York: Crossroad.

-----. (1983). Sexism and God-Talk: Toward a Feminist Theology. Boston, Beacon Press.

-----. (1991, Aug). Facing Up to Global Repentance.” Christianity and Crisis, pp. 244-246.

-----. (1992). Gaia and God: An Ecofeminist Theology of Earth Healing. San Francisco: Harper Collins.

-----. (1993). Ecofeminism: Symbolic and Social Connections Between the Oppression of Women and the Domination of Nature.” In Carol J. Adams, Ecofeminism and the Sacred. New York: Continuum.

Russell, C. A. (1985). Crosscurrents: Interactions Between Science and Faith. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans Publishing Company.

Rust, Eric C. (1953). Nature and Man in Biblical Thought. London: Lutterworth Press.

-----. (1967). Science and Faith: Towards a Theological Understanding of Nature. New York: Oxford University Press.

-----. (1971). Nature—Garden or Desert? An Essay in Environmental Theology. Waco, TX: Word Books.

-----. (1972). Nature and Man in Theological Perspective.” Review and Expositor: A Baptist Theological Journal, 69(1), pp. 11-22.

-----. (1980). A Christian Understanding of and Attitude Toward Nature.” In P. Santmire (Ed.), Issues in Christian Ethics. Nashville, Tenn: Broadman Press.

Ryan, Maura Ann. (1994). Reflections on Population Policy from the Roman Catholic Tradition.” In Laurie Mazur (Ed.), Beyond the Numbers: A Reader on Population, Consumption, and the Environment. Washington, D.C.: Island Press.

Ryan, P. (1987). A Christian Eco-Channel Design for Local Television.” In F. W. Krueger (Ed.), Christian Ecology: Building an Environmental Ethic for the Twenty-First Century (p. 84). North Webster, Indiana: The North American Conference on Christianity and Ecology.

Ryan, T. (Ed.) (1990). Come Holy Spirit, Renew the Whole Creation.” Ecumenism, 100(Dec), pp. 3-27.

Rybeck, W., and R. D. Pasquariello. (1987). Combating Modern-Day Feudalism: Land as God’s Gift.” The Christian Century, 104(16), pp. 470-472.

Rzadki, J. A., and S. G. Hilts. (1989). Partners in Conservation: Voluntary Co-Operation in Replacing Regulation Among Government Ministries and Private Landowners.” Earthkeeping: A Quarterly on Faith and Agriculture, 5(4/5), pp. 22-23.

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