"The Subway" After operating elevated lines since the 1880's, the IRT subway lines opened for the first time in 1904 and looked like this: This 1906 map shows the subway and elevated lines available to Blanche. |
"Mr. Capek" - probably Tomas Capek (1861-19xx) Tomas Capek was a Czech-American lawyer, banker, and writer, whose book "The Czechs in America" appeared in 1920, the same year that his relative Karel Capek (1890-1938) in newly created Czechoslovakia invented the concept "robot" in his play R. U. R., "Rossum's Universal Robots." Thomas Capek -----------Karel Capek----- auction price ~$15,000 |
Sat Mar 23
Our "white slave day''! Rose downstairs washing; I upstairs cleaning the flat. But I saved myself as much as possible as I had a lesson in the afternoon; a very good one, on "Traviata'', and two lovely German songs. Mrs. C. seemed quite encouraged. Had intended to walk to church but the lesson lasted so long that I had to run, as usual, to the "Subway''. In the evening had tickets for a concert but simply could not go, so shopped with Mila and got to bed early. Am so used to going to church daily that I shall miss it when lent will be over. I am becoming better acquainted with Miss Underhill and find her a delightfully interesting little person. She seems to like me quite well.
Sun Mar 24
Dr. Parks was absent and a visiting minister preached. He succeeded in increasing our appreciation of -- Dr. Parks. It is curious to me that so few ministers seem to awaken a personal and sympathetic feeling when they are in the pulpit. They get up and read the sermons, not as if they were the product and fruit of their own brains, but as a thing apart from themselves, and as tho' they were not quite sincere in what they so urgently insist upon. The day was gloomy and cold. Mr. D. called at church for me, and stayed all evening. He played chess with Papa and Tony and I was thoroughly bored.
Mon Mar 25
Rose and I washed till afternoon. We actually induced Mother to do her own marketing but it was a herculean task. It did her good, nevertheless, and she helped us hang out [the wash] and did a great deal. Mr. Capek called and told her of the diet treatment which he says is helping him so much - eight eggs a day and toast and coffee - a very little. Went afternoon service and in the evening was fitted for my lovely new tan suit, which my angel sister is making for me for Easter. Also had German lesson with Papa. Ah! I have forgotten so much.
Tues Mar 26
Saw at Mrs. C's a lovely little volume entitled "Meditations of Marcus Aurelius'' full of delightfully clever and wise sayings and philosophies. And I never even knew him as a philosopher. For me he was merely one of a long list of Emperors, some good and some bad. I suppose that Herbert Spencer would say that in my former conception of him his personality was of "conventional value'' and now it is of "quasi-intrinsic'' value. I am trying to read Spencer's "Education'', but somehow I cannot read a book persistently -- I must make up this summer.
Wed Mar 27
Was a dressmaker's assistant all day, as I was helping Mila at Mrs. Brown's. I rather enjoyed the complete change. Mila told me a great deal of Mama's troubles in her youth, and I wonder how she ever kept her mind. No wonder she is a nervous wreck now. It will make me more patient and considerate with her in her spells, now that I know what she has suffered. Walked up to church for the Bach recital. It had less vim and swing than last time.
Thurs Mar 28
Practised some of the long phrases from the "Passion''. They are very difficult. Then loaded down with baggage set out, first to leave my hats at Ella's then going to Schirmers - in vain, as only Mr. Gustave was in. Then to Mrs. C's for a lesson, quite the finest I have ever had, on "I know that my Redeemer'' and "Come unto him'' and the German songs. Also gave her my Easter gift -- suede slippers, which she liked very much. Then went to Ella's and together we trimmed two hats, the raffia and a black. She is a dear girl and we get along so well. We went to church together. After supper all hands worked on the tan suit, which Mila wants to finish for Easter. Bed at twelve.
Fri Mar 29
A very "churchy'' day. Walked down, as it was a beautiful day and had full service at 11. A very beautiful one. Then Ella and I shopped and spent oh! so many pennies on veils. No wonder my money goes faster than it used to. I am acquiring expensive tastes! I intended going home but Ella urged me to go home with her to lunch, so I consented. I finished fixing my hat and at 4 we we went down for another service, also full choir. After supper the usual rehearsal, and somehow I did not feel at all tired, but sang for all it was worth. I shall miss the Lenten choir when it is all over.