Rudolph Schirmer |
Leopold Stokowski |
Yersin Soeurs Offered French language instruction. |
Miss Zaide Griffin Librarian at the Webster Branch Library, which served the Czech immigrant population |
Tues Jan 1
Not a very auspicious opening of the New Year. One good thing was that Mother was very well all day - the first time in weeks - and took up the household reins. At 4.30 Rose, Mila, and I started down to see Millie and the babe and Otto off. We managed to lose one another beautifully and our plans for an evening at the theatre spoiled! But we went to Camille's for the evening, and laughed heartily at her and her escapades. Her baby is a beauty. We miss Mimi a great deal. No expenses today.
Wed Jan 2
Felt very ambitious so started in bravely at 8 with piano practise. Then singing for the first time in weeks. Oh but I have slipped back! and I had begun to really advance when that awful cold came upon me. I worked the voice up a little and at 2 had a Yersin le\c{c}on. We are working on the "Chant Artistique'' and I am of the firm conviction that Mrs. Collins could give me the same thing, so shall speak to Mr. Schirmer. Stopped at library and had a nice chat with Miss Griffin and got two books on D.G. Rosetti. Evening: did German with Father.
Thurs Jan 3
A.M. Practised piano and singing and lesson with Mrs. C. at 12:30. We worked on "Connais-tu'' and there was so much to criticize! And the "two voices'' appeared again which fault we had hoped was overcome! D\'{e}goutant! Found a book of French dialogues which are splendid for idioms. I am so anxious to please Mr. S. with my French! and so afraid I shall not! Pouring rain again. Will it ever stop? Came home and practised but the high notes seem not to exist. Mother is feeling so badly these days; she stays in bed most of the time, and is always very -- almost hysterical -- in the mornings. The awful weather probably has something to do with it.
Fri Jan 4
Practised all morning and had a German lesson with Father. Planned to go see Mr. Sch. about the Yersins but it simply poured so I went straight to 12 - 5th Ave. By the time I got there the sun was out. Had an interesting lesson and could have had it for 2 hours but had to rush home and give Anna a piano lesson. Chas. and Rose made a very successful supper; for Mama wouldn't even try to get up. Rehearsal in the evening. Leopold [Stokowski] looks badly in spite of his rest. Poor lad! He is as rude as ever. Had a talk with Mrs. C. about Mother's illness and she says she suffers often from melancholia but manages to fight it down by sheer will power.