Salome Scandal Nazimova's Seven Veils Leontyne Price Finale W.Zauscher Finale Three years later, at Oscar Hammerstein's more venturesome Manhattan Opera, the Scottish sensation Mary Garden performed the role. Although she was nude under the seven veils, the presentation was approved by none other than Billy Sunday. On the less erudite circuit, the Dance of the Seven Veils became an immediate favorite, elevating burlesque to "Biblical" status for all classes. Beginning in 1908 in London, Maud Allan created her own show to music by Remy |
Sat Jan 19
Rain and slush as usual. Mila home today, so we all three cleaned and dusted till 10. I went down to the Temple to meet Mrs. Beach, but she did not come, so went in alone. The music is very simple, and I think I could fill the position if I got a chance. The woman who is there has a very worn out voice. Felt very sleepy after luncheon but fought it off. Played the Bach "Passion'' music, which I could scarcely pick my way through it is so difficult. The singing went pretty well; except the extreme high notes. Evening trimmed over my hat and went to bed early.
Sun Jan 20
Two interesting services with Dr. Parks speaking "to the young people'' in the morning, then after service he called down the contraltos so severely for "making a row with their copies'' that most of them dissolved in tears when they came out. Then in the afternoon he said with biting vindictiveness "If I couldn't march better than you I would get crutches!'' He is a glorious example of Christian forbearance. Such a spiteful temper, and in a minister of the gospel of peace! He's enough to make an atheist of a Jew! Walked three ways today and went to bed early.
Mon Jan 21
Morning practised piano and finished harmony. Mila criticised my singing and made some good points. I am really "getting the feeling'' of the full high tones. Went down at one for theory but Mr. Cressman is ill, so there were no corrections. Ella and I went down to the library to read; she, Jenny Lind, and I, a French book. A lesson at 4. But oh! they are so short. It takes 15 minutes to work up and then it is all over. "I know that my Redeemer'' went pretty well. Practised a bit in Giraudet's room, listened to "Mr. Jenk's'' autobiography. Walked to Princess Theatre and saw "Great Divide'' an interesting play, well acted.
Tues Jan 22
Mother quite nervous this morning. Went to Krehbiel lecture on "Wagner'' - quite interesting, altho' intellectually he hasn't half the charm of Mr. Tapper. Mrs. Aldrich, Miss De Bow, Ella and I went down to luncheon together, and enjoyed it. Studied Ital. and had an interesting lesson. Miss De Bow and I walked to Bijou Theatre for Nazimova tickets. Came home to practise, but Mrs. Hart's mother is ill, so couldn't make a noise. Read "Great Masters'' and am enjoying it. It contains such beautiful prints that I should love to own it. In the evening, I mended my muff, read a little and "retired'' early. Tonight the first "Salome'' performance.
Wed Jan 23
Meant to study before going down, but Mama's spells, and her reiteration of the same old questions and names is enough to upset the nerves of a wooden Indian; and I did almost nothing. Finally I got her out of bed, practised singing a little down in the kitchen (as Mrs. Lowen. is still very ill) and had a fine lesson with Mrs. C. Then a dictation lesson and home. The weather is bitter cold. Had hoped to practise but the madam upstairs was sleeping - another afternoon lost! Read my "Great Masters'' and in the evening, I had a rehearsal. Leop. was at "Salome'' and his opinion was very interesting. He said that it was not a noisy conglomeration of sounds, as many expected, but that the themes stood out clearly (tho' they were not very original) and that the orchestration was wonderful. He spoke of the splendid characterizations of the singers, especially Fremstadt, but said he would as lief spend a night in the Paris morgue, as to see so revolting a drama again.
Thurs Jan 24
Mama in bed, as usual, and I feel wretched. (Ind-ee). Spent the morning cleaning up and cooking. Did a little harmony. After luncheon went to 12 - 5th Ave. to practise, as I can't at home. Practised for about 10 min, and the piano tuner appeared. He reigned supreme for an hour and then it was time for my lesson. I found a beautiful song by Ot. Nova\v{c}ek, which I shall study. Had tea with Mrs. C. and Miss Young. In the evening, at home and to bed early.
Fri Jan 25
Piano lesson at 10, which was not very good, as I had not been able to practise. Listened to Henschel giving a lesson on "Verdure Clad'' and got some good points on phrasing, only the weakness of my high notes prevents my carrying them out. An interesting Tapper lecture on Mozart-Burns. After that went over to 12th Fifth Ave. and played piano till 2.30. Went home, got dressed for Miss Thursby's and gave Anna a lesson. At a quarter to five left for Mrs. C's, and we were to go to Miss Th's together. It was 5.45 when I go to Mrs. C's, so we decided to stay there. We had tea and a light dinner and chatted, which I enjoyed much more, to be honest, than the reception. Came late to rehearsal, which Leop. said was the best we had ever had. Mother in bed all day.