Selected articles: |
Competition, productivity and market outcomes, accepted Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2025.
Markups in US food manufacturing accounting for non-neutral productivity, with R. Lopez, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2024.
Measuring the bias of technological change, with U. Doraszelski, Journal of Political Economy, 126, 1027-1084, 2018.
Disentangling the effects of process and product innovation on cost and demand, with J. Mairesse, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 26, 150-157, 2017.
Does innovation stimulate employment? A firm-level analysis using comparable micro data on four European countries, with R.Harrison, J.Mairesse and B.Peters, International Journal of Industrial Organization , 35, 29-43, 2014.
R&D and productivity: Estimating endogenous productivity, with U.Doraszelski, The Review of Economic Studies, 80, 1338-1383, 2013.
What explains the evolution of productivity and competitiveness? The innovation link, in Catalonia Competitiveness, P. Gemawhat and X.Vives eds, 2008.
Automobile demand, model cycle and age effects, with M.Moral, Spanish Economic Review, 9, 193-218, 2007 (best SER article prize 2006-2007).
Panel data estimates of the production function and the revenue function: What difference does it make?, with J. Mairesse, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 107, 651-672, 2005.
Barriers to innovation and subsidy effectiveness, with X. González and C. Pazó, Rand Journal of Economics, 36, 930-950, 2005.
Firms’ age, process innovation and productivity growth, with E.Huergo, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 22, 541-559, 2004.
Entry, exit and productivity growth in Spanish manufacturing during the eighties, with A.Martin, Spanish Economic Review, 6,3, 211-226, 2004.
How does probability of process innovation change with firm age?, with E.Huergo, Small Business Economics, 22, 193-207, 2004.
Modelling price competition across many markets. An application to the Spanish loans market, with J.Lorences, European Economic Review, 46, 93-115, 2002.
An empirical oligopoly model of a regulated market, with C.Pazó, International Journal of Industrial Organization 17, 25-57, 1999.
Input cost, capacity utilization and substitution in the short run, with M.Delgado and A. Martín-Marcos, Spanish Economic Review 3, 239-262, 1999.
Work in progress: |
Robust production function estimation when there is market power, October 2024.
Technology and US manufacturing employment (Lessons from the estimation of a microeconomic multiproductivity production functon), with Isabel Mullens, April 2024.
Input and output market power with non-neutral productivity: Livestock and labor in meatpacking, with A. Azzam and R. Lopezs, December 2022.
The remarkable stability of the US manufacturing markups, June 2022.
Cost and product advantages: Evidence from Chinese manufacturing firms, with Heng Yin, May 2018.
Appendix., January 2020.
Prices under innovation: Evidence from manufacturing firms, with Shuheng Lin, August 2018.
Working papers: |
Reexamining DeLoecker and Warzynski (2012) method for estimating markups, with U. Doraszelski. CEPR Working Paper 16027, April 2021.
Using Cost Minimization to Estimate Markups, with U. Doraszelski. CEPR Working Paper 14114, June 2019.
Endogenous input quality variation as a help to estimate the production function, not a nuisance, June 2018.
Comparing productivity when products and inputs differ in quality: China manufacturing growth 1998-2013, with Heng Yin, May 2018.
Endogenous productivity and unobserved prices, with C. Guillard and J. Olivari, January 2018.
Innovation and welfare: Results from joint estimation of production and demand functions, with J. Mairesse. NBER Working Paper 16221, July 2010.
Idenifying olygopoly pricing behaviour: Incumbents reaction to tariffs dismantling, with M.J. Moral, December 2008.
Old work: |
Innovation and jobs: evidence from manufacturing firms, with A. García and C.Rodríguez, August 2005.