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Bibliography in Sustainable Development

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Environmental Justice Policy Water

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Adams, D. A. (1993). Renewable resource policy: the legal-institutional foundations. Washington, D.C., Island Press.

Agyeman, J. and B. Evans (1995). "Sustainability and democracy: Community Participation in Local Agenda 21." Local Government Policy Making 22(2): 35-40.

Ashby, T. H. (1990). The need for a reform of World Bank policy toward sustainable development: viii, 147 p.

Atkinson, A. (1991). Principles of political ecology. London, Belhaven Press.

Baetz, B. (1994). "Creation of landowner compacts for sustainable community development." Journal of Urban Planning and Development 12(4): 174-182.

Bandyopadhyay, J. and V. Shiva (1998). "Political economy of ecological movements." Economic and Political Weekly(11 June): 1123-1232.

Baram, M. S. (1994). "Multinational corporations, private codes, and technology transfer for sustainable development." Environmental Law 24: 33-65.

Barry, J. and M. Wissenburg (2001). Sustaining liberal democracy: ecological challenges and opportunities. New York, Palgrave.

Bergh, J. C. J. M. v. d., J. v. d. Straaten, et al. (1994). Toward sustainable development: concepts, methods, and policy. Washington, D.C., Island Press.

Brenton, T. and Energy and Environmental Programme (Royal Institute of International Affairs) (1994). The greening of Machiavelli: the evolution of international environmental politics. London, Royal Institute of International Affairs Energy and Environmental Programme; Washington, D.C., Earthscan Publications; Distributed in North America by Brookings Institution.

Bryant, R. (1991). "Putting politics first -- the political ecology of sustainable development." Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 1(6): 164-166.

Bryant, R. (1992). "Political ecology: an emerging research agenda in third-world studies." Political Geography 11(1): 12-36.

Campbell-Mohn, C., Ed. (1993). Sustainable environmental law: integrating natural resource and pollution abatement law from resources to recovery. St. Paul, MN, West.

Campbell-Mohn, C. and Environmental Law Institute. (1993). Environmental law: from resources to recovery. St. Paul, Minn., West Pub. Co.

Chatterjee, P. and M. Finger (1994). The earth brokers: power, politics, and world development. London; New York, Routledge.

Conca, K., M. Alberty, et al., Eds. (1995). Green planet blues: environmental politics from Stockholm to Rio. Boulder, CO, Westview Press.

Connoly, P. (1993). "'The go-between': CENVI, a habitat NGO in Mexico City." Environment & Urbanization 5(1): 68-90.

Cooke, G. A., A. Atkinson, et al. (1994). The evolving protection of state laws and the environment: NAFTA from a Texas perspective. Austin, Tex., U.S.-Mexican Policy Studies Program Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs University of Texas at Austin.

Cronon, W. (1995). Uncommon ground: toward reinventing nature. New York, W.W. Norton & Co.

Davis, F. W. (1995). "Information systems for conservation research, policy, and planning." BioScience Supplement 36-42.

Derzko, N. M. (1996). "Using intellectual property law and regulatory processes to foster the innovation and diffusion of environmental technologies." Harvard Environmental Law Review 20(1): 3-59.

Dobson, A. (1995). Green political thought. London; New York, Routledge.

Doherty, B. and M. d. Geus (1996). Democracy and green political thought: sustainability, rights, and citizenship. London; New York, Routledge.

Dovers, S. R. (1995). "A framework for scaling and framing policy problems in sustainability." Ecological Economics 12(2): 93-106.

Dunhoff, J. L. (1995). "From green to global: toward the transformation of international environmental law." Harvard Environmental Law Review 19(2): 241-302.

Eckersley, R. (1992). Environmentalism and political theory: toward an ecocentric approach. Albany, State University of New York Press.

Elworthy, S. and Interdisciplinary Research Network on Environment and Society. (1995). Perspectives on the environment 2: interdisciplinary research on politics, planning, society, and the environment. Aldershot; Brookfield, Vt., USA, Avebury.

Environment Liaison Centre. (1987). Joining hands: a first response to "Our common future". Nairobi, Kenya, The Centre.

Fisher, K. S., J., Ed. (1993). Environmental strategies for industry: international perspectives on research needs and policy implications. Washington, D.C., Island Press.

Foundation, I. (1991). "NGOs face the challenge of a new decade." Grassroots Development 15(2): special issue.

Friedmann, J. (1987). Planning in the public domain: from knowledge to action. Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press.

Gaventa, J. (1995). "Citizen knowledge, citizen competence and democracy building." The Good Society: A PEGS Journal 5(3): 28-35.

Ghai, D. P. and J. M. Vivian (1992). Grassroots environmental action: people's participation in sustainable development. London; New York, Routledge.

Ginther, K., E. Denters, et al. (1995). Sustainable development and good governance. Boston, Kluwer Academic.

Grubb, M. (1993). The "Earth Summit" agreements: a guide and assessment: an analysis of the Rio '92 UN Conference on Environment and Development. London, Earthscan Publications Ltd.

Gunderson, L. H., C. S. Holling, et al. (1995). Barriers and bridges to the renewal of ecosystems and institutions. New York, Columbia University Press.

Henion, K. E., T. C. Kinnear, et al. (1979). The Conserver society. Chicago, American Marketing Association.

Käkönen, J. (1992). Perspectives on environmental conflict and international relations. London; New York, Pinter.

Kèakèonen, J. and Rauhan- ja konfliktintutkimuslaitos (Tampere Finland) (1994). Green security or militarized environment. Aldershot; Brookfield, USA, Dartmouth.

Kennedy, K. C. (1994). "Reforming united States trade policy to protect the global environment: a multilateral approach." Harvard Environmental Law Review 18(1): 185-234.

Korten, D. C. (1990). Getting to the 21st century: voluntary action and the global agenda. West Hartford, Conn., Kumarian Press.

Kozlowski, J. M. and G. Hill (1993). Towards planning for sustainable development: a guide for the Ultimate Environmental Threshold (UET) Method. Aldershot, Hants, England; Brookfield, Vt., Avebury.

Lang, W., Ed. (1994). Sustainable development and international law. Boston, Kluwer [distributer].

Leff, E. (1993). "Marxism and the environmental question: from the critical theroy of production to an environmental rationality for sustainable development." Capitalism, Nature, Socialism: Journal of Socialist Ecology 4(1): 44-66.

Light, P. C. (1998). Sustaining innovation: creating nonprofit and government organizations that innovate naturally / Paul C. Light. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.

Lundqvist, L. J. (2001). "A Green Fist in a Velvet Glove: The Ecological State and Sustainable Development." Environmental Values 10(4): 455-472.

In this article, Lundqvist attempts to determine how far ecological states can pursue sustainable development without intruding on principles of democracy. Part of the motivation for this article is the idea that the classic "command and control" strategies used to regulate environmental practices have decreasing marginal returns, and so some question whether democratic governmental controls can achieve movement toward sustainable development. Despite critiques that the state is not the best place for environmental regulation (many green politicians focus on local or global government, and the inclusion of all stakeholders) Lundqvist argues that the state is the best political unit for achieving legitimate binding decisions in a multifaceted goal of sustainable development because it has the best resources, the ability to enforce rules and support scientific research.

Lundqvist recognizes that government leaders want policies that are "authoritative and effective in promoting desired behaviors while those governed would like them to be flexible, self-adjusting and reflexive, allowing individual citizens to have influence and choice." thus, an ecological state must be structured to allow central coordination and interactive learning to achieve sustainable resource management from a practical physical level (discussed elsewhere) and for political reasons. Following trends in environmental resource management and economics, Lundqvist suggests that regulation should be directed toward certain ends (for example toward reducing the scale and total amounts of resource use or pollutants emitted) while leaving the means to achieve these ends fairly unregulated. This allows markets and ingenuity to thrive, and generally is attractive to more corporations, while achieving the desired effects.

Lundqvist also proposes the institution of long term planning procedures that evaluate the state of the environment and needs of people in order to broaden the scope of environmental planning. He also suggests that new policies and procedures to limit damage to the environment are received much differently by the public depending on how they are introduced, and that more attention must be paid to this step of the policy development process.

Martinez-Alier, J. (1995). "Political ecology, distributional conflicts, and economic incommensurability." New Left Review 211: 70-88.

Martinez-Alier, J. and L. A. Thurpp (1992). "A political ecology of the South." Latin American Perspectives 72(19): 1.

McCormick, J. (1989). Reclaiming paradise: the global environmental movement. Bloomington, Indiana University Press.

McHarg, I. L. and American Museum of Natural History. (1969). Design with nature. Garden City, N.Y., Published for the American Museum of Natural History [by] the Natural History Press.

McKim, T. K. (1993). Toward sustainable development sustainable participation and the role of law. Calgary, University of Calgary.

Mumme, S. P., R. C. Bath, et al. (1988). "Political development and environmental policy in Mexico." Latin American Research Review 23(1): 7-34.

Muteshi, J. K. (1995). "Collaborative alliances: the environment, women and the Africa-2000 network." Environment & Urbanization 7(1): 205-218.

Ostrom, E. (1990). Governing the commons: the evolution of institutions for collective action. Cambridge [England]; New York, Cambridge University Press.

Panjabi, R. K. L. (1997). The Earth Summit at Rio: politics, economics, and the environment. Boston, Northeastern University Press.

Peck, C. (1998). Sustainable peace: the role of the UN and regional organizations in preventing conflict. Lanham., Rowan & Littlefield.

Perotti, R., R. Strauch, et al. (1998). Sustainability of public finances. London, CEPR.

Rees, W. E. (1995). "Achieving Sustainability: Reform or Transformation?" Journal of Planning Literature 9(4): 343-61.

Reilly, C. (1991). When do environmental problems become issues? Whose issues? And who manages them best? United Nations Research Institute on Sustainable Development (UNRISD) Workshop on Sustainable Development through People's Participation in Resource Management, Geneva, Inter-American Foundation, Washington, DC.

Rieser, A. (1991). "Ecological preservation as a public property right: an emerging doctrine in search of a theory." Harvard Environmental Law Review 15(2): 393-433.

Robert, K.-H. (1992). "Educating a nation: the natural step." Context 28: 1-15.

Rodrigues, M. G. M. (1996). Environmental protection issue networks and the prospects for sustainable development: xiii, 346 leaves.

Rosenberg, R. L. and S. J. Stein (1995). Advancing the Miami process: civil society and the Summit of the Americas. Miami, Fl.; Boulder, CO, North-South Center Press; Distributed by L. Rienner Publishers.

"A thorough and useful documentary collection of official summit documents, publications of intergovernmental organizations, proposals from nongovernmental organizations and individuals, and some correspondence relating to the summit"--Handbook of Latin American Studies, v. 57.

Selman, P. H. (1996). Local sustainability: managing and planning ecologically sound places. New York, St. Martin's Press.

Working with the Brundtland report's concept of sustainable development, and heavily with local Agenda 21 initiatives, this book analyzes various key aspects of local sustainable development including government, land use, businesses and the role of citizens. It focuses on why the local level is so important for sustainability, what has been done at the local level, the "best practices" that are emerging, and begins to suggest what may work well in the future. Only a small part of the text, but quite interesting, is the idea that power relationships are the key to sustainable development. Selman asserts that sustainability is not a science but an issue of the relative power between developed and developing countries, women and men, human and non-human. He also suggests that NIMBY (Not in My Backyard) responses are often based in an unequal power structure between locals and central authorities. I think that the issue is not just one of power, but of the way that power issues are based upon how people assign value and what value an item has to the larger ecosystem, including humans.

Sher, M. S. (1993). "Can lawyers save the rain forest: enforcing the second generation of debt-for-nature swaps." Harvard Environmental Law Review 17(1): 151-224.

Socolow, R. H., Ed. (1994). Industrial ecology and global change. Cambridge; New York, Cambridge University Press.

United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (1993). Agenda 21: programme of action for sustainable development; Rio Declaration on Environment and Development; Statement of forest principles. [New York, N.Y.], United Nations Department of Public Information.

United Nations Development Programme. (1992). Human development report 1992. New York, [Oxford University Press] for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

VanderZwaag, D. L. (1995). Canada and marine environmental protection: charting a legal course towards sustainable development. London; Boston, Kluwer Law International.

Vig, N. J. and M. E. Kraft (2003). Environmental policy: new directions for the twenty-first century. Washington, D.C., CQ Press.

Warrick, C. A. (1994). Regional agreements on the transboundary movement of hazardous waste: efforts toward sustainable development: vi, [102] leaves.

Weaver, J. H., M. T. Rock, et al. (1997). Achieving broad-based sustainable development: governance, environment, and growth with equity. West Hartford, Conn., Kumarian Press.

Wickersham, J. H. (1994). "The quiet revolution continues: the emerging new model for state growth management statutes." Harvard Environmental Law Review 18(2): 489-548.

Williams, C. C. and G. Haughton (1994). Perspectives towards sustainable environmental development. Aldershot; Brookfield, USA, Avebury.

World Commission on Environment and Development. Experts Group on Environmental Law., R. D. Munro, et al. (1987). Environmental protection and sustainable development: legal principles and recommendations. London; Boston, Graham & Trotman/M. Nijhoff.

Yakowitz, M. (1997). "Sustainable development: OECD policy approaches for the 21st century."

This book focuses on OECD countries, and assumes markets is the biggest and best way to fix problems, both because the world works this way and because it has worked in the past, and is theoretically possible. However, there is some admission that other strategies may be used in addition to economic ones, though the economic will achieve the most results. It focuses on the socio-economic dimensions of Agenda 21 and in part two, looks at sectorial issues such as energy, transportation, agriculture, chemicals etc. to highlight how these areas fit into the idea of sustainability.

Zoec, A. (1993). "Sustainable communities from the grassroots: citizens take urban planning into their own hands." Co-op America Quarterly Spring: 15-18.

The information on this page is copyright ©1994-2011, Wesley Wildman (basic information here), unless otherwise noted. If you want to use ideas that you find here, please be careful to acknowledge this site as your source, and remember also to credit the original author of what you use, where that is applicable. If you want to use text or stories from these pages, please contact me at the feedback address for permission.