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About Western Philosophy
in Theological Perspective
Rationale | Pedagogical
Matters | Curriculum Details

It is impossible to gain a nuanced appreciation of
Christian theology, past or present, without some understanding of its
indebtedness to philosophical concepts and ways of thinking. The aim of
this course is, accordingly, two-fold. First, we shall become acquainted
with some of the key ideas of several important philosophers, along with
some important philosophical themes; and, second, we shall appreciate how
these ideas and themes influenced Christian theological reflection.
Why should you be motivated to engage yourself in this
course? In a typical year, people come to this class with widely varying
interests and expectations. That makes a single answer to that question
impossible. Drawing on past experience, however, and using a bit of poetic
license, here is a thumbnail sketch of a few kinds of motivations.
Doubtless few students fit any one of these categories precisely but you
might identify with one or more of these types in different respects.
Type A: The "I just
want to pass" folk
That's fair. Hopefully everyone wants to pass; the teaching staff is here
to help you do just that. Chances are you will relate to one of the
following three groups.
That's fair. Hopefully everyone wants to pass; the teaching staff is here
to help you do just that. Chances are you will relate to one of the
following three groups.
A1: The "I never had
a self-consciously philosophical thought in my life and I am scared to
death" folk:
Fine. At least you know your starting point. There will probably be some
ups and downs for you in this course. At the end, however, you are likely
to feel much better about your ability to handle the highly general,
precise, and encompassing mode of thinking that is so important in
philosophy. There is a chance that you tend toward having a concrete,
experiential thinking style. That means that you shy away from
abstractions or generalizations, focusing instead on particular people or
situations and allowing your intuition to lead you into a practical
strategy that works for you. Concrete, experiential thinkers often
experience shock when they encounter philosophical abstractions. That can
make learning philosophy difficult for them, especially if their previous
educational experience convinced them that concrete thinkers are destined
to be bad at philosophy. There is little evidence to support that
link, however. Finding philosophical abstractions a bit difficult to
manage might mean that learning philosophy will be difficult at the
beginning, but it does not imply that you will be bad at philosophy.
Concrete, experiential thinking has its own advantages and it can make for
fine philosophical reflection. This course is designed to be friendly to
concrete, experiential thinkers without "dumbing down" the
content one bit. Find that hard to believe? Well, give the teaching staff
and your classmates a chance and see what happens.
A2: The fervent
ministry-oriented folk:
Great! You are probably among the most highly motivated students in this
course (along with the B2s and B3s below). But you are also likely to want
to see as clearly as you can the connection between ministry and the
various things we will be doing in this class. Here is a quick answer to
that question. Boston University School of Theology stands for learned
ministry, in the finest Methodist tradition. That means that our ministry
students graduate with competence in the arts of ministry (preaching,
pastoral care, liturgy, music, education, administration, etc.) as well as
being well-grounded in the various academic disciplines that ministry
presupposes (biblical studies, church history, philosophy and theology,
ethics, psychology of religion, etc.). Neither side of this balance is
compromised because competent ministers need it all, or at least need to
know how to get what they don't have. Now is not the time for superficial
leadership in the churches. The problem with trying to hold the practical
and the theoretical together is obvious: sometimes they can seem like oil
and water because the way to integrate them is not obvious. True. But
unsurprising. There is no formula for this kind of integration because
integration is a personal achievement, one of integrity, persistence,
grace, and spirituality (more big Methodist themes). This is the place and
time to give your own journey toward the integration of theory and
practice a flying start. If the Methodist vision has anything to commend
it--and it does, even for non-Methodists--this is the way toward greater
confidence and competence in ministry.
A3: The "this stuff
is irrelevant to real life but someone is making me do this" folk:
Speaking bluntly for a moment, I could not disagree more with this
sentiment. My own experience suggests that a host of lively connections
link philosophical ideas and real life. It is because of these lively
connections that this class is made available in STH degree programs. I
can think of many reasons why someone might come to hold this skeptical
view. Here are three. First, someone might have been repelled by
philosophy because they have seen the negative social effects of
philosophical ideas. Victims of witch crazes and economically exploited
peoples, for example, might well trace their situations to fundamental
ideas that are being acted on in dangerous ways. That can turn a person
away from philosophy in a hurry. The problem in this case is not the
irrelevance of ideas, however, but precisely their relevance! Philosophy
is crucial in the ongoing tasks of controlling powerful ideas and of
making sure we choose the best ideas to guide our common life. Second,
someone might charge philosophy with irrelevance because of previous
experiences with it. Indeed, sometimes it is irrelvant and too technical
to be much use. But not always. Not usually, in fact. Give us a chance to
change your mind. Third, someone might attack philosophy as irrelevant
because they have never really realized how important ideas are in human
life. Cultures, economies, lives, religions, wars, conversions, and even
games depend upon ideas. Ideas are the currency of human life. Philosophy
is the field that attempts to analyze and compare ideas with the ultimate
goal of finding the ones that are true, beautiful, and good. Philosophy
Type B: The enthusiastic
philosophy folk:
Welcome to a course you should enjoy greatly. Chances are you will
identify with one of the following three groups.
B1: The "stay out of
my way or I will argue you to death" folk:
There is nothing wrong with intellectual aggression, though it tends to be
a socially more viable strategy in physics or mathematics graduate
programs than in the seminary environment. Too bad in one way, I suppose.
We can get personally over-entangled in our ideas and we can certainly
feel insecure at times; it can be refreshing to see someone who wades in
fearlessly, ready to argue their way forward, hopefully to greater insight
for everyone. To make room for the many different people and backgrounds
in this class, however, experience suggests that the wisest strategy is to
keep vigorous philosophical debate out of the large lecture classes. There
is nothing more depressing for folk who are trying to understand basic
concepts than to hear from the same half-dozen intellectually aggressive
people arguing with each other during lectures all semester. The place for
such debates is in the smaller section meetings, with your friends and
study partners, or in your meetings with the teaching staff (if that's
what you want to do at those times).
B2: The "I am on my
way to a career in philosophy or theology" folk:
Wonderful. I hope you can continue a helpful tradition of being resources
for other students in sections and beyond the classroom. Quite often
people identify with both A2 and B2 in this list, being concerned with
both ordained ministry and teaching. In the past, however, some of the
people with a clear sense of vocational orientation of the B2 kind have
felt a bit impatient with the aspirations of those whose focus is more
exclusively on questions of church ministry or direct relevance. Perhaps
that was because the B2s were a bit too impractical. Or perhaps it was
because of a legitimate complaint about people's over-sensitivity and lack
of intellectual curiosity. Impatience is understandable in either case.
From one point of view, that is just one more dimension of variability in
this class and one more reason to be tolerant and appreciative of each
other's particular gifts and graces. From another point of view, what is
said above under A2 cuts both ways: the theoretical and the practical
ought to be integrated, whether one's initial orientation is to practical
ministry or to the theoretical intricacies of philosophy and theology.
Anyway, whatever you bring, welcome to the mix.
B3: The "I love this
stuff" folk:
Me too. This course is an adventure in a history of ideas that I find
exciting and relevant. While there is a lot of hard ground to cover, I
hope the adventure will be memorable and fun for you.

The pedagogical principles adopted by the teaching
staff, as well as their execution, are subject to ongoing evaluation.
End-of-semester course evaluations are particularly helpful in that
regard. This course changes each year in part because of what previous
generations of students have had to say on those forms. This web page
offers another opportunity to profit from the wisdom and experience of
this year's class by inviting email comments during the semester about the
teaching methods and performance of the staff. To make those comments,
please email me at the feedback address.

This course, TT704 for short, is a core elective for
MDiv and MTS students in the School of Theology. There are no
prerequisites for TT704, and TT704 fulfills a prerequisite for Theology I
(TT810), itself a requirement for MDiv students (though not MTS students).

The information on this page is copyright ©1994-2010, Wesley
Wildman (basic information here), unless otherwise
If you want to use ideas that you find here, please be careful to acknowledge this site as
your source, and remember also to credit the original author of what you use,
where that is applicable. If you want to use text or stories from these pages, please contact me at
the feedback address for permission.