Sun Apr 7 - Was somewhat surprised, on looking down church during communion service to see Mr. D, and still more so, when on the way home, he invited me to hear the "Messiah'' in the evening.  I can't imagine why he is "rushing'' me so, as he is not in the least sentimentally inclined.

Tues Apr 9 - after Italian, went to Mrs. Aldrich's and spent the afternoon with her. We sang and she criticised my voice and showed me that the "fogginess'' in some of the middle tones was because I didn't open my throat, and she practically opened it for me. She sang a great deal for me, from "Prophete'' to Schubert Lieder. Her voice is splendid and she has learned to control it very skillfully. Had dinner with them and rehearsal at church.

Sat Apr 13 - An interesting rehearsal last night, working chiefly on Brahm's "Requiem''. It is very beautiful, and Miss McGrew has a solo which is about the most difficult thing I have heard her do. Oh, she opens up on her high notes! She scarcely opens her mouth for the attack, but when she has it, she then opens and the rich tone flows out. She said afterward, that she never thinks up for a note. Even a high C always thinks low, as tho' she were on top of each note.

Sun Apr 14 - Mr. D. met me after church...

Tues Apr 17 - In the evening, the usual church rehearsal but a very interesting one.  We worked on Brahm's beautiful Requium, and afterward Leop.very carefully explained to us the points of chanting.  He was full of fun tonight and when he is comme ca he is irresistible (to some people, not me!)  Received 3 dollars for the wedding. 

Sun Apr 21 - A lovely day, so I walked a great deal.  Expected Mr. D. to be "waiting at the church'' but he did not appear all day. Queer! Miss McGrew sang the Brahm's music, and oh her voice was so flowing and lovely, altho' she had a cold and felt quite ill.  Her high notes are the most perfectly placed I ever want to hear.  In the morning Mr. Beddoe and the men sang Schubert's "Gross ist Jehovah'' Both services were very beautiful.  But Dr. Parks is a real pill.  He preached such a lovely sermon on tolerance and patient endurance of the troubles that visit us; then, as we met and marched down the altar, he glared, and said in his most threatening tone " Now you march slowly! '' It nearly floored me.

Fri Apr 26 - Had a very stormy rehearsal as Leopold had the "duffer team" sing without the "expoits" and then told them that when they sang so, they were detrimental rather than beneficial to the choir.  The girls were furious and Poor Miss Jaffray began to dispute and protest; but she got no satisfation.  N.B.  I am an "expoit."

Sun Apr 28 - A hard day at church. Miss McGrew has an awful cold and I was amazed to hear her voice ring out as beautifully as ever.  Her attack on the high notes is as soft as velvet.  What would I not give for such voice placing.

Fri May 3 - At church rehearsal Mr. Horseman, critic of the "Herald'' came to rehearse his own communion music, and afterwards came and shook hands so cordially and spoke to me. I was  very proud. I had no idea he had ever written anything. The music is good and he said he has written some songs. My! a music critic has to know a lot. Vidl-Horsman, Krehbiel-Henderson?

Tues May 7 - Such a busy day! At church at 8.45 to rehearse for Mr. Smith's funeral, which took place at 10.  The flowers were simply magnificent! Orchids galore and roses and sweet peas and lillies of the valley in huge quantities.  I never expect to see so many beautiful flowers at once, in my life.  He was worth 52 million, so I hope we get nice big checks -- sometime before next Christmas. Mr. D took me to church and called for me at 10 o'clock after I had said no.  He acted very queerly and I was glad to get home.  Leopold played a Sousa march on the organ and it sounded well "in places''.

Thurs May 9 - An Ascension Day service at eleven. Leopold, when I asked how his mother liked the silhouette, said he had not sent it yet; as he only wrote to England about 4 times a year. Ella and I had luncheon at the Inst. and she had the blues pretty badly.

Fri May 10 - Had dinner with the C's and then rushed to church. Came 6 minutes late and Leo gave me a quizzical look but said nothing and was nice about letting me go at 9.30. Frank Sovak called for me and took me to the Virgil School.  They were all waiting impatiently; I sang very well and the songs seemed to take.

Sun May 12 - My throat feels most vile and can't even get my speaking voice above my waist line, so just pretended to sing all day. The weather was perfect so walked to and from church. Duras' "grande passion'' seems to have spent itself in letter writing, as he was not at church either morning or afternoon.  Men are queer creatures.  One would imagine that if they cared enough for a girl to want to spend every day for the rest of their lives with her, that they couldn't resist seeing her for six days at a time.  Oh well, it is an interesting experience. After church Mila [her sister] and I went flat-hunting, but I suppose we will stay in this hole, as usual, in spite of the slum-like neighborhood. [East 82nd Street]   Ugh, how I hate it.

Wed May 15 - Stopped at Ella's to see if I could help her, and after I got home felt so drowsy that I "lay me doon'' and had a lovely nap.  Mr. Tapper would call that wasting time; that I ought to have been reading Dante. Well, I did begin Spencer's "Education'' and it put me to sleep in just ten minutes. In the evening, Ella entertained some of the choir and everybody sang and we had a pleasant evening.

Fri May 17 - Leo is going to hear me in church next week and will "try to be frank" in his opinion, tho' he says it will be difficult as ususal.

Sun May 19 - A beautiful warm day. Mr. D called for Ella and me at church and we all had dinner "chez nous.'' 

Thurs May 23 - Sang a great deal today and it was all very good.  At one o'clock I went to church to practice with Miss Manly in the big church. It is well that we thought of rehearsing, for the sound of one's own voice is so different that I scarcely recognized it.  In the first place it goes away from you and you feel nothing but the metallic ring in back of your teeth.  Miss Manly said it sounded well and was very sweet about it all.

Fri May 24 - Should have been at church for rehearsal at 9 but came late, as most all of them did.  The funeral took place at 10 ... At four Ella and I went to church and I sang for Leopold  in church.  He said, on the whole, that he would advise me to continue with the hope of becoming soloist; said the upper notes were tight but that could be cleared up by a good teacher. On the whole it was a satisfactory trial and I was pleased. At rehearsal in the evening he was very amiable and grinned at me several times.

Sun May 26 - A rainy Sunday, and I very sleepy. Had two lovely naps during the sermons. Poor Miss Doxrood was half a tone sharp during the quartett and it sounded awful.  That goes to show how much is involved in singing. Even when the voice is lovely, the method good and the person intelligent, a little uncertainty in pitch may occur and spoil it all.  The organ recital after service was beautiful.

Fri June 7 - Church rehearsal was interesting. The girls greeted me as a long-lost child and Ella and I had so much to talk about that we didn't know where to begin; all because I had been absent on Tuesday.  After rehearsal Mr. Williamson took Ella and me for a long spin thro' the park and just after we got to my house the machine refused to run.  Mr. W. worked over it for half an hour and finally coaxed her into behaving - the minx! He says she is as capricious as a woman.

Sun June 9 - We had our last afternoon service today and sang an exquisite setting of the 23rd psalm.  Found out, after service that, since I was absent when the names were called, I cannot sing at the Fish wedding.  I am so disappointed, as "I need the money.''

Fri June 14 - Had a short easy rehearsal for two weeks' work as Leopold, I suppose, wants to go off on a jaunt.  He is a charming lad at times. I can't imagine why I do not get smitten.  Perhaps because he is a blonde!

Sun June 16 - A heavenly day, and I walked down, feeling very 'andsome in my new black hat.  The Bishop from Japan preached and he has a most beautiful speaking voice.  I enjoy listening to the intonations of it as much as if he were a singer.

Sun June 23 - Mr. French called to take me to church, but so determined am I to observe the strictest propriety, that I inveigled Charlie into accompanying us.

Sat Jun 29 - Leopold was away tonight so the rehearsal was short and inconsequential. Once more he seemed very remarkable by comparison with a substitute. If only he were not as conscious of his own charms and abilities.  T'is a great pity, for in that respect he is like Geraldine Farrar -- if he were not so cock-sure of himself, he would be irresistible! And perhaps in that case neither of them would be where they are!

Sun Jul 7 - My first free Sunday this year.  It seemed quite natural to stay home.

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