Fri Jan 25 - Came late to rehearsal, which Leop. said was the best we had ever had.
Sat Jan 26 - After luncheon Chas. and I started to go skating but learned that the ice was not cleared off. Went to the library instead, and stayed till very late, reading "The Shuttle'', a powerful story, dealing with international marriage. I have rather suspected that English men (or English Poles, for that matter) could be brutes. Now I am sure of it!
Sun Jan 27 - Dr. Parks gave another sizzling sermon, on "Salome'' this time, and graciously invited those who had witnessed it to come to confessional. Pauvre Leopold!
Tue Jan 29 - In the evening, an interesting rehearsal on the Bach "Passion''.
Leopold was quite gorgeous in his Tuxedo, and rode home with the girls in the cars. Oh why was I not there?
Fri Feb 1 - Had planned going to Miss Thursby's and Dr. Park's receptions, but the weather was so awful that I decided to stay at home. This was the third time the weather has kept me from Miss Thursby's. In the evening, rehearsal at church. Miss Taplin has begun to study with Miss Thursby and says that the latter is proud of my improvement.
Sat Feb 2 - How long does it take to gain certainty in singing! It should not! When I have once sung a tone well, I should never go back to a bad one - but alas - how often I do. Leopold says "I would rather disappear than not keep moving; either up or down - but not to stand still!''
Sun Feb 3 - A glorious cold day. I walked to church and gained thereby cheeks which were the envy of every girl in the choir. Very heavy services both morning and afternoon, and a rehearsal for the wedding after, so that by evening, my throat was nearly done for, which shows that I had been singing badly. I don't believe that this chorus work is doing my voice much good.
Wed Feb 6 - Stayed at Institute [of Musical Art] till three reading and studying. Then walked up to St. Bar. to sing at a wedding. It was a most beautiful one and I never saw a collection of more beautiful bridesmaids than these. The bride was sweet and pretty and the ushers and groom good-looking - so - que vent on? The church was crowded and so many beautiful costumes! Ella and I walked almost home and "talked it over".
Fri Feb 8 - Went to Miss Thursby's at 6, and missed the good singers, but heard some freaks! Mlle. Arta of the Manhattan - a fat blonde who wore pink - of course - yowled some songs - accompanied by appropriate gestures. An awful Keith-and-Proctor-esque lady recited a melodrama. A Miss Kirkby, from London, recited two negro bits, and she was really an artist. How some of those curiosities get in, I cannot imagine, for Miss Thursby herself is such an artist. Miss Crosby and I sat together and were much amused. Church rehearsal. [Written next day:] After rehearsal, Chas and Fr. Sovak called for me and we went to Brodsky's card party. Had a jolly time till 1.30, Mila carrying home the head prize and I - the consolation.
Sun Feb 10 - What a tragic beginning to a day! Waited till 10.40 at 86th St for a car. None came -- ran to 2nd Ave 'L' -- spent an extra 5 cents on the 42 crosstown, ran up to 44 -- and the door was locked! Oh! how I wanted to cry! ... After dinner went to Mr. Krehbiel's and rehearsed for an hour. He has an interesting apartment with fine pictures and busts and rows of books. Then went to church - where I was greeted like a long-lost child and petted to my heart's content.
Wed Feb 13 - Practised till 10.15 then went down for Ash Wednesday service. The cars were so delayed that I got there at 11.10 Oh, I was simply ill -- I could not hold back the tears. However I went in to listen as there was a rehearsal afterward. I am one of the four soprani in the lenten choir, which really is nice of Leop. After luncheon practised a bit and then walked down, as I would not trust the cars. Got down early and had a very short service. Oh but it is amusing on decani side to watch Leop. Such a "poseur''!
Fri Feb 15 - Went to Miss Thurs. at 5.30. Met some charming people and sang; fairly well, I thought; and Miss Thursby was very pleased. Ella and I then went to church rehearsal, where my "boo-ful'' gown caused quite a sensation among the girls, and -- in a much less degree, I am sure -- among the men.
Sun Feb 17 - Walked down to church twice today, as the weather was fine. A very outspoken sermon in the afternoon. Dr. Parks certainly believes in dotting his i's and crossing his t's.
Wed Feb 20 - "The man of genius, the man who accomplishes things, the man who rises above the ordinary, is he who keeps his energies going full power while things are humming'' L.S. "Ha-ha'' Home all day doing theory until I was blue in the face. Then made some fudge and ate too much. In the evening, I sang at Leopold's recital. It was brilliantly successful and the boy simply radiated joy. A very large audience.
Fri Feb 22 - After supper I went to church. A "fussy'' rehearsal.
Sun Feb 24 - Walked down to church as the day was fine. and luckily for it snowed all the rest of the day. Dr. Parks preached two remarkable sermons, pouring forth all his gifts of oratory. He uses his voice wonderfully; and oh, his enunciation. But personally, I do not believe he is very sympathetic, or "the beloved leader of his people''. Evening quietly at home. Leopold criticized the cantorists for singing too loud and I am going to suggest having a mirror placed so that we can see him -- for various reasons.
Mon Feb 25 - My mirror suggestion was very graciously and gratefully received and his lordship invited me to "come and have a look'' to see how it would work, much to the curiosity of the others. Then I created quite a sensation with Ella and Miss Doxr. by showing them my silhouette - of Leo - alias Longfellow - which is a really wonderful likeness. We had heaps of fun walking home and teasing one another.