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Ph.D., London School of Economics (1988)
Professor of Economics

Research interests: Incentives, Industrial Organization, Health Economics

CV: Curriculum Vitae (with presentation information)

Published Papers in PDF files: papers

The famous hawks at the Economics Department (some years ago)

A number-slot game

Other papers:

"Vaccination Equilibrium: Externality and Efficiency," Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2024

"Equilibrium Information in Credence Goods," Games and Economic Behavior, 2024 (with Ting Liu)

"Changing Preferences: An Experiment and Estimation of Market-Incentive Effects on Altruism," Journal of Health Economics, 2023 (with Undra Byambadalai and Daniel Wiesen)

"Technology Adoption by Primary Care Physicians," Health Economics, 2022 (with Tor Iversen)

“A Conversation with Albert Ma” in Barrieu, P (ed.) Dialogues Around Models and Uncertainty: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, London, UK: World Scientific Publishing, 1-17, 2020. Chapter 1; free access.

“Uterus at a Price: Disability Insurance and Hysterectomy,” Journal of Health Economics, 2019 (with Elliott Fan and Hsienming Lien)

“Incentives in Health Care Payment Systems,” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, 2019 (with Henry Mak)

“Product Differentiation with Multiple Qualities,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2018 (with Francesca Barigozzi)

“Incentives of Motivated Experts in a Partnership,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2018 (with Ting Liu and Henry Mak)

“Quality and Competition between Public and Private Firms," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Vol 140, 336-353, 2017 (with Liisa Laine)

“Information Acquisition, Referral, and Organization,” Rand Journal of Economics Vol 47, 935-960, 2016 (with Simona Grassi)

“Information Disclosure and the Equivalence of Prospective Payment and Cost Reimbursement,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Vol 117, 439-452, 2015 (with Henry Mak)

“Competition, Gatekeeping, and Health Care Access,” Journal of Health Economics Vol 39, 159-170, 2015 (with Geir Godager and Tor Iversen)

“Public Report, Price, and Quality,” Journal of Economics & Management Strategy Vol 23, 443-464, 2014 (with Henry Mak)

“Health Insurance, Treatment Plan, and Delegation to Altruistic Physician,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Vol 85, 79-96, 2013 (with Ting Liu)  

"Immigrants' Acculturation and Changes in Body Mass Index," Economics and Human Biology Vol 11, Isssue 1, 1-7, 2013 (with Tor Iversen and Haakon Meyer)

Lectures and an "interview":

"On Writing Economics Papers"
A lecture to BU PhD students,
November 2018, with an addendum from Marc Rysman

"Health Economics in the Small, Medium and Large"
A lecture at the 9th European Health Economics Workshop in Bergen, May 2008

"Beautiful Mind"
A lecture to graduate students of the joint Economics Ph.D. program of the Department of Economics,
University of Bergen, and the Norwegian School of Economics, August 2007