Aaron's Running Story

short bio why i run first marathon boston natick runners dfmc 40 is just a number traveling 50-states pacing marathons completed

On Being a Marathon Pacer

It took me several years of running to figure out that I am a collaborative runner (as compared to a competitive runner, which I am not). I love running in groups, organizing group runs, and encouraging other runners to reach new goals and exceed their own expectations. It seemed a natural fit for me to become a marathon pacer.

One of my pacer friends described marathon pacers as "ambassadors for the sport of marathon running," which I like. A pacer is an experienced marathon runner who runs at a consistent pace per mile, so that other runners can run with them and finish the marathon at a pre-determined goal time.

A common mistake in marathon running is starting out too fast -- runners are well-rested, the marathon start is very exciting -- but starting out just a little too fast can lead to running out of energy and a disappointing finish.

Marathon pacers usually plan to run "even split" times per mile, which has proven the best strategy to help runners achieve their marathon goal time. Along the way, pacers offer encouragement, share stories, and provide reminders about taking in fluids and fuel and smiling for the cameras!

I started pacing in 2018 at the Onward Shay Boise Marathon, and have paced marathon times from 4:20 to 5:30.

In 2022, I was invited to be on the Nike pace team for the Chicago Marathon. The Chicago Marathon pace team is like the "all star" team of marathon pacers, so I was really honored to be included as a rookie. It was particularly special to me to be a pacer here, since I ran my first marathon at Chicago in 2014.

(left) Tobacco Road Marathon, North Carolina, 2019
(center) Morgantown Marathon, West Virginia, 2019.
(right) Newport Marathon, Rhose Island, 2019.

I loved pacing Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon, from Hyak to North Bend, Washington (2019).
This was one of the most beautiful runs I have done, and I look forward to running it again! I ran it two days in a row (my first marathon double), earning my 4-star rating on Marathon Maniacs.

(left) Finishing the Casper Marathon in Wyoming, 2021.
(right) With my fellow marathon pacer Ken Fattmann, at the Mad Marathon in Vermont, 2021.

(left)On the run, pacing Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon, 2022.
(right)Pacing the Chicago Marathon, 2022.

I especially love pacing Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon (photos 2023). I think this is the most beautiful marathon course I have run, with a 2.4 mile railroad tunnel, 5 trestle bridges, about a dozen waterfalls, and countless beautiful mountain views. I love sharing this run with others.

Pacing Louisiana 2024, and Hilton Head 2024.
Pacing Marine Corps Marathon 2024, and Indianapolis Monumental Marathon 2024.

How Many Marathons Have You Paced?

To the best of my knowledge, there is no 50-States Marathon Pacers Club... yet... I've discussed this with a few pacer friends, and depending on exactly how we define "marathon" and "pacer," there might be about 2-3 people who have paced a marathon in all 50 states.

Thus far, I have paced 45 marathons in 26 different US States and one Canadian Province:

  • Eight in Washington
  • Three in North Carolina, Vermont and New Hampshire
  • Two each in Rhode Island, Illinois, Maine and Virginia
  • One each in Idaho, Massachusetts, West Virginia, Mississippi, Maryland, Wyoming, Kentucky, Wisconsin, Alabama, Arizona, New Jersey, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Lousiana, South Carolina, Colorado, Connecticut, Indiana and Texas.

Complete Pacing Experience

10/28/18 Onward Shay Boise Marathon (ID) 4:40 (finished 4:38:25)
11/24/18 Skinny Turkey Half Marathon (NC) 2:15 (finished 2:14:43)
3/17/19 Tobacco Road Marathon (NC) 4:20 (finished 4:19:21)
5/18/19 Martha’s Vineyard Marathon (MA) 4:20 (finished 4:18:07)
5/26/19 Boston Run to Remember Half Marathon (MA) 2:00 (finished 1:59:19)
7/14/19 Narragansett Summer Running Festival Half Marathon (MA) 2:15 (finished 2:13:54)
7/27/19 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon, Saturday (WA) 4:20 (finished 4:19:08)
7/28/19 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon, Sunday (WA) 5:05 (finished 5:03:57)
9/20/19 Morgantown Marathon (WV) 4:45 (finished 4:43:40)
10/13/19 Newport Marathon (RI) 4:35 (finished 4:34:28)
11/10/19 Manchester City Marathon (NH) 4:45 (finished 4:44:45)
2/29/20 Mississippi Blues Marathon (MS) 4:30 (finished 4:28:56)
4/3/21 Salisbury Marathon (MD) 4:35 (finished 4:33:34)
6/6/21 Casper Marathon (WY) 5:00 (finished 4:59:18)
7/12/21 Narragansett Summer Running Festival Half Marathon (MA) 2:15 (finished 2:14:44)
8/29/21 Sioux Falls Marathon (SD) (* marathon cancelled due to flooding; paced 2:15 half marathon)
9/12/21 Mad Marathon (VT) 5:30 (finished 5:29:48)
4/30/22 Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon (KY) 5:00 (finished 4:59:20)
5/1/22 Providence Marathon (RI) 5:05 (finished 5:04:11)
6/12/22 Manitowoc Maritime Marathon (WI) 5:00 (finished 4:59:24)
7/30/22 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon (WA), Saturday 4:30 (finished 4:29:55)
7/31/22 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon (WA), Sunday 5:00 (finished 4:58:23)
10/2/22 Maine Marathon (ME) 4:35 (finished 4:34:20)
10/9/22 Chicago Marathon (IL) 4:40 (finished 4:39:30)
12/10/22 Rocket City Marathon (AL) 4:30 (finished 4:29:18)
2/4/23 Mesa Marathon (AZ) 4:35 (finished 4:34:31)
3/19/23 Tobacco Road Marathon (NC) 4:50 (finished 4:47:45)
4/23/23 Jersey City Marathon (NJ) 4:45 (finished 4:44:53)
5/7/23 Toronto Marathon (ON) 4:30 (finished 4:29:14)
7/9/23 Mad Marathon (VT) 5:15 (finished 5:14:39)
7/28/23 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon (WA), Saturday
7/29/23 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon (WA), Sunday
10/8/23 Chicago Marathon (IL) 4:50 (finished 4:49:20)
10/29/23 Marine Corps Marathon (VA) 4:45 (finished 4:44:23)
11/12/23 Manchester City Marathon (NH) 5:00 (finished 4:59:21)
11/19/23 Philadelphia Marathon (PA) 4:50 (finished 4:49:50)
1/14/24 Louisiana Marathon (LA) 4:40 (finished 4:38:20
2/10/24 Hilton Head Marathon (SC) 4:35 (finished 4:34:02)
3/17/24 Tobacco Road Marathon (NC) 4:35 (finished 4:34:00)
5/5/24 Maine Coast Marathon (ME) 4:50 (finished 4:49:40)
5/19/24 Denver Colfax Marathon (CO) 5:00 (finished 4:59:13)
7/7/24 Mad Marathon (VT) 5:15 (finished 5:14:32)
7/27/24 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon (day 1) 4:30 (finished 4:29:15)
7/28/24 Jack and Jill's Downhill Marathon (day 2) 5:15 (finished 5:14:00)
10/19/24 Hartford Marathon (CT) 5:00 (finished 4:59:37)
10/27/24 Marine Corps Marathon (VA) 4:55 (finished 4:54:24)
11/9/24 Indianapolis Marathon (IN) 4:45 (finished 4:44:15)
11/10/24 Manchester City Marathon (NH) 5:30 (finished 5:28:54)
11/24/24 Philadelphia Marathon (PA) 4:50 (finished 4:49:29)
2/23/25 Cowtown Marathon (PA) 5:05(finished 5:04:26)

short bio why i run first marathon boston natick runners dfmc 40 is just a number traveling 50-states pacing marathons completed

Updated 2/24/2025