The Campagna-Kerven lecture series provides a forum for presentations by leading experts--whether journalists, scholars, business leaders, literary talents or other creative artists--on modern Turkey, as well as by promising younger scholars and intellectuals. Since 1996, the annual lectures have addressed a rich variety of themes on modern Turkish society, culture and politics. Given the increasing importance of Turkey on the global scene, as well as its major role in the Middle East, the Campagna-Kerven lectures are dedicated to fostering informed public debate on questions of the day, as well as improving the public’s knowledge of Turkish Society and politics.
Audio: WBUR's "World of Ideas" offers streaming audio of the 2009 lecture. Sencer Ayata's 2003 lecture on "Turkey and Political Islam" is also available.
Video: Professor Berna Turam's 2009-2010 lecture, "Muslim Politics, Secular Predicaments and the State", was delivered on November 4, 2009. The April 2009 lecture is available through BUniverse. If you missed a previous year's lecture, or if you simply wish an encore performance, then you may view the 2006 (Graham Fuller), 2007 (Salih Memecan) or 2008 (Henri Barkey) lectures here. Unfortunately, the 1996-2005 lectures are not available on digital video, but a VHS archive is maintained for on-campus use.
Find out more about the namesakes of the Lecture Series: Gerard Campagna and Mehmet Nahid Kerven