2002 - Jenny B. White, Boston University
Jenny White is associate professor of anthropology at Boston University. She is the author of ISLAMIST MOBILIZATION IN TURKEY: A STUDY IN VERNACULAR POLITICS (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2002), which won the 2003 Douglass Prize for best book in Europeanist anthropology; and MONEY MAKES US RELATIVES: WOMEN'S LABOR IN URBAN TURKEY (2nd edition, London: Routledge, 2004), as well as numerous articles about Islamic politics, women and Islam, family life, women's labor, small commodity production, and Turks in Germany. Her regions of specialization are Turkey, the Middle East, and Europe, particularly Germany. She teaches courses on Turkey and the Middle East, on urban anthropolgy, ethnicity and identity, gender, and anthropological theory. She is presently at work on a book about changing conceptions of Islam in Turkey.