Reader's Guide to Schleiermacher's Christian Faith

Paragraph Headings

Home Previous: §§106-112
Current: §§113-114
Next: §§115-125
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Second Part of the System of Doctrine: Explication of the Facts of the Religious Self-Consciousness, as they are determined by the Antithesis of Sin and Grace

Second Aspect of the Antithesis: Explication of the Consciousness of Grace

Second Section: The Constitution of the World in Relation to Redemption


§113 All that comes to exist in the world through redemption is embraced in the fellowship of believers, within which all regenerate people are always found. This section, therefore, contains the doctrine of the Christian Church.

§114 In a comprehensive summary of what our Christian self-consciousness has to say about the fellowship of believers, we must first treat of the origin of the Church, the way in which it takes shape and disengages itself from the world; then the way in which the Church maintains itself in antithesis to the world; and finally the abrogation of this antithesis, or the prospect of the Church’s consummation.

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