PhD: Rel Thght
PhD: Rel & Sc
ThD: Theology
R&S Green
Theol Red Book
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Boston University Graduate School
Division of Religious and Theological Studies
PhD and MA in Religion & Science
(Track 4)

General Information
Guiding Principles for the Program
Degree Requirements
(also see the requirements
& Science Faculty Resources
A Sampling of Courses
Associated Program Resources
Appendix A: The
Administration of the Religion & Science Program
Appendix B: The
Religion & Science Doctoral
Marketplace in the USA (also see the
advertised SPR-related positions page)
C: Placement of
Religion & Science Graduates
Appendix D: Applications and
Further Information
NOTE: The "Green Book"
is the Prospectus for the PhD Program in Religion & Science. It includes the qualifying
examination reading lists.
NOTE: The "Virtual
Red Book" contains basic information about requirements for all
programs within the Division of Religious and Theological Studies, including
the Religion & Science programs. It also includes information about how to stretch
your dollars.


Boston University has for some years offered MA and PhD degrees investigating the
interface of Science, Philosophy, and Religion. This program was initiated by Bob
Cohen, from the Department of Philosophy within what is now known as the College of Arts
and Sciences, and Harry Oliver, from the School of Theology. Both have retired and
the program is now carried on by Wesley Wildman, Kirk Wegter-McNelly, Alisa
Bokulich, James Burns, Christopher Lehrich, Robert Neville, Jon Roberts,
Chris Schlauch, and a
large group of affiliated faculty from departments across the university.
The characteristic emphases of the Boston University Religion & Science program are described on this
page, especially under Guiding Principles
and Degree Requirements. If you are wondering whether
you are ready for this program, see the discussion of Prerequisites.
For a list of the core faculty and faculty associated with the Religion &
Science program, see Faculty Resources. The Boston University
Religion & Science program is
enriched by the academic environment in Boston. There are links to these and other
resources under Associated Program Resources.
For an indication of how the Religion & Science program fits into Boston University administrative
structures, see Appendix A.
For a brief description of the Religion & Science program's place in the doctoral educational marketplace
of the United States, see Appendix
B. For an assessment of placement realities for graduates of the
Religion & Science program, see Appendix C. If you have further questions
or would like to request application forms, see the information under Appendix D.

The Martin Luther King Memorial Statue in front of the building
housing the Division of Religion and Theological Studies

Religion & Science program
has several guiding principles.
First, the
Religion & Science program holds that the point of exploring the interface of religious philosophy and
the various sciences is to forge an intellectual viewpoint that can profit from the
insights of, and exposure to correction from, many different disciplines. Thus, the
program emphasizes the importance of constructive intellectual work that is informed by
detailed knowledge of science, philosophy, and religious thought. Such constructive work
is directed to the solving of problems that arise in two main spheres:
- the theoretical, including questions in philosophy of
nature, metaphysics, theology, and philosophical anthropology; and
- the practical, including the questions in social ethics, distributive
justice, and social policy implied in such critical issues as environmental survival and
biodiversity, population expansion and economic fairness, ecological sustainability and
energy, reproductive technologies and end-of-life care, gene technology and cloning.
Grounding in Historical Knowledge
the Religion & Science program emphasizes the importance of placing contemporary constructive efforts
within the context of a solid understanding of the history of other such attempts. This
involves knowledge of the history of science, the history of philosophy, and the history
of constructive religious thought. It also involves knowledge of the history of relations
among science,
philosophy, and religious thought, including both important recent works and the
older literatures especially in the modern period dealing with problems at the junction of
science, philosophy, and religion.
Cross-Cultural Approach
Third, the
Religion & Science program approaches topics at the interface of science, philosophy, and religion from a
cross-cultural perspective. We support dialogue between science, philosophy, and religion
that is prompted by the concerns of specific confessional and theological traditions and
we endeavor to train students in this type of work. We also seek to furnish a
cross-cultural context for such work that is attentive to the great religious,
philosophical, and (in a variety of senses) scientific traditions of the world.
High Standards
Fourth, to
these constructive, historical, and cross-cultural dimensions must be added the general
point that the program emphasizes solid training in the individual fields, including
rigorous qualifying examinations read by specialists who apply the standards applicable
within their home fields to Religion & Science students.

The Religion & Science
specialization is one of several in the Division of
Religious and Theological Studies (DRTS) within the BU Graduate School.
Three degrees are offered: the MA, the post-Bachelors PhD, and the post-Masters PhD degree.
For basic information about degree
requirements, see
IV: Religion & Science at the DRTS site. For
more detailed information, review the requirements
Note that the MA program has the same course
credit and research competency requirements as the post-Masters PhD, but no required lab
placement, qualifying examinations, or dissertation, and only one language.

Are you ready for this doctoral program?
For basic information about admissions
requirements, see
IV: Religion & Science.
It is a daunting program. Prerequisites for the post-masters PhD include
serious background in two of science, philosophy, and religion with good
reason to think that the third is within reach. A little more flexibility
may be possible for MA and post-bachelors Ph.D. applicants. When the background is almost but not quite what is needed, extra prerequisites or corequisites may be stipulated.
For more details, review the appropriate
section on the requirements

Core Faculty
The core faculty
members of the SPR Specialization are:
- Linda
Barnes, Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine,
Boston University School of Medicine, and Division of Religious and
Theological Studies in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences;
Directory of the Boston Healing Landscape Project; medical anthropology;
religion and health, world religions
- Alisa
Bokulich, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Department of
Philosophy (Ph.D., University of
Notre Dame); philosophy of science; philosophy of physics; science,
technology and values; history of science
- Lance
Laird, Department of Family Medicine, Boston University School
of Medicine (ThD in Comparative Religion, Harvard Divinity School);
medical anthropology, religion and health; Islamic studies,
Christian-Muslim relations
Christopher Lehrich, Assistant Professor Religion, Department of
Religion (PhD, University of Chicago); early modern European
intellectual, scientific, and religious history; ancient and medieval
China; analytical theory and method; comparison; the history of magic
and occultism; ritual and music
- Robert C. Neville, Professor of Philosophy, Religion, and Theology,
Department of Philosophy, Department of Religion, School of Theology (Ph.D., Yale
University); metaphysics, philosophy of religion, philosophical theology,
political theory, American philosophy, modern philosophy, Chinese
philosophy, comparative philosophy and religion
- Jon H. Roberts,
Professor of History, Department of History; U.S. intellectual history, Anglo-American religion, history of
science, history of religion and science, Darwinism and Protestant
religion, psychology and Protestant religion
Chris Schlauch, Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology and
Religion, Psychology of Religion, School of Theology (PhD, University of
Chicago); counseling psychology of religion, psychology of religion
- Kirk
Wegter-McNelly, Assistant Professor Theology, School of Theology
(Ph.D. Graduate Theological Union); Christian theology; philosophy of
- Wesley J. Wildman,
Associate Professor, Philosophy, Theology, and Ethics, School of Theology, DRTS
Religion & Science track coordinator; you are currently in his website
(PhD, Graduate Theological Union); philosophy of religion; religion and
science, constructive theology, philosophical theology, philosophical
ethics, scientific study of religion
The list
of faculty associated with the program is growing and includes experts from many parts of
Boston University. Some of those currently involved in teaching or advising
Religion & Science students,
along with their fields of expertise, are:
- Peter Berger,
Professor of Sociology and Theology (Ph.D., New School for Social
Research); study
of economic culture, sociology of religion; Director,
Institute on Culture, Religion, and
World Affairs
- John H. Berthrong,
Associate Professor of Comparative Theology (Ph.D., University of
Chicago); interfaith dialogue, Chinese religion and philosophy,
comparative theology and philosophy
- Mark Bitensky,
Research Professor, Biomedical Engineering (M.D., Yale University); G
Protein Signal Transduction; Erythrocyte Biology; Macromolecular
- Tian Yu Cao,
Assistant Professor (Ph.D., University of Cambridge); Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy
and History of Science, Science and Society, Epistemology, Philosophy of Marxism
- Juliet Floyd,
Associate Professor (Ph.D., Harvard University); Analytic Philosophy, Wittgenstein, Kant,
Philosophy of Mathematics and of Logic
- Sucharita
Gopal, Associate Professor of Geography (Ph.D., University of
California, Santa Barbara); neural networks, computational modeling of
behavior, geographical information systems, fuzzy sets, spatial
- Catherine
Associate Professor of Psychology (Ph.D., University of California, San
Diego); human cognition, neuropsychology of personality variation,
- Ray
L. Hart, Professor of Religion and Theology (Ph.D., Yale
University); philosophical theology; medieval mystical theology
- Jaakko Hintikka,
Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., University of Helsinki); Philosophy of Language, Logic, Epistemology,
Philosophy of Science (including Cognitive Science), Philosophy of Mathematics, History of
Philosophy (Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Peirce, Wittgenstein)
- Alan Marscher,
Professor of Astronomy (Ph.D., University of Virginia); Quasars, active
galaxies; high energy astrophysics; interstellar clouds; galactic and
extragalactic astronomy; radio; infrared; x-ray; and gamma-ray astronomy
Patrick McNamara, Associate Professor of Neurology, Boston
University School of Medicine
- David I. Mostofsky,
Professor of Psychology (Ph.D., Boston University); behavioral medicine,
operant conditioning, psychoimmunology, fatty acid biochemistry
- Alan M. Olson,
Professor of Religion, Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Boston University); Philosophy of
Religion, Philosophical Theology, Hermeneutics
- Alfred I. Tauber,
Professor of Philosophy; Professor of Medicine; Affiliate Faculty, Law, Medicine and
Ethics Program; Director,
Center for
Philosophy and History of Science (M.D., Tufts Medical School); Philosophy of Biology,
Philosophy of Medicine, History of Science and of Medicine
For a fuller list of available faculty, see the faculty profiles for the following
departments, each of which is closely associated with the Religion & Science program on the humanities
Also see the list of
associated with the Division of Religious and Theological Studies.

The SPR program at Boston University is supported by a wide range of
courses in the individual, contributing disciplines (science, philosophy,
religion) as well as multidisciplinary courses on a wide range of topics.
Many of these courses are at Boston University but many more are available
to SPR students thanks to cross-registration agreements with schools in the
Boston Theological Institute (Boston College, Harvard Divinity
School, Andover-Newton Theological School, and many others).
Even within Boston University, considering that courses throughout the
various schools and departments are available to SPR students, there are
vastly more potentially relevant courses than can possibly be listed here. Advisors guide each student to the best
courses for his or her particular program. For an abbreviated
list of course offerings, see the
section in the Green Book.

Associated Program Resources
One important associated program is the MA in philosophy of science. This
degree and the programs in Science, Philosophy, and Religion have overlapping goals, especially as far as the philosophy and
history of science are concerned. For more information about the MA degree
in philosophy of science, visit the site describing it:
The following Boston University programs are especially relevant to the SPR program and
have been important resources for SPR students:

Trinity Church and the John Hancock Tower, Boston
Nearby in the Boston Area are a vast array of resources for Religion &
Science students. Those listed
here have already had some connection with the Religion & Science program but there are many more.
For a sense of what the Boston Area has to offer the inquiring mind--just in a
few of the universities, mind you--here are a few important links:

The Athens of America from the water

The Religion & Science programs are
administered by a specialization within the Division of Religious and Theological Studies
(DRTS) of Boston University's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. DRTS is not associated
exclusively with any one of the schools or departments of the university. Rather, its core faculty
members are appointed from many university departments and schools, including especially
the Departments of Religion, Philosophy, Sociology, and History within the College of Arts
and Sciences, and the School of Theology. Numerous other faculty are associated with DRTS.
This is especially so in the Religion & Science program, which draws heavily on science faculty. The
administrative location of the Religion & Science program can be represented as follows,
with more encompassing administrative units toward the top of the table:
Administrative Unit |
Director |
Boston University |
David Campbell, Provost |
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences |
Virginia Sapiro, Dean |
Division of Religious and Theological Studies |
Jonathan Klawans, Director |
Religion & Science (Track 4) |
Wesley J. Wildman,
Coordinator |

The "Field" of
Religion & Science
In the last three or four decades, a distinctive literature in science, philosophy, and
religion has appeared, primarily in English, with some books in German and Dutch. This
literature really begins with Ian Barbours Issues in Religion and Science
(1966), building on the many books before this time with a concern to analyze the
respective cognitive claims of the natural sciences and intellectual work in religion
(theology). The recent literature is usually more refined in its handling of
methodological questions than these earlier works and a series of relatively stable
typologies and distinctions have become widely used in the recent literature as a result.
There is a sense of progress in this literature, albeit in most cases
progress associated with increasing clarity of organization rather than with problems
solved and discoveries made.
An functional canon of literature in religion and science has been
established by the International Society
for Science and Religion through its
Library Project. This selection of
250 books is a foundational library spanning all important areas and
disciplines as well as key international and multicultural voices.
Several journals are devoted to the area, again primarily in English. Arguably the most
important is Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science (est. 1966), now published out
of the Zygon Center for Religion and
Science with Philip Hefner at the editorial helm.
This journal arose from the work of Ralph Wendell Burhoe, its founding editor, and
continues to publish diverse articles examining the interface of many religious viewpoints
with many aspects of the natural and social sciences. Other important periodicals
of extremely diverse kinds include:
- Theology and Science, edited by Ted
Peters and Robert Russell, is the successor journal to the CTNS Bulletin (est.
1981) as of 2002. It is produced by the Center for Theology and Natural
Sciences, Berkeley;
- Studies in Science and Theology (est. 1994), produced by the European Society
for the Study of Science and Theology, Geneva; and
- Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith (formerly Journal of the American
Scientific Affiliation, est. 1949, edited by Roman
J. Miller), produced by the American Scientific
- Religion, Brain, and Behavior, edited by Patrick McNamara,
Richard Sosis, and Wesley J Wildman (est. 2010), produced by the
Institute for the Bio-Cultural Study of
Religion in Boston and published by
Taylor &
A number of centers with research and educational missions in science, philosophy, and
religion have been created in the last two decades. One of the most productive of these is
the Center for Theology and Natural Sciences
(CTNS), founded in Berkeley in 1981 by Robert
John Russell. There are also established centers of various sorts in Boston, Chicago,
New York, Notre Dame, Philadelphia, Princeton, Oxford, Leeds, Cambridge, and elsewhere; and a slew of new centers have begun in the
last couple of years. In addition to these, there are a number of organizations with a
chiefly public mission, strong web presences, and a concern to sponsor events in a variety
of places. Especially notable among these are Counterbalance
and Metanexus.
Other Signs of an Emerging Field
These are all markers of what can fairly be called a field, providing that this
designation is understood in terms of a set of characteristic questions loosely bounded by
the intersection of science, philosophy, and religion, rather than in any more exact
sense. Other signs of this field include the following.
- the International Society for Science and Religion (founded 2002),
administered from Cambridge, England, under the guidance of founding
president Sir John Polkinghorne.
- international research projects, such as that on the ethical and religious impact of
Human Genome Initiative and the ten-year project focusing on the meaning of religious
language about divine action in relation to contemporary scientific accounts of nature,
both initiatives involving CTNS (see the Publications page of CTNS
and the Interdisciplinary Studies page of the Vatican
- a section devoted to research in science and religion within the sprawling
American Academy of Religion, which sponsors several sessions each year at the annual
meeting of the Academy;
- the "Dialogue
on Science, Ethics, and Religion" under the auspices of
the American Academy for the Advancement of Science (headed up by Audrey Chapman) that
sponsors consultations, publications, conferences, and public awareness;
- academic appointments and professorial chairs in various aspects
of science and religion, including positions of various sorts at the
Graduate Theological Union (Russell), Princeton Seminary (van Huyssteen), Cambridge University (Watts), and Oxford University
- numerous longstanding courses taught in the area by faculty with a spontaneous
fascination with the area, such as the courses taught over the years here at Boston
University (see the Science and Religion Course Program at CTNS
for a longer list);
- an intense investigation of the history of relations between science, philosophy, and
religion that has led to the abandonment among informed scholars of the inadequate
"conflict" model that has dominated historiography in science and religion until
thirty years ago; and
- in recent years, sponsorship by the John Templeton Foundation of a number of
initiatives, including student essay contests, scholarly book and essay prizes, and a
science and religion course program involving competition and workshop components.
For these and other reasons, the academic leaders of science, philosophy, and
religion, located primarily in the centers mentioned above, tend to argue that a new field has
been born, one they usually refer to as "science and religion." They promote the
literature described above as the contemporary canon of this new field and argue that
familiarity with this literature is necessary to avoid naïve reinventing of wheels in
specific inquiries. In this they are quite correct, for the naïveté of some popular
books in religion and science relative to this new body of literature is painfully
A Wider View
As impressive as these considerations are, I would urge
that the so-called "new field" of religion and science be interpreted against
the background of the long history in the West of explicit reflection on questions for which solid knowledge
of each of science, philosophy, and religion are essential. This tradition of
interdisciplinary inquiry has been especially in evidence since the seventeenth century
but it extends back to antiquity in a variety of forms. With that caveat, and tolerating a
rather vague usage of the word "field", it is appropriate so to call the area of
science, philosophy, and religion. Nonetheless, I shall avoid using the word
"field" and speak of an interdisciplinary area of inquiry.
Undergraduate Education in Science,
Philosophy, and Religion
Undergraduate majors in Science and Religion are
not common but they are coming on line, one by one, across the United States and
elsewhere. One of the best organized is that of Columbia University in New York,
where Dr. Bob Pollack leads the way with considerable administrative ingenuity.
After all, it is difficult to pull together both the teaching resources and the
administrative support necessary to make an new undergraduate major in a large
university. For more
information about the Columbia venture, see Bob
Pollack's web site, as well as the site for the Center
for the Study of Science and Religion.
Graduate Education in Science,
Philosophy, and Religion
There are
a number of institutions of graduate education that offer programs with some connection to
the interdisciplinary confluence of science, philosophy, and religion. Typically these
programs are in one of the contributing disciplinesusually theology or the
philosophy of religion, sometimes in philosophy or history of science, and in no case (to
my knowledge) in the sciences. Under these circumstances, interested students are able to
take advantage of courses in science, philosophy, and religion offered by faculty. In the
majority of cases where this procedure is effective, faculty members are active in a
Center whose focus is science and religion and have appointments in the relevant graduate
school. In some cases, students in such degree programs proceed to write dissertations on
topics in science, philosophy, and religion, even though the qualifying examinations and
other requirements are those of the specialized, non-interdisciplinary degree program
itself. In spite of the lack of interdisciplinary degree requirements, this procedure has
produced impressive results when the students themselves have the initiative and previous
background necessary to undertake serious interdisciplinary inquiry. Most of the younger
scholars currently publishing in the field came through programs of this kind.
Excellent resources for programs of this kind exist at a
number of graduate schools in the United States and abroad. Here is a sampling, including
location, institution, and affiliated center. Note that there are other
doctoral programs with less formally organized resources (such as the one in Cambridge
University, England, led by Fraser Watts) not listed here. Likewise, programs not offering
a doctoral degree (such as the MA from the Division of Comparative Studies at Ohio State
University and the MA in Religion and Science at Leeds University, UK) are
also not listed here.
Location |
Institution & Programs |
Affiliated Center |
Berkeley, California |
Graduate Theological Union, MA, PhD; Seminaries in the GTU Consortium, MDiv, ThD |
Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (est. 1981) |
Boston, Massachusetts |
affiliated with the Boston Theological Institute; an affiliation of Boston-area seminaries permitting
cross-registration; degree programs are those of the member
institutions, MDiv, MA,
MTh, MTS, STM, DMin, ThD, PhD. Boston University is one of these
institutions. |
Boston Theological Institute sponsors a variety of programs in
Religion and Science (est. 1967) New
England Center for Faith & Science
Exchange (est. 1989) |
Cambridge, United Kingdom |
Cambridge University |
Chicago, Illinois |
Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, MDiv, MA, MTh, DMin, PhD; seminaries
elsewhere in the Chicago cluster, MDiv, ThD |
Chicago Center for Religion and Science (est. 1988) Center for Advanced Study in Religion and Science (est. 1964) |
Notre Dame, Indiana |
Notre Dame University Graduate Program in History and Philosophy of Science, MA,
PhD |
John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology and Values (est. 1986) has a
concern with the history and methods of science and religion |
Oxford, United Kingdom |
Oxford University |
Ian Ramsay Center (est.
1985) |
Princeton, New Jersey |
Princeton Theological Seminary, MDiv, MA,
MTh, DMin, PhD |
Center for Theological Inquiry, which often has a science and religion component
(est. 1978) |
For some time now,
there have been two main routes to research and publishing within areas related to
science, philosophy, and religion. One begins from the science side, in which a working
scientist with religious connections explicitly engages in religious training at some
point during his or her career, often though not always with the aim of becoming a priest.
This phenomenon lies at the root of the formation by Arthur Peacocke of the Society of
Ordained Scientists and describes the path of many of the leading figures in science and
religion research and publishing (the Albrights, Barbour, Gingrich, Haas, Peacocke,
Polkinghorne, Rolston, Russell, Smith-Moran,
The other route begins from the humanities
sideusually theology, sometimes philosophyand involves people with humanities
doctorates finding engagement with the sciences necessary to pursue their research
interests responsibly. Some of these already have first degrees in science. The existing
educational process described above continues to produce scholars of this kind. This path
has been followed by most of the rest of the leading figures in science and religion but
also by a diverse group of scholars interested less in the recent "field" of
science and religion than in more classical research concerns. It is a mixed bunch, as a
result (Andresen, Bokulich, Cole-Turner, Hefner, Howell, Murphy, Neville, Pannenberg, Peters,
Richardson, Roberts, van Huyssteen, Wildman,
These two routes account for almost everyone working in
the field today. The rare exception is the person with two doctorates, one in the
humanities and one in the sciences. Partial examples are Kevin Sharpe, a graduate of the
Boston University SPR program, who had a PhD in applied mathematics prior to entering the
interdisciplinary program here; and Nancey Murphy, whose first doctorate was chiefly in
the philosophy of science before completing a doctorate in philosophical theology.
Boston Universitys Strategic
The Boston
Religion & Science program adopts a strategy that assures it a distinctive place in the
doctoral educational marketplace. The strategy is simple: intense and even-handed
interdisciplinary training and examinations. This is hard to arrange and execute, both
because of the demands it makes of students and because of the necessity for close
cooperation across university departments and their faculty.
Boston University has the right combination of
characteristics for housing such a program, including the following:
- longstanding habits of interdisciplinary cooperation and
more permeable boundaries between departments and guilds than is usual in American
- good relations among the religion department, the
philosophy department (both within the College of Arts and Sciences) and the School of
Theologyrare among research universities in the USAincluding cross appointments and
shared participation in graduate school programs;
- rich faculty resources, including the three core
Religion & Science faculty who publish in science, philosophy, and religion (Neville,
Wegter-McNelly, Wildman) and
the involvement of many other faculty members from both the humanities and sciences (see
- interdisciplinary research programs, including those in
theology and physics(Wegter-McNelly); science, philosophy, and religion
(Wildman); and the philosophy and history of science (Tauber);
- specialized research centers, including the Institute for
Philosophy of Religion (Rouner); the Center for Congregational Research
and Development (Stone); and the Center for Judaic Studies (Katz); and
- an established history of cross-cultural and
inter-religious investigation, including ventures such as the Institute for
the Study of Economic
Culture (Berger), the Institute for Religion and World Affairs
(Berger), the Institute for Comparative Religion (Berthrong),
the Institute for Race and Social Division (Loury); and the Cross-Cultural
Comparative Religious Ideas Project (Neville).
The amazing academic context for the Boston University
Religion & Science program (see Associated Program Resources,
above) does not help much, of course, unless the immediate setting for the SPR program at
Boston University offers genuinely interdisciplinary training at high levels. That is our
ongoing goal.
With such training, the Religion &
Science graduates should be a new
breed of scholars, able to see old problems in new ways because of their solid
interdisciplinary grounding. They should be capable of making significant
contributions in both the philosophical-theoretical and the public policy-social ethics
dimensions of issues arising at the junction of science, philosophy, and religion. The
Religion & Science program will continue to maintain carefully stated standards and aggressive forms of self-evaluation
designed to maximize the chances of achieving these worthy aims.

One of the
most important dimensions of success of graduate education, and thus a crucial area of
program self-evaluation, is student placement. The arguments against interdisciplinary
programs are chiefly two: supposedly unavoidably low standards in the individual guild
disciplines over which interdisciplinary inquiry arches, and the anticipated difficulty of
placing graduates in suitable appointments. While other remarks on this page are directed
to the standards issue, this section offers a number of reasons to expect that prospects
for placement of graduates should be no worse than for graduates in specialized guilds and
perhaps much better in the long run.
- All DRTS students (including all
Religion & Science students) are required
to take a one-year course in theories of religion in which they read classics in the field
of religious studies. In addition, all Religion & Science
students are required to take a one-year course
in the core texts and motifs of the worlds religious traditions. Together, these
requirements ensure that Religion & Science
graduates have the professional preparation required to teach
the "Religion 101" course in a Religious Studies Department.
- Religion & Science students pass examinations in the history and
philosophy of science and in the philosophy of religion and philosophical theology at the
level of expertise required of students specializing solely in one of those two
disciplines. Being able to teach these subjects at the college and university level gives
Religion & Science students plausible candidacy for an unusually large range of job searches.
- Many colleges have general studies departments that often
seek to fill positions with people capable of teaching in a number of disciplines.
Religion & Science graduates could scarcely be better positioned for winning such positions.
- Interdisciplinary research appears to be increasingly
valued in many university settings. Religion & Science
graduates will be well-placed in job searches for
which established interdisciplinary skills are sought.
- The "field" of science and religion is steadily
achieving a higher profile to the point that a few recent jobs have even listed it as a
sought-after specialty. It is reasonable to assume that Religion
& Science graduates should fill the
majority of such positions in due course. Kirk Wegter-McNelly has
compiled a summary of positions advertised in this interdisciplinary specialty
in recent years.
Several strategic planning initiatives for graduate placement are already
in place, some to be implemented as soon as possible. Here is a short list:
- The Division of Religious and Theological Studies has now
appointed a senior faculty member specifically responsible for student placement.
- Religion & Science graduates will have contact with professors from a wide
range of disciplines. Students are educated in the importance of cultivating such contacts
to the point that informed references can be written on their behalf.
- The involvement of Religion &
Science students in relevant research
projects based in Boston University or in the wider Boston region is important for making
contact with leaders in the field. To that end, research projects under design usually
include a student-support and employment dimension.
- Solid financial support for students, especially during the
coursework phase of their degrees, helps to ensure that students can finish quickly with
skills unattenuated by drawn out programs, thereby leaving them better placed to win jobs.
All this focuses on academic
placements. We believe that we are entering a new era of
interdisciplinary, cross-cultural inquiry oriented to solving problems.
If this is so, then other types of intellectual employment are likely to
become increasingly important, such
as think-tank positions, post-doctoral research positions, consultative
careers, and leaders of public policy
initiatives. Religion & Science
graduates are in a good position to lead the way into filling and
even helping to define this new intellectual employment territory.

Applications and financial aid information can be obtained from Karen
Nardella (kcn@bu.edu) at the
Division of Religious and Theological Studies, 745 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215;
617/353-2636. You can also get application forms online.
You may request a printed copy of the bulletin/application by contacting the
Graduate School Office at 617/353-2696, or by placing a request here.
To obtain more information about this exciting program, or to inquire about your
suitability, contact me directly at the feedback email address
(in the left column) or Prof. Wesley J. Wildman, Boston University School of Theology, 745 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215,

The information on this page is copyright ©1994 onwards, Wesley
Wildman (basic information here), unless otherwise
If you want to use ideas that you find here, please be careful to acknowledge this site as
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