Quantum Optical Metrology

Novel Techniques to Characterize Materials and Devices Used in Biology and Biochemistry, Photonics, Optoelectronics, and Telecommunication

Our objective is to conduct research at the frontier of quantum optics in order to develop novel quantum measurement techniques that do not have classical analogs and surpass conventional approaches in amount of information obtained and in the accuracy of measurement.

[ Figure from "The Quantum Inquisition" New Scientist, 30 October 1999, No. 2210, Vol. 164 pp. 3237]



Review Articles:

A. V. Sergienko "Quantum Metrology With Entangled Photons", in "Recent Advances in Metrology and Fundamental Constants", CXLVI International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", T. J. Quinn, S. Leschiutta, and P. Tavella (Eds.), IOS Press, Amsterdam (2001), pp. 715-746.[pdf]

A. V. Sergienko and G. S. Jaeger "Quantum Information Processing and Precise Optical measurement with Entangled-Photon Pairs", Contemporary Physics, v. 44, 341-356 (2003). [pdf]



Associated publications:

Magued B. Nasr, Bahaa E.A. Saleh, Alexander V. Sergienko, and Malvin C. Teich "Demonstration of Dispersion-Cancelled Quantum-Optical Coherence Tomography", Physical Review Letters, v. 91, 083601 (2003). [pdf]

Aaron J. Miller, Sae Woo Nam, John M. Martinis, and Alexander V. Sergienko, "Demonstration of Low-Noise Near-Infrared Photon Counter With Multiphoton Discrimination", Applied Physics Letters, v. 83, 791-793 (2003). [pdf]

A. Abouraddy, M. B. Nasr, B. E. A. Saleh, A. V. Sergienko, and M. C. Teich "Quantum-Optical Coherence Tomography With Dispersion Cancellation", Physical Review A, v. 65, 053817 (2002).[pdf]



Associated publications:

A. Abouraddy, K. Touissant, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich "Quantum Ellipsometry", J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, v.19, pp. 656-662 (2002).[pdf]

A. Abouraddy, K. Touissant, A. V. Sergienko, B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich "Ellipsometric Measurements by Use of Photon Pairs Generated by Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion", Optics Letters v.26, pp.1717-1719 (2001).[pdf]



Associated publications:

D. Branning, A. L. Migdall, and A. V. Sergienko "Simultaneous measurement of group and phase delay between two photons", Physical Review A , 063808 (2000).[pdf]

E. Dauler, G. Jaeger, A. Muller, A. Migdall, and A. Sergienko "Tests of a Two-Photon Technique for Measuring Polarization Mode Dispersion with Subfemtosecond Precision'', J. Res. NIST, v.104, pp.1-10 (1999) [pdf]

H. Gisin, J. Brendel, H. Zbinden, A. Sergienko, A. Muller ``Twin-photon techniques for fiber measurements'', quant-ph/9807063.[pdf]

A. V. Sergienko, Y. H. Shih, and M. H. Rubin ``Experimental Evaluation of a Two-Photon Wave Packet in Type-II Parametric Downconversion'', Journal of the Optical Society of America B, v. 12, pp. 859-862 (1995) [pdf]



Associated publications:

A. Czitrovszky, A. Sergienko, P. Jani, and A. Nagy "Measurement of Quantum Efficiency Using Correlated Photon Pairs and Single-Detector Technique", Metrologia, v.37, pp.617-620 (2000).

A. Migdall, R. Datla, A. V. Sergienko, and Y. H. Shih ``Absolute Detector Quantum Efficiency Measurements Using Correlated Photons'', Metrologia, v.32, pp.479-483 (1995). [pdf]

A. N. Penin, and A. V. Sergienko ``Absolute Standardless Calibration of Photodetectors based on Quantum Two-Photon Fields'', Applied Optics, v.30, No.25, pp.3582-3588 (1991). [pdf]

A. V. Sergienko and A. N. Penin ``Absolute Calibration of Analog Photodetectors Using Biphotonic Fields'' , Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett., v.12, pp.328-329 (1986).[pdf]

A. A. Malygin, A. N. Penin, and A. V. Sergienko ``Absolute Calibration of the Sensitivity of Photodetectors Using a Two-Photon Field'', Sov. Phys. JETP Lett., v.33, pp.477-480 (1981).[pdf]



Associated publications:

A. Migdall, E. Dauler, A. Muller, and A. Sergienko "Tests of Omnipresent Standard for Absolute Spectral Measurements,'' Analytica Chimica Acta, v. 380, pp.311-316 (1999) [pdf]

E. Dauler, A. Migdall, N. Boeuf, R. Datla, A. Muller, and A. Sergienko "Measuring Absolute Spectral Radiance With Correlated Photons: New Arrangements for Improved Uncertainty and Extended IR Range'', Metrologia, v. 35, pp. 295-300 (1998). [pdf]

A. Migdall, R. Datla, A. Sergienko, J.S. Orszak and Y.H. Shih "Measuring Absolute Infrared Spectral Radiance Using Correlated Visible Photons: Technique Verification and Measurement Uncertainty'', Applied Optics v. 37, p. 3455 (1998). [pdf]



