MET CS 563 Software Development with C++ for Mathematical
Finance -- Spring
Home Schedule Format
& Policies Grading Compilers References
Assessment of
your performance in this course is performed through homework programming
assignments that test implementation skills and in-class exams that address
theoretical knowledge, program solving ability, and facility with language
syntax and semantics. Satisfactory performance in both the programming
assignments as well as the exams is required in order to successfully complete
the course.
Weighting: The final grade is based on
40% programming
30% midterm,
30% final
Extra Credit may be
awarded for class participation, discovering technical errors (not just typos) in
the lecture notes, additional functional features to the homework problems, or
especially creative solutions. The extra credit is not included in
the total points earned but will bring you up to the higher grade when you are
close to the borderline between two grades.
Grading criteria
include your ability to understand course concepts and their relationships,
find good solutions, and programming skills in using C++ syntax and semantics
correctly. A detailed grading rubric is given for each assignment.
Exams test knowledge of programming
terms and concepts, C++ syntax, problem solving ability and programming skills.
They are closed book, but you are allowed to prepare and bring a "crib
sheet" (two-sided) with hand-written
notes along.
exams are graded by the instructor
and solutions for the midterm are discussed in class the week after the exam;
you can review your final and discuss it with the instructor after the grades
are posted.
Assignments require you to develop
working usable programs and are an integral component of this class. Their
satisfactory completion is an absolute requirement for receiving any credit for this
course, i.e. a failing grade in the programming assignments automatically
triggers a failing grade in the course; even if you have brilliant results in
the in-class midterm and final exams (the converse is also true).
Please, do not
submit programs that do not compile! They will be returned
without being graded. If you encounter
problems with the assignments you should contact the Teaching Associate before
submitting the program.
homework assignments are graded by the
Teaching Associate and you should first address your questions to him/her.
is due one week after
posted. For further submission details see the problem
assignments are graded based on several categories such as correctness,
robustness, user-friendliness, maintainability, documentation, programming
style. The specific grading categories and their relative weights are
explained in a grading rubric for the particular problem.
homework submission results in a 10% point deduction per day and
homework assignments will not be accepted if they are late more than five
days. Exceptions to this rule are given only for religious
holidays, certified medical reasons, or exceptional circumstances for which the
instructor has granted prior permission.