Reader's Guide to Schleiermacher's Christian Faith

Paragraph Headings

Home Previous: §§92-105
Current: §§106-112
Next: §§113-114
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Second Part of the System of Doctrine: Explication of the Facts of the Religious Self-Consciousness, as they are determined by the Antithesis of Sin and Grace

Second Aspect of the Antithesis: Explication of the Consciousness of Grace

First Section: The State of the Christian as Consciousness of the Divine Grace

Second Division: The Manner in which Fellowship with the Perfection and Blessedness of the Redeemer expresses itself in the Individual Soul


§106 The self-consciousness characterizing those assumed into living fellowship with Christ may be set forth under both conceptions, Regeneration and Sanctification.

First Doctrine: Regeneration

§107 Assumption into living fellowship with Christ, regarded as a man’s changed relation to God, is his Justification; regarded as a changed form of life, it is his Conversion.

First Theorem: Conversion

§108 Conversion, the beginning of the new life in fellowship with Christ, makes itself known in each individual by Repentance, which consists in the combination of regret and change of heart; and by Faith, which consists in the appropriation of the perfection and blessedness of Christ.

Second Theorem: Justification

§109 God’s justifying of one who is converted to Him includes the forgiving of his sins, and the recognizing of him as a child of God. This transformation of his relation to God, however, follows only in so far as he has true faith in the Redeemer.

First Doctrine: Sanctification

§110 In living fellowship with Christ the natural powers of the regenerate are put at his disposal, whereby there is produced a life akin to His perfection and blessedness; and this is the state of Sanctification.

First Theorem: The Sins of the Regenerate

§111 Since they are continually being combated, the sins of those in the state of sanctification always carry their forgiveness with them and have no power to annul the divine grace of regeneration.

Second Theorem: The Good Works of the Regenerate

§112 The good works of the regenerate are natural effects of faith, and as such are objects of divine good pleasure.

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