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Late Modern Western Thinkers

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NOTE: I do not hold copyright for any of these pictures. I present them here solely for the purpose of allowing students to see pictures of the authors they read and not for use in any commercial venture. All have been floating around the web for years and I assume, and have every reason to believe, either that they are in the public domain or that their use here is covered by fair-use guidelines, and that their presentation here on my website is neither financially unfair to anyone nor legally improper. If I am mistaken in any of these assumptions, I would appreciate being alerted, and I will withdraw the offending picture from the gallery immediately.

Arendt, Hannah Austin, John Langshaw Bolzano, Bernard
Brentano, Franz Chesterton Chomsky, Naom1
Chomsky, Noam2-AllStar deBeauvoir, Simone Dewey, John
Dostoevsky Durkheim, Emile Eco, Umberto1
Eco, Umberto2 Einstein, Albert1 Einstein, Albert2
Foucault1 Foucault2-All Star Frege, Gottlob
Freud, Sigmund1 Freud, Sigmund2 Freud, Sigmund3
Gadamer-On left with
Ghandi Goldman
Heidegger, Martin4-On right with Gadamer Heidegger, Martin Heidegger, Martin1-Older
Heidegger, Martin2-Sein und Zeit Dedication to Edmund Husserl Heidegger, Martin3-Young Heisenberg, Werner
Humboldt, Alexander von Husserl, Edmund1 Husserl, Edmund2
Husserl, Edmund3 Husserl, Edmund4 Husserl, Edmund5
Husserl, Edmund6 Husserl, Edmund7 James, William
James, William1 James, William2 Jung, Carl Gustav
Kropotkin, Peter-All Star Luxemborg-All Star King, Martin Luther-
All Star
Neville, Robert Cummings O'Donnell, James (the man who convinced me that web sites in support of humanities courses are worth the effort) Peirce, Charles Sanders1
Peirce, Charles Sanders2 Peirce, Charles Sanders3 Popper, Karl1
Popper, Karl2 Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph-All Star Quine, Willard Van Ormon1
Quine, Willard Van Ormon2 Russell, Bertrand1 Russell, Bertrand2
Russell, Bertrand3-AllStar Sartre, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jean-Paul1-At 18
Sartre, Jean-Paul2-In 1945 Sartre, Jean-Paul3-In 1957 Sartre, Jean-Paul4
Sartre, Jean-Paul5- Being and Nothingness manuscript Sartre, Jean-Paul6 Schlick, Moritz
Searle, John Sitting Bull-All Star Turing, Alan
Whitehead, Alfred North Wittgenstein, Ludwig1 Wittgenstein, Ludwig2
Wittgenstein, Ludwig3 Wittgenstein, Ludwig4 Wittgenstein, Ludwig5
Wittgenstein, Ludwig6 Wittgenstein, Ludwig7 Wittgenstein, Ludwig8

The information on this page is copyright ©1994 onwards, Wesley Wildman (basic information here), unless otherwise noted. If you want to use ideas that you find here, please be careful to acknowledge this site as your source, and remember also to credit the original author of what you use, where that is applicable. If you want to use text or stories from these pages, please contact me at the feedback address for permission.