US Military Weapons

Warfare started a long time ago when people didn’t have vehicles or fighter planes. It was all done with infantry. Starting all the way back to cave men, people fought. Cavemen used clubs, and may have thrown rocks at each other. The sword came next as the standard conquerors best friend. As time went on, the bow and arrow was invented by someone who thought that swords were too risky on the fighter. With a bow you could kill someone without even needing to come within 50 feet of them. Eventually, gunpowder was born. The concept was to put something sharp in a tube, point it at someone, cause an explosion which would push out the dangerous thing, and shoot it towards the target. Thus began guns. One of the earliest firearms was the Colt revolver invented by Samuel Colt in 1836. The first automatic weapon was the Thompson machine gun invented in around 1918 by General John T. Thompson. Ever since the beginning of war, humans have been developing new ways to kill each other. The weapons we use today, on and off the field of battle are light years better than those of the past. Here are some important firearms of both the US military and some other countries.


US Military Weapons

M16 Assault Rifle/M203 Grenade Launcher

M4 Carbine

SAW Machine Gun

AT-4 Rocket Launcher

M-67 Fragmentation Grenade


USSR-Made Weapons

Weapons designed and made in the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)are common all over the world and frequently encountered by US military forces.

AK-47 Assault Rifle

RPK Light Machine Gun

Dragunov Sniper Rifle