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Bibliography in Sustainable Development

Biology and Ecology Ethics and Philosophy Population
Case Studies General Social Issues
Economics History Tourism
Energy Industry Urban Planning
Environmental Justice Policy Water

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Case Studies

Akiner, S., S. Tideman, et al., Eds. (1998). Sustainable development in Central Asia. New York, St. Martin's Press.

Alison, K., P. Newman, et al. (1998). A sustainability plan for Philadelphia: an outline of a Local Agenda 21 Plan. Philadelphia, PA, Dept. of City and Regional Planning.

Asenso-Okyere, W. K., G. Benneh, et al., Eds. (1997). Sustainable food security in West Africa. Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Badenkov, Y. "Sustainable development of the mountain regions of the USSR: the realities, the role of science, and research orientations." Mountain Research and Development 10(2): 129-139.

Baiping, Z. (1995). "Geoecology and sustainable development in the Kunlun Mountains, China." Mountain Research and Development 15(3): 283-292.

Barnhoorn, F. (1994). Sustainable development in Botswana: an analysis of resource management in three communal development areas. Utrecht, Royal Dutch Geographical Society: Faculty of Geographical Sciences Utrecht University.

Barrett, C. B. and P. Arcese (1995). "Are integrated conservation-development projects (ICDPS) sustainable? On the conservation of large mammals in Sub-Saharan Africa." World Development 23(7): 1073-1084.

Barton, H. (1996). "The Isle of Harris Superquarry: Concepts of the Environment and Sustainability." Environ metal Values 5(2): 97-122.

This article is an excellent case study analyzing the different perspectives on a proposed quarry on a small island in Scotland. Barton finds that different interpretations of the environment, shaped by cultural and historical contexts of individuals greatly influence opinions on the quarry. Barton identifies different perspectives of space, time, and what should be sustained as the critical differences among the diverse stakeholders. He proposes that a reform of the planning process is needed to give more power to the people of these islands and the freedom to develop and implement development agendas. However, he also acknowledges that local people often are not aware of, or concerned about global effects of local projects, and so he suggests that there should be an increased level in local public participation in the planning process. Finally, he advocates for the increase in resources available to the region so they will not have to rely on the outside world for jobs or decision making. Again, this article is an excellent example of the diverse positions various groups can have on one issue, with an insightful analysis as to causes of these differences.

Basiago, A. D. (1995). "Sustainable development in Indonesia: a case study of an indigenous regime of environmental law and policy." International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 2(3): 199-211.

Brown, C. J., J. Tarr, et al. (2002). Sustainable development in Namibia: notes on environmental issues contributing toward sustainable development in Namibia. Windhoek, Namibia, Ministry of Environment and Tourism: United Nations Development Programme: Namibia Nature Foundation.

Bryantt, R., J. Rigg, et al. (1993). "Forest transformations and political ecology in Southeast Asia." Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 3(4-6): 101-111.

Buckwell, A. E. (1993). An agricultural strategy for Bulgaria: toward sustainable development through increased efficiency. S.l., s.n.

Byers, E. and M. Sainju (1994). "Mountain ecosystems and women: opportunities for sustainable development and conservation." Mountain Research and Development 14(3): 213-228.

Calthorpe, P. and S. Poticha (1993). The next American metropolis: ecology, community, and the American dream. New York, Princeton Architectural Press.

Cheng, X., C. Han, et al. (1992). "Sustainable agricultural development in China." World Development 20(general): 1127-1144.

Chircop, A. (1992). "The Mediterranean sea and the quest for sustainable development." Ocean Development and International Law 23(1): 17-30.

Cole, K., Ed. (1994). Sustainable development for a democratic South Africa. New York, St. Martin's Press.

Columbia University. Southern Asia Institute. (1992). Working toward sustainable development: conference report. New York, N.Y., Published by the Southern Asia Institute School of International and Public Affairs Columbia University.

Commission, B. (1995). "Bellagio statement on tobacco and sustainable development." Canadian Medical Association Journal 153(general): 1109-10.

Costanza, R., S. C. Farber, et al. (1989). "Valuation and Management of Wetland Ecosystems." Ecological Economics 1: 335-361.

Curtis, A. and T. deLacy (1998). "Landcare, Stewardship and Sustainable Agriculture in Australia." Environmental Values 7(1): 39-78.

Darkoh, M. and A. Rwomire, Eds. (2003). Human impact on environment and sustainable development in Africa. Burlington, VT, Ashgate.

Deere, C. L. and D. C. Esty (2002). Greening the Americas: NAFTA's lessons for hemispheric trade. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press.

Esty, D. C. and A. Dua (1997). Sustaining the Asia Pacific miracle: environmental protection and economic integration. Washington, D.C, Institute for International Economics.

Ferraz, B. and B. Munslow, Eds. (2000). Sustainable development in Mozambique. Trenton, NJ, Africa World Press.

Fisher, W. F. (1997). Toward sustainable development? struggling over India's Narmada River. Jaipur, Rawat Publications.

Folke, C. (1988). "Energy Economy of Salmon Aquaculture in the Baltic Sea." Environmental Management 12(4): 525-537.

Foweraker, J. (1982). "Accumulation and authoritarianism on the pioneer frontier of Brazil." Journal of Pesant Studies 10(1): 95-117.

Furedy, C. (1992). "Garbage: exploring non-conventional options in Asian cities." Environment & Urbanization 4(2): 42-60.

Garavaglia, J. C. (1992). "Human beings and the environment in America: on 'determinism' and 'possibilism'." International Social Science Journal 34: 569-577.

Giaoutzi, M. and P. Nijkamp (1993). Decision support models for regional sustainable development: an application of geographic information systems and evaluation models to the Greek Sporades Islands. Aldershot, Hants, England; Brookfield, Vt., USA, Avebury.

Goldrich, D. and D. V. Carruthers (1992). "Sustainable development in Mexico? The international politics of crisis or opportunity." Latin American Perspectives 72(19(1)): 97-122.

Good, R. (1995). "Ecologically sustainable development in the Australian Alps." Mountain Research and Development 15(3): 251-258.

Grena Kliass, R. (1990). "Planning and conservation: green areas and the environmental quality of the city of Såo Paulo." Third World Planning Review 12(4): 351-360.

Gwynne, R. (1993). "Outward orientation and marginal environments: the question of sustainable development in the Norte Chico, Chile." Mountain Research and Development 13(3): 281-293.

Heroepoetri, A. (1994). Environmental impact assessment as a tool toward sustainable development in Indonesia (Indonesian and Canadian legal perspectives). Ottawa, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada.

Ho, S. P. S. and Y. Y. Kueh (2000). Sustainable economic development in South China. New York, St. Martin's Press.

Ikejiofor, U. (1999). "The God that failed: A critique of public housing in Nigeria 1975-1995." Habitat International 23(2): 177-88.

Indonesia. Department Luar Negeri. (1993). Economic development and sustainable development: forestry management in Indonesia: issues and perspectives. Jakarta, Department of Foreign Affairs Republic of Indonesia.

Joochul, K. (1991). "Urban redevelopment of greenbelt-area villages: a case study of Seoul, Korea." Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 23(2): 20-29.

Macrae, R. J., J. Henning, et al. (1993). "Strategies to overcome barriers to the development of sustainable agriculture in Canada: the role of agribuisness." Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics 6(1): 21-51.

Manitoba. Manitoba Environment. and International Institute for Sustainable Development. (1977). Moving toward sustainable development reporting.: State of the environment report for Manitoba 1997. Winnipeg, Manitoba Environment.

Minnesota Planning (Agency), Minnesota Environmental Quality Board., et al. (1998). Taking root: state agency efforts toward sustainable development in Minnesota. St. Paul, MN, Environmental Quality Board: MN Planning.

Mumme, S. P. (1992). "System maintenance and environmental reform in Mexico: Salinas's preemptive strategy." Latin American Perspectives 72(19): 1.

New Brunswick. Premier's Round Table on Environment and Economy. (2000). Toward sustainable development in New Brunswick: a plan for action: progress and recommendations. Fredericton, N.B., The Round Table.

Nhantumbo, I., S. Norfolk, et al. (2003). Community based natural resources management in Mozambique: a theoretical or practical strategy for local sustainable development? the case study of Derre Forest Reserve. Brighton, Sustainable livelihoods in Southern Africa Programme, Environment Group, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.

Nwoke, B. E., F. O. Nduka, et al. (1993). "Sustainable urban development and human health: septic tank as a major breeding habitat of mosquito vectors of human diseases in south-eastern Nigeria." Applied Parasitology 34(1): 1-10.

Nygren, A. (1998). "Environment as Discourse: Searching for Sustainable Development in Costa Rica." Environmental Values 7(2): 201-222.

This article outlines four positions related to the environment and sustainable development in Costa Rica. Environmentalists for nature focus on ecological goals and environmental care which they propose to achieve using intervening authority. The environmentalists for profit focus on economic goals and plan to value nature economically through globalization. Alternative environmentalists focus on spiritual motives and want to liberate themselves from western influences through radical populism. Environmentalism for the people focuses on humanitarian goals that could be reached through idealist grassroots organizations.

Olson, B. (1994). Toward sustainable development by smallholders of rubber in Indonesia: x, 119 leaves.

Pan American Sanitary Bureau., United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean., et al. (1998). Health, social equity and changing production patterns in Latin America and the Caribbean. Washington, DC, Pan American Sanitary Bureau; United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Perrings, C. (1996). Sustainable development and poverty alleviation in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Botswana. New York, St. Martin's Press.

Rabinovitch, J. (1992). "Curitiba: towards sustainable urban development." Environment & Urbanization 4(2): 62-73.

Ramakrishnan, P. S. (1992). Shifting agriculture and sustainable development: an interdisciplinary study from north-eastern India. Paris: UNESCO; Park Ridge, N.J., USA: Parthenon Pub. Group.

Redclift, M. R. and C. Sage (1994). Strategies for sustainable development: local agendas for the Southern Hemisphere. Chichester; New York, J. Wiley & Sons.

Chapter two, "Sustainable Development, Economics, and the Environment," is an incredibly helpful resource. This chapter suggests that the various ways that the terms "sustainability" and "sustainable development" have been used have helped promote the use of these terms. In particular, the normative/active and positive/passive juxtapositions in meanings of sustainability allow these terms to bridge the gap between the scientific concept of sustainability and the moral force necessary for social action and change. This chapter also assesses modernity's role in setting the stage for concepts of sustainability through the ideas of progress, and modernity's ability to legitimate its own practices. Thus, the authors claim that sustainable development is a product of modernism and also answers its problems. Ambiguities that arise when sustainability, a concept grounded in biology, is used are addressed as are the strengths and grave shortcomings of environmental ethics. These problems are shown to provide the shakiness at the core of the concept of sustainable development. Values are discussed, but generally in environmental terms. The chapter ends with a call to "develop a broader and deeper foundation of a realist policy agenda and one which does not subtract 'interests' from its calculus."

Other chapters include an assessment of the interlinking problems of consumption and production and several case studies of sustainable development issues in southern countries. For example, a study of the historical development of the political economy in the Philippines demonstrates how development and environmental concerns have united. A study of land degradation in northern Ghana suggests that 1) local people understand and know about the relationship between environmental degradation and their needs, but must focus on short-term survival rather than long-term preservation. 2) Indigenous peoples have a substantial amount of technical environmental knowledge that must be taken into account when assessing the sustainability of practices in the area and setting new goals and policies. 3) Local people have a commitment to tree planting and resource management, and since they are the ones able to make changes, they must be supported monetarily and legally. Assessments of Mexico, and the coca raising in Bolivia suggest that local people often distrust government sustainability projects due to past mismanagement and failures, and that strengthening the possibility of adequate rural livelihoods prevents migration to the cities and overworking the land. For example, when people must go to cities to work, they do not have time to weed fields, and so they use chemical pesticides, which eliminate fodder for animals and fuel sources, thus depleting the resources of women and children left behind on farms.

Rowledge, L. R., R. S. Barton, et al. (1999). Mapping the journey: case studies in strategy and action toward sustainable development. Sheffield, Greenleaf.

SADCC Environment and Land Management Sector. Co-ordinating Unit. (1991). Sustaining our common future. Maseru, Lesotho, SADCC Environment and Land Management Sector Coordination Unit.

Schwind, P. J. (1973). Environment and urbanization in central Oahu: a resource base analysis. Honolulu], Dept. of Planning and Economic Development.

Southgate, D. D. and J. F. Disinger, Eds. (1987). Sustainable resource development in the Third World. Boulder, Westview Press.

Stadel, C. (1991). "Environmental stress and sustainable development in the tropical Andes." Mountain Research and Development 11(3): 213-223.

Vandermeer, J. (1991). "The political ecology of sustainable development -- the southern Atlantic coast of Nicaragua." Centennial Review 35(2): 265-294.

Weiner, D. M., B.; Moyo, S. (1992). "Energy for sustainable agricultrual development in Zimbabwe." Growth and Change 23(3): 355-362.

Whitman, J., Ed. (2000). The sustainability challenge for Southern Africa. New York, St. Martin's Press in association with Global Security Fellows Initiative, University of Cambridge.

The information on this page is copyright ©1994-2011, Wesley Wildman (basic information here), unless otherwise noted. If you want to use ideas that you find here, please be careful to acknowledge this site as your source, and remember also to credit the original author of what you use, where that is applicable. If you want to use text or stories from these pages, please contact me at the feedback address for permission.