Journal Articles
Conference Papers
Onur Sahin, Assel Aliyeva, Hariharan Mathavan, Ayse Coskun, Manuel Egele
RandR: Record and Replay for Android Applications via Targeted Runtime Instrumentation
To appear in International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2019.
Onur Sahin, Assel Aliyeva, Hariharan Mathavan, Ayse Coskun, Manuel Egele
Towards Practical Record and Replay for Mobile Applications
Design Automation Conference (DAC) - Late Breaking Results, 2019.
Onur Sahin, Ayse Kivilcim Coskun, Manuel Egele
Proteus: Detecting Android Emulators from Instruction-level Profiles
International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID), 2018.
Onur Sahin, Ayse Kivilcim Coskun
QScale: Thermally-Efficient QoS Management on Heterogeneous Mobile Platforms
International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), Nov. 2016
Onur Sahin, Ayse Kivilcim Coskun
Providing Sustainable Performance in Thermally Constrained Mobile Devices
Embedded Systems for Real-time Multimedia (ESTIMedia), Oct. 2016
(Invited Special Session Paper)
Onur Sahin, Paul Thomas Varghese, Ayse Kivilcim Coskun
Just Enough is More: Achieving Sustainable Performance in Mobile Devices under Thermal Limitations
International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), Nov. 2015