Prof. Michael Hasselmo
International collaborators:
Dr. Robert Cannon
Dr. Erik Fransen
Dr. Angel Alonso (in memory - July 6, 2005)
Post-doctoral fellows:
Dr. Norbert Fortin (joint project with Prof. Howard Eichenbaum)
Dr. Amy Griffin (joint project with Prof. Howard Eichenbaum)
Dr. Randal Koene
Dr. Motoharu Yoshida
Graduate students:
Mark Brandon
Lisa Giocomo
James Hyman
Ana Nathe
Christina Rossi
Eric Zilli
Research assistant:
Amanda Paley
Hasselmolab alumni
Dr. Edi Barkai -- Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
Dr. Thom Cleland -- Senior Research Associate, Cornell University
Dr. Eve DeRosa -- Assistant Professor, Dept. Psychology, University of Toronto.
Dr. Marc W. Howard -- Assistant Professor, Dept. Psychology, Syracuse University
Dr. Anatoli Gorchetchnikov
-- Post-doctoral fellow, Dept. Cognitive and Neural Systems, Boston University
Dr. Ajay Kapur -- SpeechWorks Inc.
Dr. Inah Lee -- Assistant Professor, Dept. Psychology, University of Iowa.
Dr. Christiane Linster -- Associate Professor, Dept. Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University.
Dr. Jill McGaughy -- Assistant Professor, Dept. Psychology, University of New Hampshire.
Dr. Seth Ramus, Assistant Professor, Bowdoin College
Dr. Akaysha Tang
-- Assistant Professor, Dept. Psychology, University of New Mexico.
Dr. Carl Van Vreeswijk -- Gatsby Institute, University College, London.
Dr. Gene Wallenstein -- Assistant Professor, Dept. Psychology, University of Utah.
Brad Wyble -- Post-doctoral fellow, University of Kent at Canterbury.
Ross E. Bergman -- Info Tech Mgr, PerkinElmer Detection Systems, Ross.Bergman@PerkinElmer.com
Dr. Clara Bodelon -- University of California, San Diego, post-doctoral fellow
Milos Cekic -- Emory University, M.D.-Ph.D. program.
Brian Craft -- Brandeis University, Center for Complex Systems
Brain Fehlau -- Harvard University, Ph.D. program
Vikas Goyal -- New York University, M.D. program
John Holena -- Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
Greg Horwitz -- Stanford University, Ph.D. Program in Neuroscience
Dr. Sarah Judge -- University of Newcastle, post-doctoral fellow
Kaiwen Kam -- University of California, San Francisco, Ph.D. program
Dr. Terry Kremin -- University of California, San Francisco, post-doctoral fellow
Eugene Lubenov -- MIT, Ph.D. Program in Brain and Cognitive Science
Michaella Maloney -- Duke University, M.D. program
Dr. Bradley Molyneaux -- Harvard Medical School, M.D.-Ph.d. program
Dr. Eric Schnell -- University of California, San Francisco, M.D.-Ph.D. Program
Dr. Vikaas Sohal -- Stanford University, M.D. Ph.D. Program
Lisa Giocomo
Dr. Amy Griffin
James Hyman
Prof. Inah Lee (now at University of Iowa)
Christina Rossi
(L to R) Prof. Eve DeRosa (Univ. Toronto), Brian Fehlau, Dr. Vikaas Sohal, Prof. Christiane
Linster (Cornell Univ.), Mike Hasselmo, Dr. Madhvi Patil, Dr. Brad Wyble.
(L to R)Dr. Eric Schnell, Mike, Brian Craft, Prof. Eve DeRosa, Dr. Carl