PPD Facts
PPD Self Test
Preventing PPD
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Getting help is important

Social Support

Self-care strategies and practices


Meditation and stress reduction

Give yourself a break


Preventing PPD

Getting help is important
     Undetected and untreated Post Partum Depression places the mother at risk for recurrent disease. Many women with PPD are either undiagnosed, misdiagnosed, or seek no medical assistance, therefore many women go without treatment. Women at high risk for PPD should be identified prior to delivery. It is very important to get early screening for depressive symptoms. Early detection of disease gives better prognosis of disease and may decrease the likelihood of high depressive symptoms. It is very important to speak out about your feelings and your needs. Visit your doctor and talk to him how you feel. Talk to your husband, family, friends, and neighbors. Ask for help.

Social Support

      It is very important that you get support for yourself and communicate your needs to others. Ask for help with taking care for a newborn baby. Your husband can help taking care of baby. He can spend some quality time to bond with a newborn baby. Meantime you can rest or sleep. Often friends and family members want to help during the post-partum period. Ask for help with housekeeping and preparing meals. Many people who no longer have young children feel honored to be asked to care for the baby for short periods. Let them rock or walk the baby, give a feeding, or even change a diaper. Do not feel you have to do it all yourself.

Self-care strategies and practices
    You can help your self.
Along with professional treatment, there are several other things that you can do to help yourself to feel better.
New mothers with postpartum depression can practice a number of self-care strategies. There are different techniques that can help to cope with PPD, or prevent postpartum depression like; making time to yourself, leave the house daily, rest whenever possible, sleep when the infant sleeps, accept help offered, eat abundant fruit and vegetables and keep caffeine and sugar to a minimum.


      In depressed people has been found decreased level of body's hormone serotonin. Serotonin is hormone that regulates mood. The benefits of exercise in depression are very well documented. Exercise can help treat depression by releasing the serotonin, which elevates mood. In return, elevated mood is providing a feeling of accomplishment, better perspective on life, and enhancing self-esteem. Any physical activity is considered as exercise. It is the best to be physically active 20 to 30 minutes daily. Even you exercising as little as 10 minutes a day have been found to have beneficial effects. Walking is simple form of exercise and you can do it daily.

Meditation and Stress Reduction

     Stress is risk factor for depression can make depression worse and a newborn adds new stresses to a woman's life. Learning to deal more effectively with stress may reduce depression. The first step is to identify the main sources of stress in your life and find the most effective way to cope with that Ask for help identifying stressor and dealing with stress. Also, identify stressors that you are putting on yourself as trying to be "perfect" or doing too much by yourself. Set priorities and let unnecessary tasks wait.
Promote sleep:
     During post partum preiod mothers usually do not slep enough and inadequate sleep can make depression worse. It is hard to keep sleep cycle regular, therefore rest whenever is possible, and sleep when the infant sleeps. Ask for help and tray to develop relaxing bedtime rituals such as reading or a warm bath.
Dietary changes:
      Eating a well balanced diet and regularly scheduled meals is important. Use daily multivitamins and calcium. B vitamins (B6) may also decrease symptoms. Tray to reduce sugar, caffeine, alcohol in diet. Take a lot fresh friuts and vegetables, 100% juices, milk and water. Watch your portion size and calorie intake.
Spend time with others:
     Depressed women often withdraw from others because they mistakenly feel they would not be good company. Being with others is giving you another way to gain perspective, which helps with the symptoms of depression. Consider joining a support group for new mothers or even a support group for others experiencing problems with depression.
Make time to do what you enjoy
     Depressed women sometimes temporarily lose the ability to enjoy themselves. Enjoyable activities makes you feel better. Continue doing pleasurable activities even if you don't feel like it. Soon, you will find that you have come to enjoy yourself again.

Give yourself a break

     During post partum period, new mothers are experiencing tremendous demand, especially first time mothers. In this completely new situation, many new mothers do everything by them self’s trying to be “a perfect mother". To feel better takes time. To be able to handle the everyday pressures as well as the demands of motherhood, tray to be realistic about the demands and expectations you make on yourself. Make time for relaxation and meditation. Simple breathing technique and meditation can help reduce a stress.



PPD Facts | PPD Self Test | Preventing PPD | Personal Stories
