
June 27th, 2013

Elected to take part in the National Academy of Engineering's (NAE) 19th annual U.S. Frontiers of Engineering symposium.

April 11th, 2013

Awarded BU Office of Technology Development Ignition Award to commercialize software related to high throughput cloning and DNA assembly.

March 14th, 2013

Recieved NSF CAREER Award for Design Automation Infrastructure for DNA Assembly in Synthetic Biology

February 6th, 2013

Awarded Boston University College of Engineering Early Career Excellence Award

November 7th, 2012

Choosen as a 2012-2014 Hariri Institute for Computing at Boston University Junior Faculty Fellow.

October 11th, 2012

Bostonia article and video on Synthetic Biology at Boston University published.

September 9th, 2012

Student Cassie Huang recieves Clare Boothe Luce Fellowship!

August 17th, 2012

ACS Synthetic Biology Special Issue on BioDesign Automation is published. My guest editorial, podcast, and two co-authored publications are part of the issues.

July 7th, 2012

DARPA Living Foundries Kick-Off event in Chicago Illinois. CIDAR group is part of the project Establishment of an MIT Foundry for Massively Multi-Part System Engineering along with MIT, UCSF, and Pivot Bio researchers.

May 9th, 2012

Boston University's Dean's Catalyst Award granted for Microfluidic Biocomputing: Large-Scale Biofluidic Circuits for Programmable Logic Devices along with Prof. Mo Khalil.

May 8th, 2012

Office of Naval Research Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) awards the proposal Flow Cytometry Machinery to Enable Characterization Driven Synthetic Biology Software Design Flow $419,220 for equipment to create a comprehensive bio-design automation framework.

May 4th, 2012

Awarded Boston University ECE professor of the year. For more see announcement.

January 27th, 2012

Awarded an NSF Advances in Biological Informatics (ABI) grant for Collaborative Research: ABI Development: A Modular, Community Based Design Platform for Synthetic Biology (Clotho) . This will provide roughly $1.1 million dollars over 3 years to fund Clotho development, deployment, and outreach (workshops and iGEM). This is a joint effort with J.Christopher Anderson at UC Berkeley.

October 2nd, 2011

Appointed a Faculty Affiliate of the Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science & Engineering.

August 8th, 2011

DARPA Controlling Cellular Machinery (CCM) kickoff meeting. The project "Multi-input, Multimodal, Mammalian Information Processing Circuits" including PIs Ron Weiss (MIT), Jacob Beal (BBN Technologies), Ryan Gill (Colorado University at Boulder), Christopher Voigt (MIT), and Douglas Densmore (BU) will form one of the participant teams.

May 26th, 2011

Agilent Applications and Core Technology University Research (ACT-UR) funding awarded for the proposal "Augmenting and Extending the Eugene Domain Specific Language for Synthetic Biology". The award totals $56,520 over 1 year. More...

April 22nd, 2011

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI) supports the proposal "Utilizing Synthetic Biology to Create Programmable Micro-Bio-Robots". This includes researchers at Boston University (Collins, Belta, Densmore), Harvard (Church, Silver), MIT (Lu, Voigt, Weiss), Northeastern (Ayers), and the University of Pennslyvannia (Kumar).

DOD Announcement

BU Announcement

October 6th, 2010

The project "A Tool-Chain to Accelerate Synthetic Biological Engineering (TASBE)" has officially launched. This is a DAPRA contract awarded to BBN Technologies with Ron Weiss at MIT and Douglas Densmore at BU awarded subcontracts. This work will be broadly creating a complete design flow from high level language input to physical DNA assembly for a 1-bit clocked register and a temporal signature detector. These designs are key building blocks down the path to creating the complex synthetic biology designs of the future and themselves pose a number of technical challenges. The total value of the contract is approximately $1 million dollars over 1 year. More...

September 13th, 2010

Awarded the inaugural Richard and Minda Reidy Family Career Development Professor award at BU. This is the first named professorship specifically targeted for engineering faculty in the history of the College of Engineering. The professorship rotates between the School of Management and the College of Engineering.



September 1st, 2010

Officially started my new position at Boston University. Time to get started!