

Published Papers

Working Papers

Media Mentions

Dirk Hackbarth
Professor of Finance
Boston University
Questrom School of Business
Boston, MA 02215

Curriculum Vitae

CEPR  |  ECGI  |  GoogleScholar  |  NBER  |  Questrom  |  Scopus  |  SSRN  |  Web of Science

Working Papers

  1. ''Capital Structure and ESG Heterogeneity,'' with Y. Luo.

  2. ''Debt Dynamics and Default Probabilities,'' with S. Bartram, P. Feldhuetter and Y. Kitapbayev.

  3. ''Inflexibility and Leverage,'' with L. Gu. Revise & Resubmit, Management Science.

  4. ''Investment-Based Trade-Off Theory,'' with A. Stahmer.

  5. ''Maturity Overhang: Evidence from M&A,'' with Z. Chen, J. Harford and Y. Luo.

  6. ''Corporate Investment and Financing Dynamics,'' with D. Sun. Forthcoming, Review of Corporate Finance Studies.

  7. ''Does Transparency Increase Takeover Vulnerability?'' with L. Gu.
    • ECGI Finance Working Paper No. 570/2018, August 2018.

  8. ''Optimal Capital and Maturity Structure,'' with H. Leland.