Working Papers
- ''Capital Structure and ESG Heterogeneity,'' with Y. Luo.
- ''Debt Dynamics and Default Probabilities,'' with S. Bartram, P. Feldhuetter and Y. Kitapbayev.
- ''Inflexibility and Leverage,'' with L. Gu. Revise & Resubmit, Management Science.
- ''Investment-Based Trade-Off Theory,'' with A. Stahmer.
- ''Maturity Overhang: Evidence from M&A,'' with Z. Chen, J. Harford and Y. Luo.
- ''Corporate Investment and Financing Dynamics,'' with D. Sun. Forthcoming, Review of Corporate Finance Studies.
- ''Does Transparency Increase Takeover Vulnerability?'' with L. Gu.
ECGI Finance Working Paper No. 570/2018, August 2018.
- ''Optimal Capital and Maturity Structure,'' with H. Leland.