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Panikkar, Raimon
Raimon Panikkar: Mann's Quick Notes
(Mark Mann, 1997)

Mark Mann, 1997
The son of a Catholic mother and Hindu father, became a Catholic priest; has numerous
His goal: to devise a "cosmotheandric spirituality that helps persons to embrace
the reality of God within the diversity of pluralism through dialogue
- He is a comparative religionist who attempts to relate different religions and
ideological traditions at the level of their internal philosophical structure
- Through dialogue there emerges the One who is the divine source whose presence can be
known under the conditions of modernity only within such encounters: it is dialogue that
reveals this One! The dialogical encounter reveals progressively deeper layers of truth in
such a way that the process itself becomes revelatory; the human capacity for knowing will
finally be fulfilled and rest secure in that love where "heart speaks to heart"
- Metatheology: the religious endeavor to understand that primordial human relatedness we
perceive in dealing with ultimate problems
- God is the Absolute that is revealed at the term of limit (Horizon) of all human
aspiration and striving (NeoThomist); God is the "powerful engine" and goal that
drives the search for truth: Truth creating the conditions for its own apprehension
- God is utterly beyond, yet entirely within
- The true essence of Western thought about God is aided by Eastern thought which has a
much more radical sense that God is beyond all categories or thought: God is found best in
- Christology is primarily a function of the trinitarian structrue that is the expression
of Gods relation to humankind and the cosmos
- Father, Son and Spirit describe the poles of the God-human-world relatedness within
Gods own being and thus are about the "cosmotheandric" center of all being
- Thinking of Jesus in historical terms is a symptom of the obsession with historical time
that is a disease in the West and which leads to imperialistic claims about universal
- Theandric: God is revealed in human nature just as human nature is understood to have
its existence within God
- Individual persons are infinitely complex but there is a unity and simplicity at the
heart of human existence
- There is a great unity between the human and transhuman
- All that would disrupt the rich complexity, depth, and fullness of the self-revealing
trinitarian God and the theandric human nature, all that spoils the harmony of
unity-in-diversity of the cosmotheandric world
- Remythologizes Babel: God has created confusion now so that all persons must learn the
hard lessons of coming to understand the neighbor through the indirectness of poetry, myth
and symbol
- It is a "second naivete" or "New innocence" (like ecstasy in
- It is the living of wisdom about the nature of reality in which true freedom and love
are experienced
Religious Pluralism
- Pluralism s a gift from God and particularly critical at this juncture in history!
- Each tradition can be enriched through dialogue with other traditions as the deepest
truths of each are enable to shine more brightly
- Different experiences can neither be seen as having an impassable gulf between them
(dualism) or as being all ultimately the same (monism)
- A tradition can only be truly known from the inside
- "There is no reason for Christians to abandon the conviction that they have the
true religion, if they well understand that they must find all their truth in a
Christianity that is open and dynamic. This will lead to an authentic religious

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