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Start with a $10 bet. If you lose bet $10 again.

If you win increase to $20. If you lose drop down to $10.

If you win increase to $30. If you lose drop down to $10.

If you win increase to $40. If you lose drop down to $10.

If you win increase to $50. If you win or lose.

Go to the next table.

Leave a winner.

If you lose 2 strong hands in a row - go to the next table. If you lose 3 weak hands in a row - go to the next table.

A strong hand is a hand you should have won.

A weak hand is a hand the dealer was always ahead.

Check out a table first before you sit down.

If the dealer is losing - sit down.

If the dealer is winning - move to another table.


Play BlackJack Game

Use the Back button on the the BlackJack game website to return to this website.




Tip #1
A hit is getting another card from the dealer.

Tip #2
To stand is to not recieve anymore cards.

Tip #3
To double down is to recieve only 1 more card & also double your bet.