Dr. Cassandras was Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control from 1998 through 2009 and has also
served as Editor for Technical Notes and Correspondence and Associate Editor.
He was the 2012 President of the IEEE
Control Systems Society (CSS). He has also served as Vice President for
Publications and on the Board of
Governors of the CSS, as well as on several IEEE committees, and has
chaired several conferences. He has been
a plenary/keynote speaker at numerous international conferences, including
the American Control Conference in
2001 and the IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control in 2002, and has also been an IEEE Distinguished
Lecturer. He is the recipient of several awards, including the 2011 IEEE Control
Systems Technology Award, the Distinguished Member Award of the IEEE Control
Systems Society (2006), the 1999 Harold Chestnut Prize (IFAC Best Control
Engineering Textbook) for Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and
Performance Analysis, a 2011
prize and a 2014 prize for the IBM/IEEE Smarter Planet Challenge
competition (for a “Smart
Parking” system and for the analytical engine of the Street Bump system respectively), the
2014 Engineering Distinguished
Scholar Award at Boston University, several honorary professorships, a 1991 Lilly Fellowship and a 2012 Kern
Fellowship. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi. He is
also a Fellow of the IEEE and a Fellow of the IFAC. |