Benjamin Lubin / Classes

Current Classes:

  • IS 710: Core MBA Class on IS: Platforms, Information Econ, Crowd Sourcing/Open Innovation, Analytics and Cloud Services

  • IS 716: Accelerated Part-Time Evening MBA version of above.

  • IS 717: MSMBA Intensives I: From micro architecture to business architecture, python programming, parallelism and the challenge of concurency (hands on)

  • IS 756: MSMBA Intensives III: basic network structure, web servers, HTML &CSS, dynamic web, python for web programming, basic dynamic web sites. Capstone team project: build your own dynamic website: a choose yourown adventure game based on our our code base

  • QD601x - An online course on business experimentation with application in publishing, marketing, manufacturing and software development. Offered on edX as part of the Questrom Digital MicroMasters.

Other Classes:

  • IS 707: MSMBA Intensives II: OSes, resource allocation, hardware & software interfaces.

Available Resources:

SVM Analytics exercise from IS 710 is available as is portions of the Python code used in 717 and 756: see Materials.