Friedrich Schleiermacher Resources - Syllabi

This is a collection of syllabi Schleiermacher. Syllabi are welcome; please email the contact address.

Title: "Friedrich Schleiermacher"

Author: Prof. Wesley J. Wildman, Boston University

Course Description: The primary aim of this course is to read and understand the theology of Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher, one of the most important and influential European intellectuals of the 19th century, and known variously as the Father of Romanticism, the Father of Hermeneutics, the Father of German Plato studies, the Father of Modern Protestant Theology, and the Father of Liberal Christian Theology. The course focuses on The Christian Faith (CF) but also covers some other of his writings—particularly On Religion: Speeches to Its Cultured Despisers (OR) and Letters to Lücke (LL)—and some biographical material. The secondary aim is to help students develop their own theological ideas in detailed conversation with Schleiermacher’s, a purpose for which CF is particularly well suited. See here.