Reviews of - Schleiermacher Bibliographies | Schleiermacher's Works in English Translation | English-Language Works about Schleiermacher
These are brief reviews of books and articles related to Schleiermacher, including some of Schleiermacher's own writings. The reviews have been produced by Boston University graduate students.
Redeker, Martin. Schleiermacher: Life and Thought [reviews by Jong Wook Hong and Jaeho Jang]
Friedländer, David; Schleiermacher, Friedrich; Teller, Wilhelm Abraham. A Debate on Jewish Emancipation and Christian Theology in Old Berlin [review by Jennifer Coleman]
Schleiermacher, Friedrich. Brief Outline of the Study of Theology [review by Brice Tennant and Jonathan Heaps]
Schleiermacher, Friedrich. Christmas Eve: A Dialogue on the Celebration of Christmas [reviews by Ning Zhao (Daphne) and Jong Wook Hong]
Schleiermacher, Friedrich. Dialectic, Or, The Art of Doing Philosophy [review by Andrew Linscott]
Schleiermacher, Friedrich. Friedrich Schleiermacher on Creeds, Confessions and Church Union: That They May Be One [review by Lawrence A. Whitney]
Schleiermacher, Friedrich. Hermeneutics: The Handwritten Manuscripts [review by Jonathan Heaps]
Schleiermacher, Friedrich. Hermeneutics, Criticism and Other Writings [review by Jaeho Jang]
Schleiermacher, Friedrich. Introduction to Christian Ethics [review by Sean Barley]
Schleiermacher, Friedrich. Lectures on Philosophical Ethics [review by Chanhong Kim]
Schleiermacher, Friedrich. The Life of Jesus [reviews by Alex Froom and Thurman Todd Willison]
Schleiermacher, Friedrich. Servant of the Word: Selected Sermons [reviews by Mark C. H. Shan and Sean Barley]
Schleiermacher, Friedrich. Soliloquies [reviews by Andrew Linscott and Roy L. Smith]
Brandt, Richard B. The Philosophy of Schleiermacher: The Development of His Theory of Scientific and Religious Knowledge [review by Lawrence A. Whitney]
Crouter, Richard. Friedrich Schleiermacher: Between Enlightenment and Romanticism [reviews by Gregory Stackpole and Roy L. Smith]
DeVries, Dawn. Jesus Christ in the Preaching of Calvin and Schleiermacher [review by Mark C. A. Shan]
Gerrish, Brian A. A Prince of the Church – Schleiermacher and the Beginnings of Modern Theology [reviews by Derrick Muwina and Jennifer A. Coleman]
Lamm, Julia. The Living God: Schleiermacher's Theological Appropriation of Spinoza [review by Gregory Stackpole]
Nichol, Iain G. (ed). Schleiermacher and Feminism: Sources, Evaluations, and Responses [review by Chanhong Kim]
Niebuhr, Richard R. Schleiermacher on Christ and Religion [reviews by Thurman Todd Willison and Alexander Froom]
Sykes, Stephen. Friedrich Schleiermacher [reviews by Derrick M. Muwina and Roy L. Smith]
Williams, Robert R. Schleiermacher the Theologian: The Construction of the Doctrine of God [review by Brice Tennant]