Prospectus for Doctoral Programs in
Theology at Boston University School of Theology
(a.k.a. constantly updated, hyperlinked "Red Book")
Recent Changes | Contents | Next Page

The Red Book applies to the following doctoral programs in theology:
Programs through the School of Theology:
ThD Major in Theology
ThD Minor in Theology
Note that the following related programs through the Graduate Division of Religious and Theological
Studies are described elsewhere (see the Blue Book for DRTS Track 2):
PhD in Religious Thought (Track 2)

Please note: the Red Book is updated periodically. You can peruse a list
of recent changes here.
October 8, 2011
Elimination of information about the DRTS PhD concentration in Christian
Theology and Comparative Theology; incorporation of changes to examination
procedures for the ThD in Theology
October 1, 2007
Change in rules about typing qualifying examinations (see
section 3.3.4).
May 14, 2006
The faculty list has been updated (see section 1.2).

0. Notice of the
Applicability of this Prospectus
1. Description of the Doctoral Degree Programs in
1.1. General Description
1.2. Theology Faculty
1.3. Where to Get More Information
2. Requirements of the Doctoral Degree Programs in
2.1. Requirements of the Doctoral Degree Program in Theology
2.2. Remarks on Requirements for the ThD Major in Theology
2.3. Remarks on Requirements for the ThD Minor in Theology
3. Written Qualifying Examinations in Theology
3.1. Purpose of the Written Qualifying Examinations
3.2. General Description of the Written Qualifying Examinations
3.3. Administration of the Written Qualifying Examinations
3.4. Preparing for the Written Qualifying Examinations
4. The Oral Qualifying Examination in Theology
4.1. Purpose of the Oral Qualifying Examination
4.2. Administration of The Oral Qualifying Examination
4.3. Preparing for the Oral Qualifying Examination
5. Bibliographies for Standardized
5.1. Description of the Standardized Qualifying Examinations
5.2. Introduction to the Standardized Examination Bibliography
5.3. Classical and Medieval Period (1st to mid-17th Centuries)
5.4. The Modern Period (mid-17th through 19th Centuries)
5.5. The Contemporary Period (20th Century)
5.6. Other Texts
6. Examination Bibliographies for
Traditions other than Christianity
7. Appendices
7.1. Appendix A: Books of the Boston University Theology Faculty
7.2. Appendix B: Guidelines for the Dissertation Abstract

0. Notice of
the Applicability of this Prospectus
This Prospectus describes the doctoral programs in theology at Boston University
School of Theology Fall semester of the 1994-1995 academic year. Students beginning doctoral
programs in or after Fall, 1994 are subject to this Prospectus.
The procedures and policies described in this document are intended to be
consistent with the School of Theology's Advanced Studies Committee (ASC)
Handbook, which governs more general aspects of the ThD program in
theology through the School of Theology.

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