Conclusion—Application of Harry Potter
The widely read Harry Potter series have left many children and adults discussing the application of Harry’s adventures to everyday life. Through these discussions, some have concluded that Harry Potter should not be read by those of the Christian tradition. These conclusions have been drawn as both laypeople and clerics focus on the use of magic within the stories. However, upon examining the series for relevant and applicable theologies and philosophies, several developmental tasks can be presented.
Harry quickly learns at Hogwarts that good is something that can be actualized. But before he learns to do good, he learns that good has the potential to produce great things. However, more important than the lesson that good produces great things, is the lesson that greatness is not always good. Everyone has the potential to do good. This a function of creation. However, we must use wisdom and characteristics of good, love, courage, bravery, to do positive and great works.
Yes, thirteen-and-a half inches. Yew. Curious indeed how these things happen. The wand chooses the wizard, remember….I think we must expect great things from you, Mr. Potter….After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things-terrible, yes, but great.
Finally, in Romans, we learn that evil can be overcame through good.. Evil is overcame through loving what is genuine and holding fast to what is good. Scripture writings also refer to the fruits of what is good.
No good tree bears bad fruit, not again does a bad tree bear good fruit; for each tree is known by its own fruit[…]The good person out of the good treasure of the heart produces good, and the evil person out of evil treasure produces evil; for out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks.
This scripture passage tells the story of Harry Potter. Harry came from a good tree. Therefore, he could only be good. Through the loving actions of his father, and particularly his mother, good withstood evil and good prevailed. From that moment Harry would forever speak good, for the mark of good was left behind. The symbol of good, a lightening bolt, rests upon a forehead of a child.
Thus having considered these things—good and evil in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, one can reach the conclusion that the book is not detrimental to children of the Christian faith. True, it uses "magic" or even "sorcery" in a manner that would make many uncomfortable. However, upon a deeper reading of what "magic" really is in Harry Potter, and seeing how goodness is in all things favorable to evil, Harry Potter is a positive resource to adults and children. It allows both to explore the core of their own faiths more deeply and with more imagination—it is a powerful, contemporary moral tale.
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Synopsis of the Harry Potter Stories
Good in Harry Potter as Defined by Biblical Texts
Evil in Harry Potter (in the Non-Magical World)
Evil in Harry Potter (in the Magical World)