Modern Western Theology
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Bibliography of Course Readings

AUTHOR Latourette, Kenneth Scott, 1884-1968.
TITLE Christianity in a revolutionary age: a history of Christianity in the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries / by Kenneth Scott Latourette.
PUB. INFO New York: Harper, 1958-1962.
DESCRIPTION 5 v.; 25 cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Christianity--19th century. *S2 Christianity--20th century.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: BR477.L37 1958
Hilles: 270.8 L35 Library has: 5 v.
AUTHOR Livingston, James C., 1930-
TITLE Modern Christian thought: from the Enlightenment to Vatican II [by] James C.
IMPRINT New York, Macmillan [1971]
DESCRIPT xvi, 523 p. ports. 24 cm.
NOTE Includes bibliographies.
SUBJECT Theology, Doctrinal History Modern period, 1500-
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BT28.L55
Mugar: BT28.F71
TITLE A Handbook of Christian theologians / edited by Dean G. Peerman and Martin E.
EDITION Enl. ed.
IMPRINT Nashville : Abingdon Press, c1984.
DESCRIPT 735 p. ; 21 cm.
NOTE "Emil Brunner [by] J. Robert Nelson": p. 410-426. Includes bibliographies.
ISN/MUSIC # 0687165636.
SUBJECT Theology, Doctrinal History 19th century Handbooks, manuals,
etc. Theology, Doctrinal History 20th century Handbooks, manuals,
etc. Theologians Handbooks, manuals, etc.
LOCATION Theo Reference X: BT28.H33 1984
AUTHOR McCool, Gerald A.
TITLE Catholic theology in the nineteenth century : the quest for a unitary method /
Gerald A. McCool.
IMPRINT New York : Seabury Press, 1977.
DESCRIPT [7], 300 p. ; 24 cm.
NOTE "A Crossroad book." Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISN/MUSIC # 0816403392 :
SUBJECT Catholic Church Doctrines History. Theology, Doctrinal
History 19th century.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BX1747.M25
AUTHOR Schoof, T. M. (Ted Mark), 1933-
TITLE Aggiornamento. English. A survey of Catholic theology, 1800-1970 [by] Mark Schoof.
With an introd. by E. Schillebeeckx. Translated by N. D. Smith.
IMPRINT Glen Rock, N.J., Paulist Newman Press [1970]
DESCRIPT 275 p. 21 cm. $4.95.
NOTE Translation of Aggiornamento. Includes bibliographical references.
SUBJECT Catholic Church Doctrines Catholic authors. Catholic Church
Doctrines History.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BX1747.S313
Mugar: BX1747.F70
AUTHOR Smart, Ninian [et. al.]
TITLE Nineteenth century religious thought in the West / edited by Ninian Smart ... [et
PUB. INFO Cambridge: New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985.
DESCRIPTION 3 v.; 24 cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Religious thought--19th century.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: BL98.N56 1985 Library has: 3 v.
History Dept: BL98.N56 1985 Library has: 3 v.
Widener: WID-LC BL98.N56 1985 Library has: 3 v.
AUTHOR Welch, Claude.
TITLE Protestant thought in the nineteenth century.
IMPRINT New Haven, Yale University Press, 1972-c1985.
DESCRIPT 2 v. 24 cm.
NOTE Includes bibliographical references and index.
CONTENTS v. 1. 1799-1870. v. 2. 1870-1914.
ISN/MUSIC # 0300015356 (v. 1 : alk. paper) : 0300033699 (v. 2 : alk. paper)
SUBJECT Theology, Doctrinal History 19th century. Protestant churches
Doctrines History. Protestant churches Doctrines History 19th
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BT28.W394 v. 1
Theo Open Stacks: BT28.W394 v. 2
Mugar: BT28.W394

AUTHOR Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804.
TITLE Prolegomena. English. Prolegomena to any future metaphysics that will be able to
come forward as science : the Paul Carus translation / Immanuel Kant : extensively rev. by
James W. Ellington.
IMPRINT Indianapolis : Hackett Pub. Co., c1977.
DESCRIPT xv, 122 p. ; 23 cm.
NOTE Bibliography: p. xv.
ISN/MUSIC # 0915144336 0915144255.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: B2787.E5 C3 1977
Theo Open Stacks: B2787.E5 C3 1977 c.2
Theo Open Stacks: B2787.E5 C3 1977 c.3
Mugar: B2787.E5 C3 1977
AUTHOR Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804.
TITLE Kritik der reinen Vernunft. English. Critique of pure reason, by Immanuel Kant. With
an introd. by the translator, J.M.D. Meiklejohn, and a special introd. by Brandt V. B.
EDITION Rev. ed.
IMPRINT New York, Colonial Press [c1900]
DESCRIPT xxv, 480 p. front. 20 cm.
SUBJECT Knowledge, Theory of. Causation. Reason.
ALT AUTHOR Meiklejohn, J. M. D. (John Miller Dow), 1830-1902, tr.
LOCATION Mugar: B2778.E5 M5 1900
AUTHOR Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804.
TITLE Critique of practical reason / Immanuel Kant ; translated, with an introduction, by
Lewis White Beck.
IMPRINT New York : Liberal Arts Press, 1956.
DESCRIPT xxiv, 168 p. ; 21 cm.
SERIES The Library of liberal arts, no.52.
NOTE "Selected bibliography": p. xxiii-xxiv.
ALT AUTHOR Beck, Lewis White.
Mugar: B2773.E5 F56 c.3 MUGAR STORAGE
Mugar: B2773.E5 F56 c.4
Mugar: B2773.E5 F56 c.5 MUGAR STORAGE
Mugar: B2773.E5 F56 c.6 MUGAR STORAGE
AUTHOR Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804.
TITLE Kritik der Urteilskraft. English. Critique of judgment / Immanuel Kant ; translated,
with an introduction, by Werner S. Pluhar ; with a foreword by Mary Gregor.
IMPRINT Indianapolis, Ind. : Hackett Pub. Co., c1987.
DESCRIPT cix, 576 p. ; 23 cm.
NOTE Translation of: Kritik der Urteilskraft. "Including the first
introduction." Includes index. Bibliography: p. 443-459.
ISN/MUSIC # 0872200256 (pbk.) : 0872200264
LOCATION Mugar: B2783.E5 P58 1987
AUTHOR Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804.
TITLE Religion within the limits of reason alone. Translated, with an introd. and notes,
by Theodore M. Greene and Hoyt H. Hudson. With a new essay, The ethical significance of
Kant's Religion, by John R. Silber.
EDITION 2d ed.
IMPRINT La Salle, Ill., Open Court Pub. Co., 1960.
DESCRIPT cliv, 190 p. 21 cm.
NOTE Translation of Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: B2791.E5 G7 1960a
Mugar: B2791.E5 F60 c.6
Mugar: B2791.E5 F60 c.11
Mugar: B2791.E5 F60 c.2 MUGAR STORAGE
Mugar: B2791.E5 F60 c.3
AUTHOR Korner, Stephan, 1913-
IMPRINT [Harmondsworth, Middlesex] Penguin Books [1955]
DESCRIPT 230 p. 18 cm.
SERIES Pelican books,
LOCATION Mugar: B2798.F55 c.4
Mugar: B2798.F55 c.8
Mugar: B2798.F55 c.12
Mugar: B2798.F55 c.15
Mugar: B2798.F55 c.13
AUTHOR Hume, David
TITLE Dialogues concerning natural religion; ed. with an introd. by Norman Kemp Smith.
EDITION 2d ed., with suppl.
IMPRINT London, New York, T. Nelson [1947]
DESCRIPT xii, 249 p. 23 cm.
NOTE "Editions, reprints, and translations of the Dialogues": p. x.
SUBJECT Natural theology.
ALT AUTHOR Smith, Norman Kemp, 1872-1958 ed.
Mugar: BL180.F47 c.2
Mugar: BL180.F47 c.3

AUTHOR Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831.
TITLE Vorlesungen uber die Philosophie der Religion. English. Lectures on the philosophy
of religion / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ; edited by Peter C. Hodgson ; translated by
R.F. Brown... [et al.]
IMPRINT Berkeley : University of California Press, c1984-
DESCRIPT v. ; 24 cm.
NOTE Translation of: Vorlesungen uber die Philosophie der Religion. Includes index.
CONTENTS v. 1. The concept of religion v. 2. Determinate religion v. 3. The
consummate religion.
LOCATION Mugar: B2939.E5 B76 1984 v. 1
Mugar: B2939.E5 B76 1984 v. 2
Mugar: B2939.E5 B76 1984 v. 3
AUTHOR Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831.
TITLE Early theological writings; tr. by T. M. Knox, with an introd., and fragments tr. by
Richard Kroner.
IMPRINT Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press [1948]
DESCRIPT xi, 339 p. 22 cm.
NOTE "With the exception of the speech On classical studies, the translations have
been made from Herman Nohl's Hegels theologische Jugendschriften (Tubingen, 1907)"
"Bibliographical note": p. 331-334.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: B2908.K5
Theo Open Stacks: B2908.K5 c.2
Mugar Reserve Room: B2908.F48 c.2
Mugar: B2908.F48 c.3
Mugar: B2908.F48 c.4
AUTHOR Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831.
TITLE Differenz des Fichte'schen und Schelling'schen Systems der Philosophie. English. The
difference between Fichte's and Schelling's system of philosophy / G. W. F. Hegel ;
translated by H. S. Harris and Walter Cerf.
IMPRINT Albany : State University of New York Press, 1977.
DESCRIPT xxxviii, 213 p. ; 24 cm.
NOTE Translation of Differenz des Fichte'schen und Schelling'schen Systems der
Philosophie. Bibliography: p. [197]-203. Includes index.
ISN/MUSIC # 0873953363 0873953371.
LOCATION Mugar: B2848.H3313
AUTHOR Fackenheim, Emil L.
TITLE The religious dimension in Hegel's thought / Emil L. Fackenheim.
IMPRINT Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1982, c1967.
DESCRIPT xiii, 274 p. ; 21 cm.
NOTE Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISN/MUSIC # 0226233502 (pbk.)
SUBJECT Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831 Religion.
LOCATION Mugar: B2949.R3 F3 1982
AUTHOR O'Meara, Thomas F., 1935-
TITLE Romantic idealism and Roman Catholicism : Schelling and the theologians / Thomas
Franklin O'Meara.
IMPRINT Notre Dame : University of Notre Dame Press, c1982.
DESCRIPT ix, 231 p. ; 24 cm.
NOTE Includes index. Bibliography: p. 224-227.
ISN/MUSIC # 0268016100 :
SUBJECT Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von, 1775-1854. Catholic Church
Doctrines History 19th century. Tubingen School (Catholic theology)
LOCATION Mugar: BX1747.O6 1982
TITLE The Young Hegelians, an anthology / introduced and edited by Lawrence S.
IMPRINT Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1983.
DESCRIPT xiii, 416 p. ; 24 cm.
SERIES Texts in German philosophy.
NOTE Translations from the German. Includes index. Bibliography: p. 411-413.
ISN/MUSIC # 0521245397 : 0521287723 (pbk.)
SUBJECT Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831. Philosophy, German 19th century.
LOCATION Mugar: B2741.Y68 1983
Crites, Stephen, "The Gospel According to Hegel," in Journal of Religion
46/2 (April, 1966): 246-63.

AUTHOR Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 1768-1834.
TITLE The Christian faith. English translation of the second German edition. Edited by H.
R. Mackintosh and J. S. Stewart. Introduction to the Torchbook ed. by Richard R. Niebuhr.
IMPRINT New York, Harper & Row [c1963-]
SERIES Harper torchbooks. The Cloister library, TB108-
SUBJECT Theology, Doctrinal.
ALT AUTHOR Mackintosh, H. R. (Hugh Ross), 1870-1936 ed. Stewart, James S., joint ed.
LOCATION Mugar: BT75.F63 v. 1 c.2
Mugar: BT75.F63 v. 1 c.8
Mugar: BT75.F63 v. 2
AUTHOR Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 1768-1834.
TITLE On religion: speeches to its cultured despisers. Translated by John Oman. With an
introd. by Rudolf Otto.
IMPRINT New York, Harper [1958]
DESCRIPT xxii, 287 p. 21 cm.
SERIES Harper Torchbooks, TB36.
NOTE Translation of the 3d German ed. of Uber die Religion.
SUBJECT Religion.
LOCATION Mugar: BL48.S33 1958
Mugar: BL48.S33 1958 c.2
Theo Open Stacks: BL48.S33 1958
AUTHOR Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 1768-1834.
TITLE [Uber die Religion. English] On religion: speeches to its cultured despisers /
Friedrich Schleiermacher; introduction, translation, and notes by Richard Crouter.
PUB. INFO New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
DESCRIPTION xii, 231 p.; 24 cm.
SERIES Texts in German philosophy
SUBJECTS *S1 Religion--Early works to 1800.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: BL48.S33 1988 Library has: 2 cops.
AUTHOR Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 1768-1834.
TITLE Sendschreiben uber seine Glaubenslehre an Lucke. English. On the Glaubenslehre : two
letters to Dr. Lucke / Friedrich D.E. Schleiermacher ; translated by James Duke and
Francis Fiorenza.
IMPRINT Chico, CA : Distributed by Scholars Press, c1981.
DESCRIPT ix, 136 p. ; 23 cm.
SERIES Texts and translations series / American Academy of Religion ; no. 3. Texts and
translations series (American Academy of Religion) ; no. 3.
NOTE Translation of: Sendschreiben uber seine Glaubenslehre an Lucke. Includes
bibliographical references and indexes.
ISN/MUSIC # 0891304207 (pbk.)
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BT75.S587 S3413
AUTHOR Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 1768-1834.
TITLE Sermons. English. Selections. Servant of the Word : selected sermons of Friedrich
Schleiermacher / Friedrich Schleiermacher ; translated with an introduction by Dawn De
IMPRINT Philadelphia : Fortress Press, c1987.
DESCRIPT x, 230 p. ; 22 cm.
SERIES Fortress texts in modern theology.
NOTE Translated from German. Includes index.
ISN/MUSIC # 0800632036 (pbk.)
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BV4254.G3 S295
Theo Open Stacks: BV4254.G3 S295 c.2
Theo Open Stacks: BV4254.G3 S295 c.3

AUTHOR Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890.
TITLE An essay on the development of Christian doctrine.
IMPRINT London, Pickering, 1878.
DESCRIPT xvi, 443 p. 19 cm.
NOTE Bibliographical footnotes.
SUBJECT Dogma, Development of. Theology, Doctrinal History.
LOCATION Theo Storage B: BT21.N484 1878
AUTHOR Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890.
TITLE An essay in aid of a grammar of assent / by John Henry Newman ; edited with
introduction and notes by I.T. Ker.
IMPRINT Oxford : Clarendon Press ; New York : Oxford University Press, c1985.
DESCRIPT lxx, 409 p. ; 23 cm.
NOTE Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISN/MUSIC # 0198127510 (Oxford University Press) :
SUBJECT Theism. Faith.
ALT AUTHOR Ker, I. T. (Ian Turnbull)
ALT TITLE Grammar of assent.
LOCATION Mugar Reserve Room: BR100.N4 1984
AUTHOR Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890.
TITLE Apologia pro vita sua; edited with an introduction and notes by A. Dwight Culler.
IMPRINT Boston, Houghton Mifflin [c.1956]
DESCRIPT xxvii, 384 p. 21 cm.
SERIES Riverside editions, B 10.
NOTE Select bibliography, p. xxiii-xxiv.
ALT AUTHOR Culler, A. Dwight (Arthur Dwight), 1917- ed.
LOCATION Mugar Reserve Room: BX4705.N5 F561 c.7
Mugar: BX4705.N5 F561 c.8
AUTHOR Lash, Nicholas.
TITLE Newman on development: the search for an explanation in history / Nicholas Lash.
PUB. INFO Shepherdstown, W. Va.: Patmos Press, 1975.
DESCRIPTION xiii, 264 p.; 23 cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890. Essay on the development of Christian
doctrine. *S2 Catholic Church--Doctrines. *S3 Dogma, Development of.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: BT21.L3
AUTHOR Moehler, Johann Adam, 1796-1838.
TITLE Symbolism; or, Exposition of the doctrinal differences between Catholics and
Protestants, as evidenced by their symbolical writings... by John Adam Moehler. Translated
from the German, with a memoir of the author, preceded by an historical sketch of the
state of Protestantism and Catholicism in Germany for the last hundred years, by James
Burton Robertson.
EDITION 2 v. of the London ed. in 1.
PUB. INFO New York, Edward Dunigan, 1844.
DESCRIPTION 575 p. 24 cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Catholic Church--Controversial literature. *S2 Protestantism.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: OLD DIV 606.7 M693.4sye 1844

AUTHOR Kierkegaard, Soren, 1813-1855.
TITLE Afsluttende uvidenskabelig efterskrift. English. Concluding unscientific postscript
to Philosophical fragments / by Soren Kierkegaard ; edited and translated with
introduction and notes by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong.
IMPRINT Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1992.
DESCRIPT 2 v. ; 23 cm.
SERIES Kierkegaard's writings ; 12. Kierkegaard, Soren, 1813-1855. Works. English. 1978 ;
NOTE Translation of: Afsluttende uvidenskabelig efterskrift. Includes bibliographical
references and index.
ISN/MUSIC # 0691073953 (v. 1 : alk. paper)
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: B4373.A472 E5 1992 v. 1
Theo Open Stacks: B4373.A472 E5 1992 v. 2
AUTHOR Kierkegaard, Soren, 1813-1855.
TITLE Sygdommen til doden. English. The sickness unto death : a Christian psychological
exposition for upbuilding and awakening / by Soren Kierkegaard ; edited and translated
with introd. and notes by Howard V. Hong and Edna H. Hong.
IMPRINT Princeton : Princeton University Press, c1980.
DESCRIPT xxiii, 201 p. : facsim. ; 23 cm.
SERIES Kierkegarrd's writings, 19. Kierkegarrd, Soren, 1813-1855. Works. English. 1977 ;
NOTE Includes index. Bibliographical references in "Notes" (p. [171]-182)
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BT715.K5313
Mugar: B4372.E5H6 v. 19
AUTHOR Kierkegaard, Soren, 1813-1855.
TITLE The point of view, etc., including The point of view for my work as an author, Two
notes about 'the individual' and On my work as an author; translated, with introduction
and notes, by Walter Lowrie.
IMPRINT London, New York [etc.] Oxford University Press, 1939.
DESCRIPT xvi, 174 p., 1 l. port. 19 cm.
NOTE At head of title: Kierkegaard.
ALT AUTHOR Lowrie, Walter, 1868-1959 ed. and tr.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: 230 K54po
AUTHOR Kierkegaard, Soren, 1813-1855.
TITLE Philosophical fragments; or, A fragment of philosophy, by Johannes Climacus
[pseud.]... Responsible for publication: S. Kierkegaard; translated from the Danish with
introduction and notes by David F. Swenson.
IMPRINT Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press; New York, American- Scandinavian
Foundation, 1946 [c1936]
DESCRIPT xxx p., 1l., 105p. 24 cm.
SUBJECT Religion Philosophy.
ALT AUTHOR Swenson, David F. (David Ferdinand), 1876-1940, tr.
ALT TITLE A fragment of philosophy.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BL51.K487 1946
AUTHOR Kierkegaard, Soren, 1813-1855.
TITLE Kierkegaard's attack upon "Christendom," 1854-1855. Translated, with an
introd., by Walter Lowrie.
IMPRINT Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press [1968]
DESCRIPT xxxiii, 303 p. 21 cm. 2.95.
NOTE Includes bibliographical references.
CONTENTS Kierkegaard and the Church, a supplement to the translator's introd. by H. A.
Johnson. Articles in the Fatherland, I-XX. This has to be said so be
it now said. Last article in the Fatherland, XXI. The instant, nos. I and
II. What Christ's judgement is about official Christianity The instant, nos.
III -VII. The unchangeableness of God (by title) The instant,
LOCATION Mugar: BR121.F68 c.2
AUTHOR Kirmmse, Bruce H.
TITLE Kierkegaard in golden age Denmark / Bruce H. Kirmmse.
IMPRINT Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana University Press, c1990.
DESCRIPT xi, 558 p. ; 25 cm.
SERIES The Indiana series in the philosophy of religion.
NOTE Includes bibliographical references. Includes index.
ISN/MUSIC # 0253330440.
SUBJECT Kierkegaard, Soren, 1813-1855 Political and social views. Denmark
Politics and government 19th century.
LOCATION Mugar: B4377.K5175 1990

AUTHOR Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842.
TITLE [Selections. 1985] William Ellery Channing: selected writings / edited by David
PUB. INFO New York: Paulist Press, c1985.
DESCRIPTION v, 310 p.; 24 cm.
SERIES Sources of American spirituality
SUBJECTS *S1 Spiritual life--Unitarian authors.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: BX9815.C42 1985 Library has: 2 cops.
Widener: WID-LC BX9815.C42 1985
AUTHOR Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842.
TITLE Unitarian Christianity and other essays / edited, with an introduction by Irving H.
PUB. INFO New York: Liberal Arts Press, c1957.
DESCRIPTION xxxii, 121 p. 21 cm.
SERIES The American heritage series; 21
SUBJECTS *S1 Unitarianism.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: BX9843.C5 U5 Library has: 3 cops.
Holles: 288 C45u2
Lamont: BX9843.C5 U5
AUTHOR Ahlstrom, Sydney E., comp.
TITLE Theology in America; the major Protestant voices from puritanism to neo-orthodoxy.
Edited by Sydney E. Ahlstrom.
IMPRINT Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co. [1967]
DESCRIPT 630 p. 21 cm.
SERIES The American heritage series, 73.
NOTE Bibliographical footnotes. Bibliography: p. 93-107.
SUBJECT Theology, Doctrinal History United States. Theology
Protestant authors.
LOCATION Theo Reserve 1 day BT30.U55 A6 c.2
Mugar: BT30.U5 F67
AUTHOR Bushnell, Horace, 1802-1876.
TITLE God in Christ / Horace Bushnell.
IMPRINT New York : Garland, 1987.
DESCRIPT vi, 356 p. ; 19 cm.
SERIES American religious thought of the 18th and 19th centuries ; 15.
NOTE Reprint. Originally published: Hartford : Brown and Parsons, 1949. Includes index.
ISN/MUSIC # 0824069641 (alk. paper) :
SUBJECT Jesus Christ Person and offices. Atonement. Dogma. Language and languages.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BT201.B85 1987
AUTHOR Bushnell, Horace, 1802-1876.
TITLE Horace Bushnell; [twelve selections] edited by H. Shelton Smith.
IMPRINT New York, Oxford University Press, 1965.
DESCRIPT xi, 407 p. 24 cm.
SERIES A Library of Protestant thought.
NOTE Bibliography: p. 392-399.
SUBJECT Congregational churches. Theology 19th century.
ALT AUTHOR Smith, H. Shelton (Hilrie Shelton), 1893- ed.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BX7117.B8 S6
Theo Open Stacks: BX7117.B8 S6 c.2
Mugar: BX7117.B8 F65
AUTHOR Hodge, Charles, 1797-1878.
TITLE Essays and reviews / Charles Hodge.
PUB. INFO New York: Garland Pub., 1987.
DESCRIPTION 633 p.; 22 cm.
SERIES American religious thought of the 18th and 19th centuries
SUBJECTS *S1 Presbyterian Church--Doctrines. *S2 Reformed Church--Doctrines. *S3 Princeton
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: BX9177.H625 1987
AUTHOR Eddy, Mary Baker, 1821-1910.
TITLE Science and Health With Key To the Scriptures.
IMPRINT Boston: Trustees Under the Will of Mary Baker Eddy; 1934.
DESCRIPT 700 p.: 21 cm.
SUBJECT Christian Science.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: 289.5 Ed2s
Theo Open Stacks: 289.5 Ed2s c.2
AUTHOR Hodge, Charles, 1797-1878.
TITLE Systematic theology / by Charles Hodge.
PUB. INFO London: James Clarke, 1960.
DESCRIPTION 3 v.; 22 cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Presbyterian Church--Doctrinal and controversial works. *S2 Theology,
LOCATION Widener: C 1236.36.3 Library has: 3 v.
Andover-Harv. Theol: OLD DIV 629 Hodge Library has: 3 v.
AUTHOR Palmer, Phoebe, 1807-1874.
TITLE Selections. 1988. Phoebe Palmer : selected writings / edited by Thomas C. Oden.
IMPRINT New York : Paulist Press, c1988.
DESCRIPT xi, 364 p. ; 24 cm.
SERIES Sources of American spirituality.
NOTE Includes indexes. Bibliography: p. 331-355.
ISN/MUSIC # 0809104059 :
SUBJECT Spiritual life Christianity.
ALT AUTHOR Oden, Thomas C.
ALT TITLE Selected writings.
LOCATION Theo Reserve 1 day BV4501.P259
AUTHOR Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834.
TITLE Confessions of an inquiring spirit. Edited with an introductory note by H. StJ.
IMPRINT Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press [1957]
DESCRIPT 120 p. 23 cm.
SERIES A Library of modern religious thought. Library of modern religious thought.
NOTE "Reprinted from the third edition 1853, with the introduction by Joseph Henry
Green and the note by Sara Coleridge."
SUBJECT Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 1729-1781. Bible Inspiration.
ALT AUTHOR Coleridge, Sara Coleridge, 1802-1852.
LOCATION Mugar: BS480.F57
AUTHOR Davies, Walter Merlin.
TITLE An introduction to F. D. Maurice's theology; based on the first edition of The
kingdom of Christ (1838) and The faith of the liturgy and the doctrine of the thirty-nine
articles (1860) by W. Merlin Davies.
IMPRINT London, S.P.C.K., 1964.
DESCRIPT xii, 212 p. 23 cm.
NOTE An interpretative abridgement of the original works. Bibliography: p. 205-208.
SUBJECT Maurice, Frederick Denison, 1805-1872.
ALT AUTHOR Maurice, Frederick Denison, 1805-1872. The kingdom of Christ. Maurice,
Frederick Denison, 1805-1872. The faith of the liturgy and the doctrine of the thirty-nine
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BX5199.M3 D3
AUTHOR Vidler, Alexander Roper, 1899-
TITLE The theology of F. D. Maurice / Alec R. Vidler.
IMPRINT London : SCM Press, 1948.
DESCRIPT 244 p. ; 19 cm.
NOTE "Bibliography of works by F. D. Maurice": p. 234-238.
SUBJECT Maurice, Frederick Denison, 1805-1872. Maurice, Frederick Denison, 1805-1872
ALT AUTHOR Maurice, Frederick Denison, 1805-1872.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: 230 M44v
AUTHOR Dorner, I. A. (Isaak August), 1809-1884.
TITLE [Entwicklungsgeschichte von der Lehre von der Person Christi. English. 1880] History
of the development of the doctrine of the person of Christ / by I.A. Dorner.
PUB. INFO Edinburgh, Scotland: T. & T. Clark, 1880-1897.
DESCRIPTION 5 v.; 23 cm.
SERIES Clark's foreign theological library; 3rd ser. v. 10, 11, 14, 15, 18
SUBJECTS *S1 Jesus Christ--History of doctrines.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: OLD DIV 610.2 D713.4ee 1880 Library has: 5 v.
AUTHOR Dorner, I. A. (Isaak August), 1809-1884.
TITLE Geschichte der protestantischen Theologie. English. History of Protestant theology;
particularly in Germany, viewed according to its fundamental movement and in connection
with the religious, moral, and intellectual life, by J. A. Dorner. Translated by George
Robson and Sophia Taylor. With a pref. to the translation by the author.
IMPRINT New York, AMS Press [1970]
DESCRIPT 2 v. 24 cm.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BX4810.D6713 1970 v. 1
Theo Open Stacks: BX4810.D6713 1970 v. 2
Mugar: BX4811 E71 v. 1
Mugar: BX4811 E71 v. 2
AUTHOR Dorner, I. A. (Isaak August), 1809-1884.
TITLE [System der christlichen Glaubenslehre. English] A system of Christian doctrine by
J.A. Dorner [sic]; translated by Alfred Cave and J.S. Banks.
PUB. INFO Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1880-1882.
DESCRIPTION 4 v.; 23 cm.
SERIES Clark's foreign theological library; new ser., v. 4, 5, 9, 10
SUBJECTS *S1 Theology, Doctrinal. *S2 Lutheran Church--Doctrines.
AUTHOR Dorner, I. A. (Isaak August), 1809-1884.
TITLE Dorner on the future state: being a translation of the section of his System of
Christian doctrine comprising the doctrine of the last things, with an introduction and
notes / by Newman Smyth.
PUB. INFO New York: Scribner's, 1883.
DESCRIPTION 155 p.; 19 cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Eschatology.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: BT821.D63 Library has: 2 cops.
AUTHOR Welch, Claude, ed. and tr.
TITLE God and Incarnation in mid-nineteenth century German theology: G. Thomasius, I.A.
Dorner, A.E. Biedermann.
IMPRINT New York, Oxford University Press, 1965.
DESCRIPT viii, 391 p. 24 cm.
SERIES A Library of Protestant thought. Library of Protestant thought.
NOTE Includes bibliographical references.
SUBJECT Theology. Theology, Doctrinal History Germany. Theology, Doctrinal
History 19th century.
ALT AUTHOR Thomasius, Gottfried, 1802-1875. Dorner, I. A. (Isaak August), 1809-1884.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: 230.09 W44g
AUTHOR Rothe, Richard, 1799-1867.
TITLE Dogmatik / von R. Rothe; aus dessen handschriftlichem nachlasse herausgegeben von D.
PUB. INFO Heidelberg: J. C. B. Mohr, 1870.
DESCRIPTION 2 v. in 3: front. (port.); 22 cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Theology, Doctrinal.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: OLD DIV 629 Rothe Library has: 2 v. in 3. Widener: C
1336.42.30 Library has: 2 v. in 3
AUTHOR Rothe, Richard, 1799-1867.
TITLE Theologische ethik. Von dr. Richard Rothe.
EDITION 2. vollig neu ausgearb. aufl.
IMPRINT Wittenberg, H. Koelling, 1867-71.
DESCRIPT 5 v. front. (port., v. 5) 22 1/2 cm.
NOTE On t.-p. of v. 3-5 : 2. aufl. Vols. 3-5 have imprint : Wittenberg, H. Koelling.
"Vorwort des herausgebers," v. 3-5, signed : H. Holtzmann. "Register"
issued separately but paged continuously with v. 5.
LOCATION Theo Storage B: 171.1 R74 v. 1
Theo Storage B: 171.1 R74 v. 2
Theo Storage B: 171.1 R74 v. 3
Theo Storage B: 171.1 R74 v. 4
Theo Storage B: 171.1 R74 v. 5
AUTHOR Menegoz, Eugene, 1838-1921.
TITLE La mort de Jesus et le dogme de l'expiation par E. Menegoz.
PUB. INFO Paris: Fischbacher, 1905.
DESCRIPTION 43 p.; 24 cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Atonement.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: Mfiche ATLA 1989-1536 Microfiche. Evanston: American
Theological Library Association, 1991. 1 microfiche. High reduction. Silver based film.
(ATLA monograph preservation program; ATLA fiche 1989-1536) Microfiche
AUTHOR Menegoz, Eugene, 1838-1921.
TITLE La notion biblique du miracle par Eugene Menegoz.
PUB. INFO Paris: Fischbacher, 1894.
DESCRIPTION 32 p.; 24 cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Miracles.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: Mfiche ATLA 1989-0674 Association, 1990. 1 microfiche. High
reduction. Silver fiche 1989-0674)
AUTHOR Sabatier, Auguste, 1839-1901.
TITLE [Esquisse d'une philosophie de la religion d'apres la psychologie et l'histoire]
Outlines of a philosophy of religion based on psychology and history, by Auguste Sabatier.
IMPRINT London, Hodder & Stroughton New York, J. Pott & company 1907 [1902]
DESCRIPT xv, 348 p. 21 cm.
CONTENTS book I. Religion. book II. Christianity. book III. Dogma.
Appendix: Reply to criticisms.
SUBJECT Religion Philosophy. Christianity Philosophy. Dogma.
LOCATION Mugar: BL51.F07
AUTHOR Sabatier, Auguste, 1839-1901.
TITLE Religions of authority and the religion of the spirit, by Auguste Sabatier... Tr. by
Louise Seymour Houghton.
IMPRINT New York, McClure, Phillips & Co., 1904.
DESCRIPT xxxiii, 410 p. 24 cm.
NOTE Prefatory note signed: Frankline Sabatier. "This volume forms a sequel to the
work which the author published in 1897, under the title, 'Outlines of a philosophy of
religion based upon psychology and history'." Pref.
CONTENTS Introduction: The problem. book 1. The Roman Catholic dogma of authority.
book 2. The Protestant dogma of authority. book 3.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: 230 Sa1r
Spec Coll Bernays BR121.F04
Mugar: BR 121 F04

AUTHOR Butler, Edward Cuthbert, 1858-1934.
TITLE The Vatican Council, 1869-1870, based on Bishop Ullathorne's letters. Edited by
Christopher Butler.
IMPRINT Westminster, Md., Newman Press, 1962.
DESCRIPT 510 p. 20 cm.
SUBJECT Vatican Council (1st : 1869-1870)
ALT AUTHOR Ullathorne, William Bernard, Abp., 1806-1889.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BX830 1869.B822
AUTHOR Butler, Edward Cuthbert, 1858-1934.
TITLE The Vatican council : the story from inside in Bishop Ullathorne's letters / by Dom
Cuthbert Butler.
IMPRINT London ; New York [etc.] : Longmans, Green, 1930.
DESCRIPT 2 v. : ill. ; 23 cm.
NOTE Bibliographical footnotes.
SUBJECT Vatican Council (1st : 1869-1870)
ALT AUTHOR Ullathorne, William Bernard, Abp., 1806-1889.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BX830 1869.B8 v. 1
Theo Open Stacks: BX830 1869.B8 v. 2
AUTHOR O'Meara, Thomas F., 1935-
TITLE Church and culture : German Catholic theology, 1860-1914 / Thomas Franklin O'Meara.
IMPRINT Notre Dame : University of Notre Dame Press, c1991.
DESCRIPT x, 260 p. ; 24 cm.
NOTE Includes bibliographical references (p. 253-254) and index.
ISN/MUSIC # 0268007837.
SUBJECT Catholic Church Germany Doctrines History 19th
century. Catholic Church Germany Doctrines History 20th
century. Theology, Doctrinal Germany History 19th century. Theology,
Doctrinal Germany History 20th century.
LOCATION Mugar: BX1747.O59 1991
AUTHOR Scheeben, Matthias Joseph, 1835-1888.
TITLE The mysteries of Christianity / by Matthias Joseph Scheeben; translated by Cyril
PUB. INFO St.Louis, MO: B. Herder, 1961, c1946.
DESCRIPTION ix, 834 p.; 24 cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Catholic Church--Controversial literature. *S2 Theology, Doctrinal.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: OLD DIV 606.7 S315.4mye 1961
Widener: C 4229.46

AUTHOR Ritschl, Albrecht Benjamin, 1822-1889.
TITLE Die christliche Lehre von der Rechtfertigung und Versohnung, v.3. English. The
Christian doctrine of justification and reconciliation; the positive development of the
doctrine. English translation, edited by H. R. Mackintosh and A. B. Macaulay.
EDITION [3d ed.]
IMPRINT Edinburgh, T.&T. Clark, 1900.
DESCRIPT xii, 673 p. 23 cm.
NOTE A translation of the 3d volume of the author's Die christliche Lehre von der
Rechtfertigung und Versohnung.
SUBJECT Justification.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BT75.R533 1900 c.2
Theo Open Stacks: BT75.R533 1900 c.3
AUTHOR Harnack, Adolf von, 1851-1930.
TITLE Wesen des Christentums. English. What is Christianity? / Adolf von Harnack ;
translated by Thomas Bailey ; introduction by Rudolf Bultmann.
EDITION 1st Fortress Press ed.
IMPRINT Philadelphia : Fortress Press, 1986, c1957.
DESCRIPT xviii, 301 p. ; 22 cm.
SERIES Fortress texts in modern theology. Fortress texts in modern theology.
NOTE A collection of lectures given at the University of Berlin, 1899- 1900. Translation
of: Das Wesen des Christentums. Includes bibliographical references.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BR121.H3 1986
AUTHOR Herrmann, Wilhelm, 1846-1922.
TITLE The communion of the Christian with God : described on the basis of Luther's
statements / being the translation by J. S. Sandys Stanyon; revised throughout and
enlarged and altered in accordance with the fourth German edition of 1903, by R. W.
EDITION 3d English ed.
IMPRINT London : Williams & Norgate; New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1913.
DESCRIPT xvii, 356 p. ; 19 cm.
SERIES Crown theological library.
ALT AUTHOR Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BT771.H43 1915
AUTHOR Brown, William Adams, 1865-1943.
TITLE Christian theology in outline / by William Adams Brown.
IMPRINT New York : C. Scribner's sons, 1906, 1907 printing.
DESCRIPT xiv, [2], 468 p. ; 23 cm.
NOTE Includes index. "A classified bibliography": p. [427]-454.
SUBJECT Theology, Doctrinal.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: 230 B81
AUTHOR Reardon, Bernard M. G., ed.
TITLE Religious thought in the nineteenth century [by] Bernard M. G. Reardon. Illustrated
from writers of the period.
IMPRINT London, Cambridge U. P., 1966.
DESCRIPT ix, 405 p. 24 cm.
NOTE Bibliographical footnotes.
SUBJECT Religious thought 19th century. Theology.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BR477.R4
Mugar: BR477.F66
Mugar: BR477.F66 c.2 MUGAR STORAGE
AUTHOR Cauthen, Kenneth, 1930-
TITLE The impact of American religious liberalism, by Kenneth Cauthen.
EDITION [1st ed.]
IMPRINT New York, Harper & Row [1962]
DESCRIPT xiii, 290 p. 22 cm.
NOTE Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p. 257-283)
SUBJECT Liberalism (Religion) United States Church history 20th century.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BR1615.C35
Theo Open Stacks: BR1615.C35 c.2
Mugar: BR1615.F62
Mugar: BR1615.F62 c.2 MUGAR STORAGE
AUTHOR Hutchison, William R.
TITLE The modernist impulse in American Protestantism / William R. Hutchison.
IMPRINT Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1976.
DESCRIPT x, 347 p. : ports. ; 25 cm.
NOTE Includes index. Bibliography: p. [325]-340.
ISN/MUSIC # 0674580583.
SUBJECT Modernism.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BT82.H87
Mugar: BT82.H87
AUTHOR Gore, Charles, 1853-1932.
TITLE Lux mundi: a series of studies in the religion of the incarnation / edited by
Charles Gore.
PUB. INFO London: J. Murray, 1890.
DESCRIPTION xxiii, 525 p.; 23 cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Christianity.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: OLD DIV 610.5 G666.4lu 1890e

AUTHOR Loisy, Alfred Firmin, 1857-1940.
TITLE The gospel and the church / by Alfred Loisy ; with an introd. by Bernard B. Scott.
IMPRINT Philadelphia : Fortress Press, c1976.
DESCRIPT lxxiii, 277 p. ; 19 cm.
SERIES Lives of Jesus series. Lives of Jesus series.
NOTE A criticism of Adolf Harnack's Das Wesen des Christentums. "Selected
bibliography": p. lxxi-lxxiii.
SUBJECT Harnack, Adolf von, 1851-1930. Wesen des Christentums.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BR121.H3 L6 1976
Theo Open Stacks: BR121.H3 L6 1976 c.2
AUTHOR Tyrrell, George, 1861-1909.
TITLE Christianity at the cross-roads / by George Tyrrell.
PUB. INFO London; New York: Longmans, Green, 1909.
DESCRIPTION xxii, 282 p.; 20cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Modernism--Catholic Church.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: OLD DIV 606.7 T993.4ch 1909
AUTHOR Tyrrell, George, 1861-1909.
TITLE The church and the future by George Tyrrell.
PUB. INFO London: Priory Press, 1910.
DESCRIPTION 192 p.; 20 cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Catholic Church--Controversial literature. *S2 Modernism--Catholic Church
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: Mfiche ATLA 1986-2951 Microfiche. Chicago: American
Theological Library Association, 1986. 1 microfiche; 11 x 15 cm. High reduction. Silver
based film. (ATLA monograph preservation program; ATLA fiche 1986-2951). Microfiche
AUTHOR Poulat, Emile.
TITLE Histoire, dogme et critique dans la crise moderniste.
PUB. INFO [Paris] Casterman, 1962.
DESCRIPTION 696 p. 20 cm.
SERIES Religion et societes
SUBJECTS *S1 Modernism--Catholic Church.
LOCATION Widener: Fr 429.701
AUTHOR Vidler, Alexander Roper, 1899-
TITLE A variety of Catholic modernists, by Alex R. Vidler.
IMPRINT [London] Cambridge University Press, 1970.
DESCRIPT viii, 232 p. illus., ports. 22 cm. 50/- ($8.50)
SERIES The Sarum lectures, 1968-69. Sarum lectures, 1968-1969.
NOTE Bibliography: p. 221-226.
SUBJECT Modernism Catholic Church. Catholics Biography. Catholics
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BX1396.V52 1970
AUTHOR Vidler, Alexander Roper, 1899-
TITLE The modernist movement in the Roman Church; its origins & outcome. Being the
Norrisian prize essay in the University of Cambridge for the year 1933, by Alec R. Vidler.
PUB. INFO Cambridge [Eng.] The University press, 1934.
DESCRIPTION xiii, 286 p. 23cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Loisy, Alfred Firmin, 1857-1940. *S2 Tyrrell, George, 1861-1909. *S3
Modernism--Catholic Church.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: OLD DIV 686 R.C.
Widener: C 4735.25
AUTHOR Reardon, Bernard M. G., comp.
TITLE Roman Catholic modernism, edited and introduced by Bernard M. G. Reardon.
IMPRINT Stanford, Calif., Stanford University Press [1970]
DESCRIPT 251 p. 23 cm. $7.95.
SERIES A Library of modern religious thought.
NOTE Includes bibliographical references.
ISN/MUSIC # 0804707502.
SUBJECT Modernism Catholic Church.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BX1396.R4 1970
Mugar: BX1396.F70

AUTHOR Strauss, David Friedrich, 1808-1874.
TITLE The life of Jesus, critically examined. Edited and with an introd. by Peter C.
Hodgson. Translated from the fourth German ed. by George Eliot.
IMPRINT Philadelphia, Fortress Press [1973, c1972]
DESCRIPT lviii, 39-812 p. 22 cm.
SERIES Lives of Jesus series.
NOTE Bibliography: p. 803-812.
ISN/MUSIC # 403002389.
SUBJECT Jesus Christ Biography.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BT301.S72 1973
AUTHOR Schweitzer, Albert, 1875-1965.
TITLE The quest of the historical Jesus; a critical study of its progress from Reimarus to
Wrede, by Albert Schweitzer. Translated by W. Montgomery, with a preface by F. C. Burkitt.
EDITION 2d English ed.
IMPRINT London, A. & C. Black ltd., 1931.
DESCRIPT x, 410 p. 22 1/2 cm.
NOTE "First edition published March, 1910; second edition...April 1911; reprinted,
1922, 1926 and 1931." "Index of authors and works": p. 403-410.
SUBJECT Jesus Christ Biography History and criticism. Jesus Christ
ALT AUTHOR Montgomery, W. (William), 1871-1930.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BT303.2.S413 1911
AUTHOR Kahler, Martin, 1835-1912.
TITLE The so-called historical Jesus and the historic, Biblical Christ. Translated,
edited, and with an introd. by Carl E. Braaten. Foreword by Paul J. Tillich.
IMPRINT Philadelphia, Fortress Press [1964]
DESCRIPT xiii, 153 p. 21 cm.
SERIES Seminar editions.
NOTE Bibliographical footnotes.
SUBJECT Jesus Christ Historicity. Bible. N.T. Historiography.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BT303.2.K313 c.2
AUTHOR Massey, Marilyn Chapin, 1942-
TITLE Christ unmasked : the meaning of The life of Jesus in German politics / Marilyn
Chapin Massey.
IMPRINT Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c1983.
DESCRIPT ix, 182 p. ; 21 cm.
SERIES Studies in religion. Studies in religion (Chapel Hill, N.C.)
NOTE Includes index. Bibliography: p. [169]-175.
ISN/MUSIC # 0807815241.
SUBJECT Strauss, David Friedrich, 1808-1874. Leben Jesu. Jesus Christ Biography.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BT301.S73 M37
Mugar: BT301.S73M37 1983
AUTHOR Troeltsch, Ernst, 1865-1923.
TITLE [Gesammelte Schriften. Selections. English] Writings on theology and religion / [by]
Ernst Troeltsch; translated and edited by Robert Morgan and Michael Pye.
PUB. INFO London: Duckworth, 1977.
DESCRIPTION ix, 260 p.; 24 cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Troeltsch, Ernst, 1865-1923. *S2 Theology.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: BR85.T7613 1977b
Widener: WID-LC BR85.T745 x
AUTHOR Blondel, Maurice, 1861-1949.
TITLE The letter on apologetics, and History and dogma. Texts presented and translated by
Alexander Dru and Illtyd Trethowan.
EDITION [1st ed.]
IMPRINT New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston [1965, c1964]
DESCRIPT 301 p. port. 22 cm.
NOTE Translation of Lettre sur les exigences de la pensee contemporaine en matiere
d'apologetique et sur la methode de la philosophie dans l'etude du probleme religieux, and
Histoire et dogme. Bibliography: p. [289]-293.
SUBJECT Philosophy and religion. Apologetics Methodology.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: 239 B62L

AUTHOR Feuerbach, Ludwig, 1804-1872.
TITLE The essence of Christianity. Translated from the German by George Eliot.
Introductory essay by Karl Barth. Foreword by H. Richard Niebuhr.
IMPRINT New York, Harper [1957]
DESCRIPT xliv, 339 p. 21 cm.
SERIES The Library of religion and culture.
NOTE Harper torchbooks, TB11.
SUBJECT Religion Philosophy.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: B2971.W4.E5 1957
Theo Open Stacks: B2971.W4.E5 1957 c.2
Mugar: B2971.W4.E5 F571 c.4
Mugar: B2971.W4.E5 F571 c.5 MUGAR STORAGE
Mugar: B2971.W4.E5 F571 c.6 MUGAR STORAGE
AUTHOR Marx, Karl, 1818-1883.
TITLE On religion [by] Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Introd. by Reinhold Niebuhr.
IMPRINT New York, Schocken Books [1964]
DESCRIPT 382 p. 21 cm.
SERIES Schocken paperbacks.
NOTE "SB67." Bibliographical references included in "Notes" (p.
SUBJECT Religion.
ALT AUTHOR Engels, Friedrich, 1820-1895.
LOCATION Mugar: BL2775.M3983 1964 c.2
AUTHOR Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939.
TITLE The future of an illusion / Sigmund Freud ; newly translated from the German and
edited by James Strachey.
IMPRINT New York : Norton, c1961.
DESCRIPT 63 p. ; 18 cm.
NOTE Translation of: Die Zukunft einer Illusion. Includes index. Bibliography: p. 57-59.
ISN/MUSIC # 0393011208. 0393008312 (pbk.) :
SUBJECT Psychology, Religious. Religion. Psychoanalysis.
LOCATION Mugar: BL53.F7313 1961
AUTHOR James, William, 1842-1910.
TITLE The varieties of religious experience; a study in human nature; being the Gifford
lectures on natural religion delivered at Edinburgh in 1901-1902, by William James.
IMPRINT New York, Longmans, Green, 1902.
DESCRIPT xii, 534 p. 21 1/2 cm.
SERIES Gifford lectures ; 1901-1902.
NOTE "Bibliographical note: First edition, June, 1902 - Reprinted, with revisions,
August, 1902." "Being the Gifford lectures on natural religion delivered at
Edinburgh in 1901-1902." Includes bibliographical references.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BR110.J3
Theo Open Stacks: BR110.J3 c.2
AUTHOR Moore, James Richard, 1947-
TITLE The post-Darwinian controversies : a study of the Protestant struggle to come to
terms with Darwin in Great Britain and America, 1870-1900 / James R. Moore.
IMPRINT Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1979.
DESCRIPT xi, 502 p. ; 24 cm.
NOTE Includes index. Bibliography: p. [401]-458.
ISN/MUSIC # 0521219892 :
SUBJECT Evolution Religious aspects Christianity. Protestant churches
Doctrines Great Britain. Protestant churches Doctrines United States.
Theology, Doctrinal History 19th century.
LOCATION Mugar: BT712.M66

AUTHOR Rauschenbusch, Walter, 1861-1918.
TITLE A theology for the social gospel.
IMPRINT New York : MacMillan, 1918, c1917.
DESCRIPT 5 p.l., 279 p. ; 19 cm.
NOTE "Four lectures on the Nathaniel W. Taylor foundation before the annual
convocation of the Yale school of religion... presented in elaborated form."
SUBJECT Sociology, Christian. Theology, Doctrinal.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BT738.R38
Theo Open Stacks: BT738.R38 c.2
Theo Open Stacks: BT738.R38 c.3
Theo Open Stacks: BT738.R38 c.4
Spec Coll BU: B7Z R35
AUTHOR McCorkel, Roy James, 1908-
TITLE Voices from the younger churches. Edited by Roy J. McCorkle.
IMPRINT New York, Pub. for the Student Volunteer Movement by Friendship Press [c1939]
DESCRIPT x, 114 p. 19 cm.
SUBJECT Missions.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BV2120.M3
AUTHOR Troeltsch, Ernst, 1865-1923.
TITLE The social teaching of the Christian churches. Translated by Olive Wyon, with an
introductory note by Charles Gore.
IMPRINT London, Allen & Unwin [1950]
DESCRIPT 2 v. 24 cm.
SERIES Halley Stewart publications, 1.
NOTE Notes include bibliographical material.
SUBJECT Church and social problems History.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: HN 31.T75 v. 1 c.4
Theo Open Stacks: HN 31.T75 v. 1 c.5
Theo Open Stacks: HN 31.T75 v. 2 c.4
Theo Open Stacks: HN 31.T75 v. 2 c.5
AUTHOR Misner, Paul.
TITLE Social Catholicism in Europe : from the onset of industrialization to the First
World War / Paul Misner.
IMPRINT New York : Crossroad, 1991.
DESCRIPT x, 362 p. ; 24 cm.
NOTE Includes bibliographical references (p. 327-347) and indexes.
ISN/MUSIC # 0824510976 :
SUBJECT Sociology, Christian (Catholic) Europe History of doctrines - -19th
century. Sociology, Christian (Catholic) Europe History of doctrines - -20th
century. Church and social problems Europe History 19th century.
Church and social problems Europe History 20th century.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BX1753.M57 1991
AUTHOR Ragaz, Leonhard, 1868-1945.
TITLE Selections. English. 1984. Signs of the kingdom : a Ragaz reader / edited and
translated by Paul Bock ; with a foreword by M. Douglas Meeks.
IMPRINT Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans, c1984.
DESCRIPT xxii, 127 p. ; 21 cm.
NOTE Translated from the German. Bibliography: p. 127.
ISN/MUSIC # 0802819869 (pbk.)
SUBJECT Kingdom of God. Theology. Socialism, Christian.
ALT AUTHOR Bock, Paul, 1922-
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BT94.R24213

AUTHOR Troeltsch, Ernst, 1865-1923.
TITLE Glaubenslehre. English. The Christian faith : based on lectures delivered at the
University of Heidelberg in 1912 and 1913 / Ernst Troeltsch ; with a foreword by Marta
Troeltsch ; edited by Gertrud von le Fort ; translated by Garrett E. Paul.
IMPRINT Minneapolis : Fortress Press, c1991.
DESCRIPT xli, 310 p. ; 22 cm.
SERIES Fortress texts in modern theology.
NOTE Translation of: Glaubenslehre. Includes bibliographical references (p. xxxix-xli) and
ISN/MUSIC # 0800632095 :
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BT75.T76413 1991
Theo Open Stacks: BT75.T76413 1991 c.2
AUTHOR Troeltsch, Ernst, 1865-1923.
TITLE Christian thought, its history and application; lectures written for delivery in
England during March 1923, by the late Ernst Troeltsch... Translated into English by
various hands and edited with an introduction and index by Baron F. von Hugel.
IMPRINT London, University of London Press, ltd., 1923.
DESCRIPT xxxi, 179 p. 19 cm.
SUBJECT Christianity.
ALT AUTHOR Hugel, Friedrich, Freiherr von, 1852-1925, ed. Hugel, Friedrich, Freiherr von,
1852-1925 ed.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BR83.T74
Theo Open Stacks: BR83.T74 c.2
AUTHOR Troeltsch, Ernst, 1865-1923.
TITLE Essays. English. Selections. Religion in history / Ernst Troeltsch ; essays
translated by James Luther Adams and Walter E. Bense ; with an introduction by James
Luther Adams.
EDITION 1st Fortress Press ed.
IMPRINT Minneapolis : Fortress Press, c1991.
DESCRIPT x, 386 p. ; 22 cm.
SERIES Fortress texts in modern theology.
NOTE Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISN/MUSIC # 0800632087.
SUBJECT Theology.
LOCATION Theo Open Stacks: BR50.T764 1991
Theo Open Stacks: BR50.T764 1991 c.2
AUTHOR Troeltsch, Ernst, 1865-1923.
TITLE [Gesammelte Schriften. Selections. English] Writings on theology and religion / [by]
Ernst Troeltsch; translated and edited by Robert Morgan and Michael Pye.
PUB. INFO London: Duckworth, 1977.
DESCRIPTION ix, 260 p.; 24 cm.
SUBJECTS *S1 Troeltsch, Ernst, 1865-1923. *S2 Theology.
LOCATION Andover-Harv. Theol: BR85.T7613 1977b
Widener: WID-LC BR85.T745 x

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